Chapter 532

The white gauze curtain is full of soft light, but he doesn't find that when he looks at his eyes, his lips are tight, or is it just a temporary illusion?

At this moment, she should be shocked by the appearance of Su Zhan, right?

Lin Xinyan leaned his back against the wall by the window, shivering all over. He covered his heart with his hands, as if he had fallen a huge stone and couldn't breathe.

She tried to breathe hard, so that she would not suffocate and could not suppress the mixed feelings.

The moment I saw him was joyful and complicated.

She closed her eyes. It took a long time for the shaking body to stabilize.

He didn't appear in front of her. It should be that the matter about Wen Qing hasn't been dealt with.

She opened her eyes and reached for the curtain to look at him again, but for no reason. But he stopped.

Hands in the air, always can't fall.

She didn't know what she was struggling with, or she was afraid that she didn't do it.

Slowly she put down her hand,

She took a deep breath, lifted her spirits and went to the wardrobe to clean up the clothes for the two children.

Summer clothes don't take up space. After she came to C City, she didn't take her children far away, so there was no suitcase at home. She carried it in her handbag.

When she comes out, Su Zhan is talking to the two children.

Seeing her coming out, Su Zhan stood up.

Lin Xinyan handed the bag to him.

"Send them back in a few days." Su Zhan said, because he was going to visit Zong Kaifeng in Baicheng. So he's going to have to take the two kids away now.

Zong Jinghao asked Su Zhan to tell her that it would take only a few days.

Because Zong Jinghao knows that Lin Xinyan needs two children beside her more than him. When she doesn't know who the father of the two children is, she would rather be a single mother to give birth to them, which is enough to show how much she loves them. Moreover, after giving birth to them, she has never separated from them.

The feeling is much deeper than him.

"It doesn't matter to live longer. They should miss him too." Lin Xinyan said with a smile, "are you in a hurry to leave today?"

Su Zhan nodded, "well."

She looked at the two children and said, "come here."

"Mommy." The two children sprang on her and held her legs in their arms.

Lin Xinyan touched their heads and said, "I miss my father. Now I can go to see him. Are you happy?"

"Yes, yes." Zong Yanxi nodded.

"But I don't want to leave Mommy either." Zong Yanchen rubbed his face against her.

Seeing that the children were reluctant to give up Lin Xinyan, Su Zhan comforted them, "I will send you back in a few days. Today we are leaving. Your father should want to see you very much."

"Mommy." Zongyanchen is reluctant to give up. If he doesn't want to see his grandfather, he won't leave mummy and let mummy alone.

"All right. Come on, it's not like you're not coming back. " Lin Xinyan gave them to Su Zhan, "please take care of them."

"No trouble." Su Zhan takes Zong Yanxi's hand and looks at Lin Xinyan, "sister-in-law, let's go."

Lin Xinyan said softly. When they came to the door, Lin Xinyan thought of Qin Ya who was going back to the room and called him, "Su Zhan."

"Well?" Su Zhan looks back.

Soon, Lin Xinyan shook his head again. "It's OK. Slow down on the road."

She wanted to talk to Su Zhan about Qin ya. But I don't think it's right.

Su Zhan said yes. He hesitated for a few seconds and felt that he should say to her, "Wen Qing turned himself in..."

"I don't want to know these things." Before Su Zhan finished, Lin Xinyan interrupted her.

Now she just wants to live here quietly and do what she wants to do well.

At the beginning, I chose to leave, but I didn't want to get involved in anything.

It has nothing to do with her whether she is alive or dead.

Say she is cold-blooded or ruthless, for the relatives who have never been together. She really doesn't have much emotion.

She doesn't want to carry too much, she can't, she is very tired, just want to be simple.

Su Zhan pursed his lips and didn't continue to say that when he mentioned this, he just wanted to tell her that no matter what the result of Wen Qing's trial and sentence was, it had nothing to do with Zong Jinghao. He turned himself in.

This is the only good thing Wen Qing has done.

Let the relationship between Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan not be irreconcilable.Wen Qing indirectly killed Cheng Yuxiu, but Wen Qing also turned himself in, which is one for one.

Knowing that she didn't want to hear Su Zhan go on, she went out with her two children.

"Mommy, we'll be back soon." The two children turned back and waved to her.

She didn't go out to see them off, just stood in the porch. Waving to them, "OK, I'll wait for you."

Soon the elevator opened, and Su Zhan took two children to the elevator.

"We're going." Su Zhan said.

Lin Xinyan kept a smile on his face and said, "OK." Watched them on the elevator, until the door of the elevator has been closed, did not take back the line of sight.

Just standing there, staring at the number of the elevator floor beating.

6 ,5,4,3,2,1

She calculated the time, when they would get off the elevator, when they would walk out of the community, and when they would meet him.

She slowly turned and walked to the living room. Standing on the balcony, she could see the entrance of the community, but she didn't go.

Not separated from her children, she was afraid that she would give up and that he would find herself.

She walked to the dining table with radishes washed by her daughter and red bean cakes brought by her son, but she couldn't eat anything at the moment.

The whole heart is heavy.

She just sat quietly.

The clock on the wall is ticking along, time is passing by.

Qin Ya comes out of her bedroom and sees Lin Xinyan sitting there. Without saying anything, I opened the refrigerator, took a bottle of water, opened the chair and sat down.

She thought that even if she didn't say anything, Lin Xinyan might find something.

The appearance of Su Zhan proves that Zong Jinghao also knows this place.

"Two children?" Qin Ya asked.

"It's a bit. I haven't separated, but it's good. After all, it's also his children. It's selfish of me to take them away."

When he needs company most. She didn't even leave her children for him.

"I'll be back soon. Besides, you're not alone now." Qin Ya looks at her stomach.

Lin Xin bowed his head and said with a smile, "yes. I'm not alone. I still have him. "

In the heart has installed the matter, the speech desire is not big, later Lin Xinyan returned to the bedroom. She sat by the bed, looking at the window.

He knew here that night might not be a dream, but a real existence.

She looked back at the messy bed. He leaned down and couldn't sleep.

The loneliness that never existed is wrapped by the dark night.

The child is not around, she devoted herself to work, because she received many orders from xiangyunsha. The original factory has been unable to supply, with the help of Shao Yun, she expanded the scale.

At noon, Qin Ya came from her residence and gave Lin Xinyan an express.

She designed a Chinese wedding dress for a client. She left the picture at home. When she went back to pick it up, the guard said they had their express. She took a look at it and brought it to Lin Xinyan.

"I haven't been shopping lately." Who will send her an express?

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