Chapter 533

"I don't know what it is. The guard said there was an express for you. I took a look and wrote your name and brought it to you."

Qin Ya saw that it didn't have the name and address of the sender, and it was still in a document bag. "Is it a document or something like that?"

"You'd better open it." Qin Ya hands it to her.

Lin Xinyan reached over and opened the seal. It was not a document, but a stack of photos.

It seemed that she was intrigued. She reached out and took it out. However, the contents were ugly.

These are not the most important. What matters is the people in the photos.

The blood color on her face inch by inch retreated, and her hands also trembled, but she did not stop looking at the next one, each of which was the same.

Qin Ya saw that her face was not right. He reached over and said, "what is it..."

Before she saw it, Lin Xinyan put it back in the bag, and tightly clenched the torn mouth, for fear that others would see it as if nothing had happened“ It's nothing. "

"But I don't think you look right." Qin Ya frowned.

She said it was ok, but her face couldn't deceive people. It was obviously not like it was OK.

Qin Ya's eyes stare at the bag in her hand. What's in it? Can you change her face in a moment?

"I may be a little tired. Qin ya, please let me stay for a while." Lin Xinyan turned his back to her.

Now she needs to calm down.

Qin Ya said that if she didn't say it, maybe she just didn't want to say it. She just hoped that there was something she didn't want to hide in her heart. She could tell her after she calmed down.

After all, one more person knows, one more idea.

After Qin Ya left. Lin Xinyan pulled a chair and sat down. When she calmed down, she took out the photo again. She was ready. After all, the protagonist was the one she cared about.

It's a very explicit bed photo of Zong Jinghao and a woman. There are many of them. Every face is very clear.

No matter how she looks at it, she can't tell the true from the false.

She told herself in her heart that it must be a fake and someone must have sent it to her on purpose.

But the heart is dull.

She forced herself to calm down, impulsive can not solve any problem.

There is no signature or address on the express mail sent to her. Obviously, I don't want people to know. So it means that the person who sent these to her must have a purpose.

As for the purpose, she did not know.

Maybe it's with Zong Jinghao? You know her relationship with Zong Jinghao, so you sent it to her on purpose?

She didn't know.

She couldn't solve the problem. Thinking about it, she found an unused file bag, put it back and sealed it.

She came out, Qin Ya is receiving guests, did not come forward to disturb.

Shao Yun came in with a blue grape and said to Lin Xinyan with a smile, "I picked this from the vineyard when I passed by Tangxian. It's fresh. I'll try it for you."

Lin Xinyan heart installed things, no appetite, but in the face of Shaoyun's good intentions. Or smile and say, "thank you."

"Tell me what, I'll wash." Shao Yun carried the basket to the inside, and soon carried a plate of washed green grapes. It was not very big. Looking at the crystal clear, he handed it over, "you try it."

Lin Xinyan picked one, but he couldn't taste it. His mind was full of photos.

She looked at Shao Yun, "you say, if two completely unrelated people can appear in the same photo?"

Shao Yun vomited the grape skin in his mouth and looked at her, "why do you suddenly ask this?"

Lin Xinyan trusted Zong Jinghao in his heart. There is still a trace of uncertainty in my heart. When I see Shao Yun, I want to find a reason for myself and comfort myself that photos can be synthesized.

Then she can tell herself that what she sees is false, and she may feel better.

She tugged at her lips. "Just ask."

"Of course, with the development of science and technology, what can't be counterfeited? People can make fake, not photos. " Today's women can go to plastic surgery to change a face, there is no economy, but also can use the mobile phone to PS photos and then send them to the circle of friends.

It's a fake.

Then he pointed to the grapes, "why don't you eat such sweet grapes?"

"I've just had my meal, and I can't eat it now." She made an excuse. Because really can't eat, but listen to Shao Yun's words, she felt much better.Shao Yun did not force, "that line, when you want to eat again, if you like, tell me, I'll take it back to you."

Lin Xinyan said yes.

"How about the factory?" She digs a subject.

"The equipment is already in trial production. If there is no problem, it can be put into production. However, we can't take orders recently. We have done enough for a while before." Shao Yun sighed, "I didn't expect that. You know a lot when you are young. This kind of cloth is so good. How can so many people want it? "

"Of course you don't think it's good. This person should appreciate it." Qin Ya saw off the guests and came over.

Shao Yun dislikes Qin Ya most, saying that he is a layman.

"You know it." He put another grape in his mouth.

Today, Shao Yun wore a white T-shirt with yellow curls at the neckline and cuffs, and the big underpants of yellow SpongeBob.

Qin Ya looked up and down at him and turned her lips.

"What are you looking at?" Shao Yun looked down and there was nothing wrong with it.

"No, I think you look good." Qin Ya knows that he likes to listen to this. He has this vision, this hobby and likes fancy clothes.

Sure enough, Qin Ya said that he was handsome and stood upright.

"Second uncle, how about I design some clothes for you?" Qin Ya is not very familiar with him, but he has a good relationship with Lin Xinyan. No matter how flashy he was and how old he was, it was not suitable for him to call him by his first name, so he called him like Lin Xinyan.

But we've been together for two months, working together. We have friends.

In fact, he is very reliable in his work, except that he likes to be praised as young and handsome, and has no shortcomings.

No, he has another shortcoming. Like to wear fancy clothes, but also always feel that fancy clothes, will make him look very young, this is a very speechless thing.

"OK, you should see what I like and design it for me in this style." Shao Yun leaned over with a smile, "do you think I have good taste?"

Qin ya, "..."

Lin Xinyan can't look down. Can this be called taste?

"It's not taste, it's hobby." Qin Ya corrected.

If it's good taste, the world will be in a mess.

All over the world is colorful.

"Hobbies are OK." He likes it anyway.

"Well, I have something else to do. Let's go first." Shao Yun is the busiest one. He has to look at the company and help Lin Xinyan.

When Shao Yun left, Qin Ya dared to say, "what was in the express just now? It seems to me that you..."

"Xiaoya." Before she finished, she was interrupted by Lin Xinyan“ Give this to Zong Jinghao for me. "

Qin Ya looks at her and doesn't pick her up immediately. Unexpectedly, she suddenly mentions Zong Jinghao.

"You should be in touch with him, right?" When Lin Xinyan saw Zong Jinghao, he thought about many things clearly.

Qin Ya lied and took her two children to eat paper wrapped fish. In fact, she went to eat Western food, so she should go to see him.

Otherwise she didn't have to tell the lie.

Zong Jinghao should not plan to show up, just let Qin Ya secretly take two children to meet in secret.

As for why she asked Su Zhan to show up again, she didn't know. Maybe the secret meeting couldn't satisfy his yearning for the two children. She really wanted to take the children to B city for a few days.

Qin Ya took a deep breath. Hand over, Su Zhan all appeared, if Lin Xinyan has not found anything, that is strange.

"What did he send you?" Qin Ya was a little curious. After all, when Lin Xinyan saw it, his face was very ugly.

"No, you just give it to him. If he asks, you will say that it was sent to me by someone else without signature and address. I think he should know who made it." Obviously, after all, it's for him.

Qin Ya said, "I'll contact him now."

"I'm off work today." She inexplicably want to escape, even to hear about him.

At this time, she especially wants to be quiet. Here, she is not in the mood to work. Her mind is a bit confused. Even if she knows it may be fake, it has a big impact on her mood.

Qin Ya said well, she can see that Lin Xinyan's mood is affected by something.

She looked down at the file bag in her hand, took out her mobile phone and made a call to Zong Jinghao.At this time, Zong Jinghao and his two children just arrived in Baicheng. When they saw that it was Qin Yafa who called, they picked it up.

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