Chapter 465

There is a document bag in it.

She reached out, bypassed the thread and took out the contents. There were two envelopes with the words "to my brother Wenqing" on them, and the other one was not signed. When she opened the safe, she didn't have any mood swings until she saw the two letters.

Her brows tightly wrinkled, and her hands were shaking unconsciously.

To my brother Wen Qing is enough to show that this woman is Wen Xian.

She pressed her emotions and continued to take the contents. It's a document, the JK share certificate.

She has never heard of this group, but from the perspective of shares, although this group is also a joint-stock system. But there are very few members, because this share certificate accounts for 80%.

With a click, a small thing fell out of the file bag.

She lowered her head and saw a small hollow exquisite pendant rolling at her feet. She squatted down and picked it up. She found that it could be opened. She used her nails to hold the gap and buckle it open. Inside is a group photo of a big head, although very small, but inside people's facial features are particularly clear, women with long hair black vertical. The facial features are delicate, and the eyebrows and eyes are similar to her.

But most of them are more like the man next to her.

The man is handsome and handsome. He looks weak and morbid. He is strong and resolute. If you don't look at the dark and bottomless eyes like a dry well, you will feel that he is a simple and beautiful man.

Lin Xinyan thought in his heart, this is the man who makes Wen Xian have a special liking.

Maybe I haven't seen them with my own eyes. Although there are fluctuations in my heart, it's not deep and shallow.

At this time, she found that the pendant was made of the same material as her necklace. She took out the necklace from her pocket. Sure enough, it was a complete set. The pendant could just be put into the chain.

She put the things into the paper bag, put them in the safe, tore open the envelope without signature, unfolded the folded letter, and the beautiful handwriting soon appeared in front of her eyes.

Hello, Xin Yan.

I don't know if you can read this letter. Subconsciously, I don't want you to see it, but I want you to see it. At least I know who I am and who your father is. I don't want you to see it. I want you to grow up in a healthy family. There is no peace for ordinary people.

I really want to see you grow up like me or him, but I hope you are healthy and safe.

Those in the file bag are left to you by us. When you encounter difficulties, you can find a person named Shaoyun who will help you and protect you.

You can see this letter, believe you must be experienced what, otherwise Son Jin won't tell you.

Whatever you hear about your father, don't believe it. He's a good man.

I'm Wenxian, your mother. Your father Chuang Tzu Yi, but few people know his name. It's enough for you to know his identity.

A thousand words can only say sorry, gave birth to you, but can't raise you, but we love you, love you very much.

I have always believed that you are a gift from God. When your life comes, I can't restrain my joy. You are my and his descendants, and also our mark in this world.

Wish all happiness, all happiness. All the warmth, all the good luck, always around you.

————————————————————[Wen Xian]

PATA, a drop of tears fell on the letter, she has no heartache, no resentment, no hate, do not know why, after reading the tears flow out.

It's like being out of your control.

"Miss Lin, are you still in it?" Lin Xinyan went in too long, and the manager called at the door.

She quickly wiped away her tears and responded, "yes, I'll be out soon."

She put everything in the file bag, closed the door of the safe, and came out with the file bag. Her expression is very pale, said to the bodyguard, "let's go."

The manager took her out. "Call me whenever you need anything."

Lin Xinyan looked back at him and said, "I don't want anyone to know about my coming here."

The manager laughs, "this can protect the privacy of customers, and it is also the purpose of our service."

Lin Xinyan gently nodded her head, the bodyguard opened the door for her, and she bent over to do it.

She held her chin and looked out of the window. "Someone asked," what did I do today? Do you know how to answer? "

The bodyguard drove the car and looked back at her. He understood her very well, but he didn't know how to find an excuse."Or give me a reason."

"When asked, I went to the clothing store." She looked outside. Yesterday it rained heavily, today it was sunny, but the sadness in her heart never dissipated.

She dropped her eyes gently. Looking at the things in his hand, he hesitated for a moment and ordered the bodyguard to go to Wenjia.

About Cheng Yuxiu, she wants to ask Wen Qing herself.

It's very important to her.

The bodyguard was worried, "don't tell zongzong Zong?"

Lin Xinyan raised his eyebrows and pretended to be angry. "Why, my words are useless, aren't they?"

The bodyguard explained hastily, "No. I'm afraid you're in danger. I can't explain it. "

"Don't worry, he won't do anything to me." Her light tone, but the heart is hidden with uneasiness and uneasiness.

The identity of Wenxian's daughter. It has brought her a lot of trouble. If Wen Qing is the culprit who killed Cheng Yuxiu, she doesn't know how to face Zong Jinghao.

Soon the car stopped at the gate of the community, where the general car can not get in. The guard is strict. Lin Xinyan calls Li Zhan.

Li Zhan is not at home. He drinks with long Pangpang because of what Wen Qing does. Let him can't face, just as before not at home.

Lin Xinyan received a phone call, he was very surprised, "sister-in-law."

"I'm at the gate of your community. Can you come out for a while?"

Li Zhan got up his spirits“ How did you get to my house? With my brother? "

"No, I'm alone. You come out and the doorman won't let me in."

"I'm not at home." Li Zhan put down his glass and went out. Long Pangpang ran after him and said, "where are you going again? What's the change? "

The heat is going down.

Do you want to be angry?!

Li Zhan was impatient and looked back at him, "I have something to do now."

Lin Xinyan went home alone. He was not at ease. Wen Qing didn't know if he would make trouble for her.

He has to go back.

"If I promise you, I will do it. Can I solve the problem first?" Li Zhan used his last bit of patience.

Long Pangpang stood in the same place, not catching up. Knowing his temper, he sighed and went back to drink alone.

Lin Xinyan drooped his eyelashes slightly. "I'll give my cell phone to the doorman. Do you want to talk to him?"

Li Zhan got into the car and said yes.

Lin Xinyan gave the mobile phone he was talking to the doorman. He didn't let it go until he knew he was going to Wenjia.

At the door of Wen's house, Lin Xinyan put the document bag into his bag, pushed the door open and got off the car, "you wait for me here."

The bodyguard was a little worried, "but..."

Lin Xinyan stressed, "don't worry, it will be OK."

The bodyguard can only listen to her and stay. Lin Xinyan walks alone and rings the doorbell.

After a while, the door opened. When she saw that it was Lin Xinyan, Li Jing was stunned. Then she opened her body and said with a smile, "come in quickly."

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