Chapter 466

Li Jing really didn't expect Lin Xinyan to come to the door on his own initiative. Thinking about her relationship with Zong Jinghao, her enthusiasm remained the same.

"Are you coming alone?" Li Jing asked.

Lin Xinyan gave a faint hum.

"Who will come at this time..." Wen Qing came out of the study and saw that Lin Xinyan's question stopped abruptly.

She didn't see Zong Jinghao. She was a bit lost.

"What are you doing here?" He asked lukewarm.

Lin Xinyan stood still and looked at him quietly.

This person and she have a myriad of relationships, at this moment should have the tension and joy of marriage.

But all she had left was her debt.

Wen Qing was staring at uneasily, slightly staggered her eyes, "so looking at me to do what?"

She still did not take back her eyes, the pressure of the language is very light and slow“ Can I have a word with you? "

Wen tilted his face, "did he ask you to come?"

He thought that Zong Jinghao had asked her to reconcile the relationship with him.

I can't help feeling a little happy when I think about it.

"No, he didn't know I was coming."

Wen Qing frowned and his face was slightly cold“ I have nothing to say to you. "

"Are you my enemy? Can't you even say a few words? " It's not Wenqing's indifference that has hurt her heart, but she feels powerless and tired of this complicated family relationship.

Wen Qing pursed his lips and said nothing.

Li Jing came over with a smile and pulled Laven's sleeve. "It's not an outsider either. Maybe I have something to tell you. Do you really want to be an enemy? "

Wen Qing's tense face is slightly loose. Li Jing pulls him into the study. She turns her head and looks at Lin Xinyan, "come in, too."

She leaned Wen down on the chair and said in a low voice, "do you really care about Zong Jinghao? Your sister's only child, really want to break up? Know you don't want to, don't put face, fall out, sad or you

Li Jing knew her husband, so every sentence poked his weakness. Wen Qing's expression finally softened down and looked up at his wife, "you go out."

He also wanted to see what Lin Xinyan had to say when he came to him.

Li Jing patted her husband on the shoulder and then laughed at Lin Xinyan, "what do you want to drink?"

Lin Xinyan shook his head, "no need."

"Then sit down." Li Jing pulls the chair behind her.

Lin Xinyan said thank you, and then sat down. There was a square tea table between Wen and Lin. Li Jing left the study and closed the door.

"Tell me what you want me to do." Wen Qing opened his mouth first.

She pursed her lips and looked at Wen Qing seriously, "you and I are not enemies. It won't be in the future

On her eyes, Wen Qing Leng for a while, inexplicable heart uneasy.

"I just want to ask you for an answer today, and I hope you can answer me truthfully." She looked at him with a pair of exploring, nervous and even scared eyes.

She is afraid that Cheng Yuxiu's death is directly related to him.

No matter good or bad, she had to face it.

She had no choice, a trace of tremor in her voice, "did you do Cheng Yuxiu's death?"

Wen Qing looked at her in silence, her eyes narrowed slightly“ Is that what you want to ask? "

Lin Xinyan nodded and answered in the affirmative, "yes."


After a while, Wen Qing said, "yes."

In the face of Wen Qing's answer, she found that she was so vulnerable. She quickly lowered her head to cover the pain of facing the truth.

She was biting her lips and swallowing tears.

She thought about the worst.

Just wait until the real face, just know that she simply can't bear.

She didn't know how to face Zong Jinghao, or how to face the dead Cheng Yuxiu, or what kind of mood or expression she wanted to use.

"Before, I thought Zong Jinghao and I were destined to be together, until this moment. Only then did I know that it was not fate, it was sin. " And it's all done by her family.

Her mother, her uncle

Slowly, she raised her head and looked at Wen Qing. With all her strength, she couldn't restrain her trembling body and breathing heart. She tightly clasped the arms of the chair. The back of her hand burst into thin veins. She forced herself to bear it and laughed silently. She said, "if I could choose, I would never have anything to do with the writer."She slowed down. "It won't happen again."

"You, what do you mean? What's your relationship with the writer?" Wen Qing's voice is also a little uneasy.

Lin Xinyan took out the letter from his bag. Before handing it to Wen Qing, he said solemnly, "I haven't read the content. I don't know what's written in it, but no matter what's in it, I don't want you to have anything to do with me. "

Then she put the letter on the table.

"I don't want to see you. I hope this is the last time we meet. "

After that, she steps out of her study. Li Jing is preparing dinner. She wants to stay Lin Xinyan for dinner. By the way, she calls Zong Jinghao. It's a way to get along.

"You can call Jing Hao and have dinner here." Li Jing said enthusiastically.

Lin Xinyan did not have any response, just like a puppet, walking mechanically, just want to leave here quickly.

When he got to the door, he just caught up with Li Zhan. He quickly came up and said, "Why are you here alone..."

She looked at the person coming towards her, and the figure became more and more blurred... The light in front of her was completely dark, and the person also shook.

Seeing Lin Xinyan's body shaking and falling down, Li Zhan rushed over and caught her at the moment when she fell down.

Tired, really tired, she slowly raised her head, looking at the people holding their own, vision is still a little fuzzy. The voice is hoarse fierce, "how did you come back?"

"I don't trust you. Did my father do anything to you?" Li Zhan is very angry. He has the posture of rushing in and fighting with Wen Qing.

Lin Xinyan tugged at his skirt and shook his head, "No." All her strength was drained. Her legs were soft. She tried her best. Support body barely stop, "do me a favor."

"You said Li Zhan could see that she was very weak and asked anxiously, "do you want to go to the hospital?"

She shook her head. "Help me to the car."

She needs to rest and recover. She can't go back like this.

She'll be found to be abnormal.

Li Zhan couldn't look down, so he held her up and walked towards the car.

The bodyguard opens the door and Li Zhan bends over to put her on the seat of the car.

And then he did it. He was worried about her.

Lin Xinyan closed her eyes, held her forehead with one hand, and rolled her temples, trying to wake herself up. She said to the bodyguard, "give me a bottle of water."

There was one in the car. Soon the bodyguard handed her a bottle of mineral water. She unscrewed the lid and took a few mouthfuls. The dry, sticky and bitter taste in her mouth dispersed. She raised her eyelids and looked at Li Zhan, "I'm going back."

"Are you really not in conflict with my dad?" It's not that Li Zhan doesn't want to believe Lin Xinyan's words, but that she looks very bad. It's still like this after she came out of the literary family. He has to think about the bad side.

Lin Xinyan shook his head and said again, "it's getting late. It's time for me to go back."

She said it for her own sake. Li Zhan had to get out of the car. He couldn't go to the villa with Lin Xinyan. He felt that he had no face to face Zong Jinghao.

He got out of the car and closed the door.

"Let's go." Lin Xinyan gave a light order.

The bodyguard started the car and drove away.

After a while, the car drove back to the villa. She didn't get off immediately. Instead, she patted her face to refresh herself. When she felt that she could deal with everyone, she opened the door and got off.

When she got out of the car, she saw two other cars parked in the hospital.

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