Chapter 475

The phone didn't hang up and didn't speak.

Seems to be separated from each other silently tell the heartfelt.

It was Lin Xinyan who couldn't bear it any longer. She hung up the phone ruthlessly. She held her cell phone tightly and pressed it in her heart. She tried to restrain but couldn't restrain her choking. She felt more and more pain.

Because the two children who fell asleep in the car seemed to be disturbed. When they opened their eyes in a daze, they saw Lin Xinyan crying. Lin Ruixi rubbed her eyes and reached out to wipe her tears. "Mommy, are you crying?"

Look at my daughter. She wiped away her tears and pulled her dry lips. "Mommy just got sand in her eyes and didn't cry."

The little girl blinked. Where did the sand come from in the car? Even if there is no wind, even if there is sand, how can you run into your eyes?

"Xiaorui, just rub it for Mommy." She held out her fleshy little hand. Gently rub her eyes.

And Lin Xichen is like an adult. She seems to know why Mommy is crying, but she doesn't come to comfort her.

Looking out of the window alone, sighing slightly.

At night, when the car arrived in City C, Lin Xinyan paid to get off and took his two children to stay in the hotel. Although it was very late, there was still food in the hotel. Lin Xinyan called the front desk and asked for something to eat. She didn't have much appetite, but she had to eat for the children in her stomach, and two children were hungry so late.

Because I didn't bring anything. It was night again. After eating, I washed the children and took them to bed.

The two children were tired by car, comfortable after taking a bath, and soon fell asleep in her arms, but she was not sleepy at all.

Through the thin screen curtain, we can see the bright and flashing lights of the city at night, just like a prosperous city.

There are just arrived in the city of uncertainty and a little bit of instability, as well as the concern about that person, the mind can not be calm, doomed to be a sleepless night.

Similarly, in the villa in another city, the master bedroom on the second floor has no light on, and the light in the room is very dim. Vaguely, you can see a figure standing in front of the window. The surrounding air is cold, and he is the only one left in the world, lonely in the bleak.

Suddenly there was a light. He turned on the screen of his mobile phone and looked down at the message sent by Lin Xinyan. His eyes were fixed on the sentence "just left, I miss you madly. Jinghao, I love you very much."

Thick eyelashes against the light, folding out a dark shadow, thin and fragmentary interlaced, vaguely visible in the light reflection, that pair of deep eyes covered with the water.

Try to stop the still uncontrollable hoarseness“ I miss you very much, too. I'm going crazy. "

This night, deep-rooted, no longer seems to be the same city, but have the same mood, invisible entanglement.

Just after the dawn of genius, Lin Xinyan got up and washed and dressed. The two children were still sleeping. She went to the front desk of the hotel to consult the JK group.

The front desk is wearing a black. Lady's suit, with a work card pinned to her right chest, and her long chestnut hair is clean behind her head. I heard Lin Xinyan asking about JK group, and looked at her one more time, "who are you?"

People in this city all know about this enterprise and have done a lot. Charity has also done a lot, and it has a good reputation in the local area.

Lin Xinyan said with a smile, "I come from other places. My relatives work there. I don't know how to find them, so I come to ask."

The front desk looked up and down at Lin Xinyan. She still had the skirt inside, but she added a coat outside. It didn't match very well. She looked a bit embarrassed.

Long hair tied horsetail on the back of the head, plain face looks very pure appearance, but last night she came in with two children, know she should not be a girl, to go to relatives, should be met with difficulties.

"Take a taxi when you leave. Tell the driver that you can take you directly to JK group. Were the two children you took last night yours? " The front desk still couldn't help asking curiously, because she looked too young, but the two children looked too young.

Lin Xinyan nodded, "yes, they are my children."

"Oh, it's very beautiful. You look very young. I can't believe you have such a big child." The front desk said with a smile.

Lin Xinyan also replied with a smile, said a thank you and then said, "breakfast, please let someone help me to the room."

"All right."

Hearing the reception, she quickly went back to the room, afraid that the two children would wake up and not see her.

However, when she came back to the room, the two children were still sleeping and there was no sign of waking up. She came in, patted her son and daughter gently, and whispered, "babies wake up."It's almost seven o'clock now. I have to get up to wash and have breakfast. It'll take an hour or two to clean up.

Although Lin Xichen's eyebrows and eyes were wrinkled, as if he didn't sleep well, he rubbed his eyes and got up.

But Lin Ruixi couldn't do it. Holding the quilt, he didn't want to get up. He drilled his head into the quilt. "I don't want to get up. I haven't woken up yet."

The little girl's voice was warm and waxy, with some hoarseness when she just woke up.

Lin Xinyan smiles and touches her head. "I didn't wake up. Who was that talking to me?"

The little girl closed her eyes and thought for a moment, "you heard me wrong. No one talks to you."

"And who was that?" Lin Xinyan continues to "play Tai Chi" with her.

"It's not human."

Lin Xinyan, "..."

This kid.

She stood up from the bedside, deliberately loud way, "well, you continue to sleep, I just went down to see a lot of good breakfast, let them send three, I'm afraid not enough to eat, now you sleep, just I and Xiao Xi two people eat three, will not feel enough, just you're afraid not this good luck."

Lin Ruixi heard the food. The carp sat up like a jerk, his face still muddled, his eyes still not open, "what's delicious? Mommy can't eat with my brother. I want to eat too. If I'm hungry and thin, my father will love me

Lin Xinyan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and immediately lowered his eyes to cover up the emotion that emerged in a moment.

Lin Xichen came out after washing and leaned against the wall to look at his sister. A slight sigh.

Lin Xinyan looked at him, "what's the matter with you? Why do you always sigh? "

This is the third time that she heard Lin Xichen sigh.

"My sister is so worrying." Lin Xichen explained, and then he sat down on the chair. In fact, he was sighing, dad and Mommy. I thought I could live happily with my family, but now something happened.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, he did. Mommy brought them here just to leave dad.

Seeing her crying so sad in the car, it should be a helpless move. After living with mommy for a long time, she won't get used to it. Just suddenly left that is about to integrate into the life of the father, will miss some, but for a long time, should be better, Lin Xichen thought silently.

Lin Ruixi's lips curled. Lin Xinyan took her out of bed and took her to the bathroom to wash. She didn't let Lin Xinyan wash herself. "I'll wash myself. Go and have a rest."

For a time, Lin Xinyan felt very happy again. She felt that the little girl who liked to be coquettish, liked to be hugged by her and had to tell her stories to fall asleep seemed to have grown up.

Lin Ruixi washes well, and Lin Xinyan arranges her clothes. At this time, breakfast is delivered. She opens the door and asks people to put breakfast on the table.

It's a nice day today. The sun is shining through the window.

The three of them sat at the table to have breakfast. The breakfast in the hotel was very exquisite, and it looked good. Lin Ruixi was very satisfied. She wanted to taste the delicious food with her chopsticks.

Lin Xinyan looked at the two children and said seriously, "Xiao Xi, Xiao Rui, mommy has something to tell you."

Lin Xichen looked at her and said, "what's the matter? Say it, Mommy

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