Chapter 476

Lin Xinyan felt it necessary to make it clear to them that they had changed their names.

After thinking about how to open her mouth, she said to the children in a soft voice, "our country has a history of 5000 years. It can be said that it has a long history. Since ancient times, there has been a tradition that children follow their father's surname. Before I had time to tell you that your father and I changed your surname."

Lin Xichen looked up at her, chewed the food in her mouth, and said after swallowing it“ That's what you're going to tell us? "

Lin Xinyan nodded. It seemed that he knew the same attitude. He tried to ask, "do you know?"

No one seems to know about it, right?

How did he know?

Lin Xichen put a chopstick of steamed cake into his mouth to chew“ I don't know, but I know that it's a matter of time to change one's surname. If you don't tell me, I've also found that people around me follow their father's surname. Only my sister and I are special, but now it's not special, and no one will think that my father is stepping in backwards. "

Lin Xinyan. "..."

How does the child know so much? You know how to flip the door?

Lin Ruixi, who has been eating but doesn't care to talk, heard his brother's words, blinked his eyes and asked curiously, "what's the meaning of inverted door?"

Lin Xichen hardly needs to think. And very seriously replied, "the usual situation is that a woman married a man, just like mommy to marry her father, so it's normal, inverted door, that is, a man married a woman, just like mommy married her father, father belongs to inverted door."

Linruixi listen to confused, what men and women? Who will marry whom? She shook her head and didn't bother to sort out the twists and turns here. She just asked, "are we not surnamed Lin now?"

"Of course." Lin Xichen raised her chin and asked her to ask Lin Xinyan, "ask Mommy."

Lin Xinyan looks funny at his son. Where did the child hear this?

"Mommy, we're following dad's surname now, aren't we?" The little girl still has food in her mouth. She purrs when she talks.

Lin Xinyan touched his daughter's head and said seriously, "yes, your surname is Zong, and your name has changed a little. Your name is Zong Yanxi, and your brother's name is Zong Yanchen. I will introduce you to others later. Do you know that?"

"Then you call us by our original names. You haven't changed. " The little girl said.

Lin Xinyan sighed. The child has really changed. He used to be ignorant and didn't know anything. He knew how to eat. Now he can speak.

Although sometimes very confused, but, more than before will say.

She glared at her son. Did she really respond to the saying, "those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to Mo are black?" Stay with him all day and become the same as him?

"Mommy has been calling you for five years, but I can't change it for a while, but Mommy will try to adapt to your new name as soon as possible." She said solemnly to her daughter.

The little girl took a few sips of milk. Then what do you call me? Yan Xi? Or Xi Xi? " She blinked her eyes and said seriously, "it's not as pleasant as before."

"Hurry up and have a meal. If you listen more, you'll be happy. There are people who call Er Gouzi. If you listen more, you'll get used to it."

The little girl almost spewed out the milk in her mouth. She opened her eyes inconceivably and looked at Lin Xinyan. "How irresponsible the parents are to give their children such a name?"

"No one doesn't love their children. People in the past are old-fashioned. It's a name that's cheap and easy to support. " Lin Xinyan patiently explained to her daughter to let her know that there is no parents in the world who do not love their children. The only difference is the way of love.

After breakfast, Lin Xinyan left with her two children. Because she had no luggage, she didn't need to pack anything. When she came, she just casually took a coat and put it on her body, and put money and cards in a handbag. No matter where she went, she couldn't do without money. Besides, there was another thing beside the two children, which was the document that Wen Xian left her.

She led the two children down the elevator and went to the front desk to check out. When the receptionist saw her two children, he said, "your two children are very beautiful."

Lin Xinyan took the deposit and laughed at the front desk. She led her two children out of the hotel and took a taxi by the side of the road. Fortunately, there was a large flow of people and a lot of taxis. She was not asked to wait, so she got on the taxi.

"Where are you going?" The taxi driver looked back at them.

Lin Xinyan let two children sit well, just said to the driver, "JK group."The driver started the car and drove away

Maybe because it's a strange city, the two children are struggling to look out of the window. Lin Xinyan pulls his son, "Xiao Xi, you let my sister."

"Didn't you say you changed your name? Why is it called Xiao Xi? " Lin Xichen sat inside and gave the window to his sister.

Lin Xinyan helps the forehead, really forgot, the habit is really very difficult to change, "Mommy remember, next time call Yanchen."

"Call Chenchen and be friendly." He rarely acts coquetry in front of Lin Xinyan.

Lin Xinyan hooked his son's head and gave him a kiss on the forehead“ If you like, it's called Chenchen. "

The taxi driver in front of him, looking at them in his rearview mirror, "are you here for the first time?"

Lin Xinyan said, "yes."

"You are very lucky. The two children are so handsome. Your son's face doesn't suit you very much. He should be like his father, right?"

Lin Xichen's little face is long open. It's more and more similar to Zong Jinghao. Sometimes the frown between her eyebrows is carved in a mold. She reaches out her hand and gently touches her son's face. Seems to have seen another person.

A faint melancholy rose from the bottom of my heart.

"Here it is."

When Lin Xinyan's mind was wandering, the taxi master stopped his car in front of a conjoined building and said to her, "JK group is here."

Lin Xinyan came back. He took the money out of his wallet and handed it to the taxi driver. Then he opened the door and got off with his two children.

Standing on the side of the road, you can clearly see the building. The reason why it is conjoined is because it is in the middle of the two buildings. A glass overpass connects the two buildings.

Between the two roofs, there is a huge billboard hanging in the air, on which the words of JK group are written majestically.

She took a deep breath. Led two children into, two children look around, because to a strange place, instinctive look up.

Through the hall, Lin Xinyan led the two children to the front desk. The front desk warmly said, "who are you, please?"

"I'm looking for a man named Shao Yun."

Front desk a Leng, did not expect someone will call Shao taboo, can't help but look at her, asked, "do you have an appointment?"

Lin Xinyan shook his head, "No."

"Sorry, I can't let you in." The front desk is smiling at her.

"Excuse me, do you have Shao Yun here?" Lin Xinyan asked again.

She wants to find out whether this Shaoyun exists.

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