Chapter 469

This time, Shen peichuan did not answer her immediately, but looked at her.

It felt as if she was deliberately prying into it.

But she knew it. Why did she inquire?

Did not hear Shen peichuan's voice, Lin Xinyan slowly raised his head, saw that he was looking at himself with a pair of inquiry eyes, her heart thump all of a sudden, forced to pretend calm, "why do you look at me like this?"

"Nothing." Shen peichuan shakes her head and feels that something is wrong. But when she thinks about it carefully, it seems that nothing is wrong. She must be concerned about the progress of this matter. After all, Cheng Yuxiu's death is to save her, and her concern is understandable.

He shook his head honestly. "Zong Qifeng didn't say Wenxian had children."

Zong Qifeng knew that Cheng Yuxiu's spirit had just recovered. So he didn't talk to Cheng Yuxiu, but Wenxian had a child. He knew that the child was Lin Xinyan, but he didn't say.

After all, Lin Xinyan and Zong Jinghao are married and have two children. How can they give up?

In his last life, he didn't want to implicate people in this life.

He can see that Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan have a good relationship, so he deliberately conceals it.

I hope they can live together.

Shen peichuan looked at her and asked“ Does Wen Xian have children

Lin Xinyan scooped up the soup and soon recovered to nature. He shook his head and said, "No. I'm just asking. "

Shen peichuan nodded without doubt.

After dinner, Shen peichuan and Su Shen went back. Lin Xinyan went to take a bath for the two children. Yu's mother called her, "I'll wash the bowl later. I'll wash it for them. There's water in the bathroom. In case it slips, it's too late."

"It's ok..."

"I wash them." Zong Jinghao came out of his study and interrupted Lin Xinyan. He picked up his daughter and went to the bathroom.

Watching them enter the house, Lin Xichen comes and drags Lin Xinyan's clothes, "Mommy, you should be nice to Dad."

She looked down at her son.

Is she not good to him?

"Although my father didn't like Grandma before, I think my father is very sad when grandma is gone." Lin Xichen can also feel Zong Jinghao's low mood.

Lin Xinyan clasped his son's head in his arms, hugged him and whispered, "Mommy will be very good to him."

How she wanted to smooth out his inner wounds, but no matter how she mended the broken porcelain, there would be cracks, and it would never recover to its original appearance.

Lin Xichen reached out to touch her stomach. Her abdomen was slightly protruding. He began to look forward to more than one sister or younger brother.

He already has a sister, more hope can have a younger brother to accompany him to play.

"This must be my brother." Lin Xichen's vows.

Lin Xinyan raises eyebrows“ How do you know? "

Now this month, I'm afraid B-ultrasound can't work out whether it's a boy or a girl. It will take at least three months before gender can be detected.

Where did he get his confidence?

"I feel like he's my brother."

Lin Xinyan pinched his face and said, "take a bath and go to bed."

Lin Xichen smiles and touches Lin Xinyan's stomach through her clothes, and says to her baby, "darling, when you are born, my brother will play with you."

Then he ran to the room with short legs.

Lin Xinyan looked at his son with a helpless smile and raised his hand to press the rising temple. Yu's mother cleaned up the kitchen and came out to see Lin Xinyan very tired. She said with concern, "isn't it uncomfortable?"

"Ah." She looked up at her mother and shook her head. "No, maybe I'm a little tired. I'll go up first."

Holding the handrail of the stairs, she walked up the stairs slowly. She just wanted to lie down on the bed, but she fell asleep.

Zong Jinghao took a bath for the two children. He came up and opened the door. He found that there was no light in the room, the curtain was not drawn, and a piece of moonlight slanted in from the outside. As far as he could see the woman curling up in the quilt, he closed the door and came in. Standing beside the bed, he stretched out his hand to spread her forehead. There was a little heat. He soaked a towel and took it out to sit beside the bed and put it on her forehead.

Her skin suddenly touched something cool. She was very excited and her body was shaking. He quickly took the towel away. "Is it too cold?"

She slowly opened her eyes, just wake up of hoarse soft voice, "um, cool.""You're a little hot. You need a cold compress."

Lin Xinyan felt his forehead. It was really hot. She put down her hand. "I don't feel cold when I'm awake."

Zong Jinghao put the towel on her forehead. When his hand soaked the towel, he soaked it in the cold water, so his fingers were very cold. He wanted to touch her face. Thinking that she was afraid of getting cold, he changed the touching action to pull the quilt for her and tucked in the corner. "Sleepy, I'll sleep. I'll watch you here."

Lin Xinyan did feel sleepy, so he closed his eyes again.

She didn't know when she fell asleep. She just felt that someone was holding her. Her hot hands were swimming around her abdomen. She moved, found a comfortable position in his arms, and then continued to sleep.

Maybe it was because in his arms, he felt safe and warm, and soon fell asleep again.

The next day, when Lin Xinyan woke up, he saw Zong Jinghao standing in front of the window making a phone call. It seems that she is explaining things in Guan Jin's company. She rubs her eyes, turns over and leans towards him. Half of her face is trapped in the pillow and looks at him talking on the phone.

After a while, he hung up. Lin Xinyan asked in a voice at the moment when he hung up, "won't you go out today?"

He turned to see her wake up, put away her cell phone and came over, arms on her sides. "I'll be with you today."

She narrowed her cat like eyes and rubbed her soft and attractive body powerlessly against his chest. Her thin white arm caught his neck. Soft ground says, "what I ask you to be able to satisfy me?"

His eyes deep, doting way, "are satisfied."

She smiles. Then we'll go to a movie and buy me a bunch of roses. Then take me to a very romantic restaurant

He said yes.

Lin Xinyan pestered him to act coquettishly, "you pick me up."

He lifted the quilt and put his arm through her waist to hold her slender waist. Pick her up from the bed and go to the bathroom.

Lin Xin Yan's head pillow in his shoulder socket, eyes slightly hanging, "I didn't take a bath yesterday, would you help me wash it? I want to wear the most beautiful clothes. I want to be a woman who matches you. At least she looks like you. "

He looked down at her and said, "OK."

When he went to the bathroom, Zong Jinghao put her down, and then went to the bathroom inside to put hot water. Standing outside the glass door, Lin Xinyan could see his whole back, thin and wide. His waist was very narrow, and there was no fat. It matched the tight line of his buttocks, even and straight.

There is warm liquid from the face across, tears so uncontrollable, no sign of falling down.

She wants to be with this man forever.

Have a lot of children and live an ordinary life.

However, ordinary days have become her most extravagant desire.

At the moment when Zong Jinghao turned around, she wiped away the tears on her face, leaned on the washing table, stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked her lips. Long, little by little, she seemed to be tasting some delicious food, smiling at him charmingly, "you take off your clothes for me, I want you to serve me."

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