Chapter 470

At the moment when Zong Jinghao came out, she stretched out her hand around his neck, stood on tiptoe and approached him a little bit. The heat of her breath fell on his face intentionally. She felt pain when she breathed and inhaled. Her fingertips trembled slightly, tightly clasped him, pretending to frivolously bend her lips, "this world is changeable, in case I disappear one day, or an accident happens, Would you like another woman? "

Zong Jinghao's face was as deep as water and her lips were tight. She suddenly became enthusiastic. There was no sign of her coming. He never even thought that one day she would make such a charming and seductive appearance in front of him. He was stunned for a moment. She put her lips on it and gave it a kiss.

He frowned, "you..."

"Shh Her face was flushed, and her white and neat teeth appeared when she spoke, "are you scared? I don't think you are in a good mood until... "

Zong Jinghao pinched her chin. Forced her to look at herself, eyes color gradually deep, her hand hanging on the side of the body, tightly clenched into a fist, in order to keep calm on the face and look at him, she pulled the lip, "is it disgusting that I am dissolute..."

Before she finished speaking, Zong Jinghao covered her lips and stopped her from hovering on the tip of her tongue. If she wanted to blurt out her words, his kiss was always overbearing and irresistible, We can't shrink back. He seemed savage to swallow her tongue, she frowned in pain, but did not speak.

When he left, he pulled a thin entangled Jin. Si, word by word, "only you can seduce me."

It seems to be telling Lin Xinyan. He won't like other women.

Uncontrollable sour rushed into the nasal cavity, a second blurred the eyes, she quickly turned, "that... You go out, I want to take a bath."

Zong Jinghao didn't move. His hand spread over her shoulder and reached to her chest. He held the button on her skirt with his slender fingers and said in a low voice, "I'll serve you."

Lin Xinyan rigid body, blood are slowly solidified, perhaps because the back to him, she was able to stabilize.

She looked down at his long, sharp and flexible fingers. "Are you sure? You don't have the impulse to see me naked? It's only two months now. The doctor has told us that we can't have a husband and wife life. "

His fingers gave a pause.

Lin Xinyan took the opportunity to push him, "wait for me outside."

After that, she went into the bathroom and pulled the glass door. She thought that she had made enough preparation to face him in the time in front of him, but it was not the case. She felt guilty, and she had no face to face.

She wiped away her tears, picked up her spirits, took off her clothes, soaked herself in the water, and washed herself seriously. She said that she wanted to wear beautiful clothes and at least match him in appearance.

Even if it's only one day.

Her skin is very white, delicate as suede jade. When she came out of the water, it was as clear and soft as water. She took the bathrobe and wrapped it around her graceful body. She washed and dried her long black hair, which was very soft. When she opened the bathroom door, there was no one in the room.

Lin Ruixi came up and entangled Zong Jinghao. Lin Xinyan is relieved that he is not here. She opens the wardrobe to find the clothes she wants to wear today. Because she is a fashion designer, she has a unique view on fashion, and she knows what kind of clothes she is suitable for.

She took out a slightly sexy suspender skirt and put it on. It was white, with light gauze texture, without too much fancy decoration. The slender waist was immediately highlighted when she grasped it. The skirt extended to below the knee, with white legs exposed. Although the neckline was V-shaped, it was not deep, revealing delicate clavicle and slender neck. It was fresh and natural at the same time, And a little sexy.

Have been dry long hair at random in the back of the head, a few strands of falling down the broken hair. For no reason fell in the ear, add a bit of femininity.

Although she didn't apply powder, her skin was good, fresh and elegant.

She went downstairs, Zong Jinghao just came out of Lin Ruixi's room, looked up and saw her.

Zong Jinghao's eyes went back and forth on her. His eyes were deep. Then he came over and held her hand. "Dressed like this, are you ready to go on a blind date?"

She curved her eyebrows and gave a smile. "Do I look good?"

He clenched her hand and said, "it's nice. I want to hide it. I enjoy it myself."

The driver is already waiting outside the villa. Zong Jinghao opened the door for her. She bent over and sat in. Then he sat in too. He told the driver, "let's go."

Zong Jinghao arranged everything. She didn't care about anything, just follow him.

The police station has already said hello. They can do it in the past. The two children are going to primary school soon. Zong Qifeng went to do it before registered permanent residence. Now they just need to change the name above.There's no need to line up. It's fast.

It took only ten minutes to get to the police station.

Back in the car to sit, Lin Xin Yan light way, "address is not changed."

I've been used to calling for so many years. Now I have to change my name. It will take some time to get used to it. But this is normal. The son follows his father's surname.

Zong Jinghao took her shoulder, buttoned the person into his arms, looked at her bare shoulder with low eyes, and frowned slightly. Lin Xinyan didn't find his eyes, so he quietly leaned against his arms and didn't ask what to do next.

Soon the car stopped at a florist, and Zong Jinghao led her out of the car. Lin Xinyan suddenly wants to laugh. She doesn't know why. In fact, they haven't been together for a long time, but she doesn't know why. She just feels that they are old husbands and wives. Maybe it's because the two children are too big, so she has this illusion.

Now suddenly like a young man in love, but also to buy flowers, will be a little embarrassed, Lin Xinyan hold him, "we don't buy."

Zong Jinghao took her hand and pulled people into the shop. He said to the florist rudely and simply, "it means that I love her.".

It's the first time that the flower owner of the shop has met such a guest. When he looks at Lin Xinyan and the man who is talking, Zong Jinghao's suit is straight and handsome, and his face is deep and silent, which makes people feel alienated and precious.

The florist is a woman in her early 40s. Her eyes linger on Zong Jinghao for half a while, forgetting to speak.

Lin Xinyan calmly reminded, "don't you do business?"

The florist awkwardly drew back his eyes and said, "this rose is very particular about its color and number..."

"I'll take that one." Lin Xinyan interrupted the florist and pointed to a bunch of wrapped red roses inside.

She does not like this woman's eyes, always to Zong Jinghao's body Piao, want to buy quickly leave.

"That's a reservation for another guest..."

"The price is up to you." Zong Jinghao took out his wallet and thought that Lin Xinyan valued the bundle. It didn't matter how much it cost, as long as she liked it.

The florist hesitated. See this man long so handsome, and generous, then relaxed, "OK."

She's repackaging the other guest.

You can't have a hard time with money, and you can't say no to such a handsome man.

The florist brought the bunch of flowers to Lin Xinyan and said with a smile, "this was originally ordered by a gentleman. Ninety nine flowers are for marriage proposal. I'll give them to you for the sake of your handsome boyfriend."

For a moment, Lin Xinyan felt that it was not very interesting. After all, it was ordered in advance. It's still for big things like proposing.

If it's yellowed, it's a crime.

Seeing Lin Xinyan's hesitation, the florist put the flowers into her arms and said with a smile, "don't be embarrassed. I'll just pack another bunch."

Lin Xinyan had to take it. When he walked out of the florist's shop with flowers in his arms, Lin Xinyan really felt that he was in love, but the object of love was not very romantic. Things that were obviously very romantic would become very stiff with him.

But she likes it.

She took Zong Jinghao's arm. Said, "I love it."

He side head low Mou, looking at her smiling face, "so easy satisfied?"

Lin Xinyan smiles. In fact, it's easy for girls to be satisfied as long as they have enough sense of security. Occasionally surprise, will feel very happy.

The driver opened the door for them. Just as they were about to get on, a voice came from behind.

"Sister in law."

Lin Xinyan looked back and saw a car parked in the opposite lane. Li Zhan pushed the door open. He ran across the road and said, "I thought I was blinded."

He was going to find Lin Xinyan, but when he passed by, he saw the people in the flower shop like Lin Xinyan and Zong Jinghao through the glass window, but he didn't dare to confirm, because he thought they were not so "naive".

Buying flowers is something that only young people do when they are in love.

He bowed his head and hesitated for a moment. "That... Sister-in-law, my father is ill. He wants to see you."

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