Chapter 456

Lin Xinyan turned to look at Cheng Yuxiu, "I'm very selfish. I don't want him to know about it. I'm afraid he doesn't know how to face it. After all, he has always complained about you in his heart."

Cheng Yuxiu holding her hand, nasal light sour, "time passed so long, I want to open, really, can have now such a day, I am really satisfied."

"Apart from the writer, he can be regarded as a public figure. The financial channel often has news about him. If the news about his life experiences comes out, it will certainly cause an uproar. After all, Wen Xian and Kaifeng were still husband and wife at that time. He could only be regarded as an illegitimate child. This is not what I want to see. I don't want to see him fighting with Wen. Moreover, the negative impact is not only harmful to his personal image. It will also bring negative news to the company's reputation. I just miss him... "

Cheng Yuxiu patted the back of Lin Xinyan's hand, "he can live an ordinary life with you."

She looked at Lin Xinyan seriously, "I don't want him to know at all. I don't want things in my last life to involve you. The quiet time is reflected in tea, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, just like now. I can take my grandchildren to go shopping, take them to the amusement park, and when the summer is over, I can send them to primary school and watch them grow up. Why am I not happy when I grow old? "

Miss the son, can take care of the grandson, is not also a kind of make up?

Lin Xinyan pursed his lips, and his eyes were covered with mist somehow.

At this time, the car suddenly stopped.

The front is not the place of the traffic lights. Lin Xinyan asked the driver, "what's the matter?"

"I don't know." The driver didn't know.

Dong Dong

The bodyguard in front of the car came and knocked on the window of Lin Xinyan's side. She lowered the window.

"There is a trailer in front of us. The car broke down when we turned and crossed the road. We can't get through. Do we change the route?"

"Did you ask, when can it be repaired?" This is Cheng Yuxiu's question. If it takes a long time, it's another way. If it takes more than ten minutes, it doesn't matter. After all, it's here. It's not far from shopping malls and amusement parks.

"Then I'll ask." The bodyguard walked quickly to the front and asked the trailer driver who was repairing the car.

There's a car coming from behind and blocking the road. Now even if it takes a long time to repair the front, the car can't get out.

However, at this time, someone knocked on the window. Lin Xinyan thought it was the bodyguard who went to the front to inquire about the situation came back, so he lowered the window. At the same time, there was a dispute in the back. One side was their bodyguard, and many people wanted to come forward. The bodyguards looked at them, and they didn't look like good people to stop them.

There was a dispute between the two sides.

Lin Xinyan was alert that something was wrong. She wanted to raise the window. The knock on the door quickly grabbed her arm and pulled out of the car. She couldn't lift the window again.

"You are Lin Xinyan. Come with us." The man is not very tall, swarthy, and his face is ferocious when he talks.

Cheng Yuxiu grabbed Lin Xinyan, afraid that she would be pulled out, and said harshly, "who are you?"

"Don't mind. I just want to ask Miss Lin to come with us."

These people are very familiar with their staffing. A total of four bodyguards were entangled by their people. The driver had some skills, but he didn't do it rashly. He was waiting for the opportunity to move. Yu Ma had no fighting power, so she had to worry.

The man who took Lin Xinyan, without fear, "be honest and follow us, and suffer less."

Cheng Yuxiu is flustered. It seems that these people are coming to Lin Xinyan. She pushes the door down and wants to get to the opposite side of the car. She pulls away the man who holds Lin Xinyan. Just as she gets out of the car, two people rush out behind the green belt. They catch her and drag her in the van which stops in the opposite lane.

The driver took the opportunity to hit the man in the face. The man was hit a little confused, he did not expect that the driver had the skill, and then the driver kicked the man.

"No, come on, they're not targeting me." Lin Xinyan called to the driver, "stop them."

Seeing that Cheng Yuxiu was dragged to the opposite side, the driver quickly chased him. At this time, a bodyguard got rid of the people who were pestering him and chased him. He grabbed the person who caught Cheng Yuxiu, and the two sides fought.

"Yanyan, don't get out of the car. Their goal is me. You will be safe here. Take care of both of them." Cheng Yuxiu also finds out that she may be the one they want to catch. She is caught and can't go there. She just shouts to Lin Xinyan.

Lin Ruixi was afraid, ran to the front and hid in Lin Xinyan's arms, full of panic, "mommy has blood."

Lin Xinyan holds her daughter's head in her arms. Don't let her look out.Shen peichuan arranged for the people, skilled, although the other side a lot of people, or break away from their siege to save Cheng Yuxiu.

Lin Xinyan took out his mobile phone and tried to call for help. After all, there were many people on the other side, and it seemed to be premeditated. First, the trailer in front of him got in the way, and then someone entangled the bodyguard. It was a very planned action.

"Go get her." The people who led the mission realized that they could not take Cheng Yuxiu away. Although they were few, they had strong fighting capacity.

"For children, these are easy to deal with." The first man with a few people to get into the car, grabbed Lin Xinyan's mobile phone and fell to the ground, the mobile phone split in an instant, the man took the opportunity to hold Lin Ruixi in her arms.

Lin Ruixi screamed in horror, "Mommy, Mommy..."

Lin Xinyan holds Lin Ruixi tightly and refuses to let him take his daughter. Lin Xichen picks up the flat of the car seat and smashes it on the head of the man who wants to catch his sister.

The child's strength is not big, but also painful, the man was hit angry, raised his hand to fan Lin Xichen, the head of the head seized his hand“ We only arrest people, we can't hurt children. "

Their goal is still Cheng Yuxiu, but they are entangled there. They can only catch the people they attract.

It's specially explained that it can't hurt the two children.

The driver ran over first, pulled away the man who was holding Lin Ruixi, pulled out of the car, and soon they scuffled together.

The leader finds the right opportunity, opens the door and drags Lin Xinyan out of the car. It only said that it could not hurt the two children, but did not say that it could not hurt the woman.

Lin Xinyan did not dare to struggle too much for fear of hurting the child in his stomach.

Just eyes sharp looking at the man, "who are you?"

The man took out a folding dagger and put it on Lin Xinyan's neck. Threatening the bodyguard, "if you don't stop, I'll kill this woman."

The bodyguard stopped, and the man took Lin Xinyan to the opposite side, trying to put her in the van.

Cheng Yuxiu's eyes widened. She is pregnant, and she doesn't know who the other party is. Seeing that Lin Xinyan is about to be dragged into the car, she is in a hurry and grabs the man who is holding her. The man felt pain and released his hand.

She pours at the man who is holding Lin Xinyan, and the bodyguard also takes the opportunity to run over. Cheng Yuxiu grabs the man's hand and says flustered and angry“ If you want to catch me, catch me and let her go. "

Lin Xinyan shook his head, "go! Their goal is not me. Go away and leave me alone. "

Their target is obviously Cheng Yuxiu, and she and her two children are just a cover up.

"You still have children in your stomach. How can I ignore you? What's the matter with you? How can I explain to Jing Hao?" Cheng Yu said anxiously.

The man was worried, and the bodyguards surrounded him. He could not hold on for a long time alone, and he could not catch anyone. He simply showed his fierce heart and said, "you don't care whether she's alive or dead, dare to rush here, I'll kill her now!"

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