Chapter 455

"I'm really sleepy." She accentuated.

Zong Jinghao, "..."

He hugged her tightly, his strong chest close to her back, "I won't move you, sleep."


At about six in the morning, the sun gradually rose from the eastern sky.

"Well --"

Lin Xinyan turned around and reached for her hand. There was no warm body at the touch. Slowly, she opened her eyes. She just woke up and didn't adapt to the light. She blocked it with her hand. There was no one nearby. Even the temperature had gone away. She should have left very early.

She frowned. I came back so late last night and went out so early. Can I have a rest?

She sat up, grabbed her cell phone and wanted to call him. Turn to his number, but did not dial out, presumably he should be something, otherwise will not leave so early, his call at this time, perhaps not appropriate.

She put down her cell phone, got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash. When she squeezed the toothpaste, her cell phone on the bed rang. While brushing her teeth, she came to pick up the mobile phone. It was Shen peichuan's number. She took the toothbrush out of her mouth and picked up the phone. There came Shen peichuan's voice, "sister-in-law, did you watch the news?"

"What news?"

"Take a look."

Lin Xinyan, in a confused mood, took off his mobile phone and found the news of B city this morning. The headline was about the bar homicide. The police solved the case and found that the prisoner escaped from prison and the police killed him. The video circulated before was malicious synthesis, not the truth.

B The city police have posted the whole process of the case on Weibo, and warned the public opinion of the case that they should not believe or spread rumors to contribute to social security.

Baidu Weibo is full of this news. It has spread in just one morning. Lin Xinyan's eyes drooped. He came back so late last night and left so early in the morning. Is it because of this?

"Did your sister-in-law see that?" Shen peichuan's voice came again.

Lin Xinyan put his mobile phone back in his ear and said, "I see."

"The good play is still to come, and the originator of this incident can't escape."

"Wen Qing?"

"No, Chen Qing..."

"Chen Qing?" Lin Xinyan was a bit surprised. Didn't Wen Qing start this?

"In fact, behind all this is Chen Qing playing tricks. He Ruize and he Ruilin are all his chess pieces. He uses them to make he family retaliate against you. He stands behind him and wants to make a profit. He thinks he doesn't know it. In fact, he doesn't know we have the evidence of his crime... "

Zong Jinghao went to see he wenhuai after meeting Wen Qing that night.

If Wen Qing hadn't shown weakness first and took the initiative to withdraw the case, this incident would have involved him.

At that time, Zong Jinghao asked Shen peichuan to see he wenhuai to test whether he Ruize's death was his cooperation with Chen Qing.

As a result, it is not the transaction between Chen Qing and he Ruize. He Ruize knew that he would die, so before he went to the bar, he sent a letter to he's family. Chen Qing asked him, saying that if he was willing to die, he could help he's family and save he Ruilin, so he agreed.

As if he himself could exchange for he Ruilin to come out and seek benefits for he family, he must be willing.

Unfortunately, when Shen peichuan went to find he wenhuai, he received the letter.

Shen peichuan tells him about he Ruilin's death and takes out evidence.

At that time. He wenhuai knew that he had been used by Chen Qing. When he knew the truth, he naturally didn't want to let Chen Qing go.

He is not unprepared for Chen Qing at all. When they meet and talk, he secretly records videos to prevent Chen Qing from dumping himself and threatening him.

Now it has become evidence of Chen Qing's role in this matter.

In addition, he Ruilin's death is directly directed at him. It is certain that he will be arrested for investigation.

It's very urgent for the superior to crack down on the underworld and eliminate the evil. Chen Qing has committed a crime at this juncture and can't get it right.

Lin Xinyan was surprised. "Why did he do this?"

Does she have a grudge against him?

Why do you try so hard to frame her?

"I'm not sure about the details. I think I should have my own purpose, otherwise I won't be so crazy. To call you is to tell you not to worry about the Ruize case any more. It's over. "

"And he?" Lin Xinyan asked, why did Shen peichuan call her?"Zong Qifeng is here. He is in his office now. I don't think he has time to call you, so I'll call you first."

"I know. If it's OK, I'll hang up." Lin Xinyan is still holding a toothbrush in his hand. Shen peichuan over there said, "yes.".

She hung up the phone and put her cell phone on the table to wash in the bathroom. She didn't take a bath last night. She felt a little uncomfortable. She took a bath and changed her clean clothes. Maybe it was because she took a bath. She was in good spirits.

When she goes downstairs, Yu's mother is ready for breakfast. Cheng Yuxiu is washing Lin Ruixi's face. Lin Xichen is ready to sit at the table.

Seeing her, Lin Xichen said, "good morning, Mommy."

Lin Xinyan opened his chair and sat down, saying, "good morning, Xiao Xi."

"Mommy, say good morning to me, too." Lin Ruixi washed her face and hands and ran to this side. Lin Xinyan took her no way, told her to slow down, but also spoil the way, "good morning, Xiaorui."

Happy, the little girl climbed into the chair and sat down. Yu's mother put the fresh milk in front of them and said, "hurry up and have breakfast."

After the two children ate, Xiucai Cheng Yu came over and sat down beside Lin Ruixi. He took a sip of the milk and looked at Lin Xinyan, "wait, I'll go out. Do you have anything you want to buy. I'll buy it for you. "

"Let mommy go out with us." Lin Ruixi once again asked Lin Xinyan to go out with her.

Cheng Yuxiu frowned, "did you forget what I said last night? Your mother has a baby in her stomach. Don't be tired... "

"All right." Lin Ruixi was a little disappointed. She wanted to go out with mommy.

It doesn't seem to work now.

"Ah. You child, how can your mind be so active? " Last night, we all understood that Lin Xinyan had a baby in his stomach and couldn't go. Today, we mentioned it again.

"Or I'll go out with you." Lin Xinyan is in a good mood. The dark clouds that had been hanging over my head finally cleared away, as if the sunshine was bright outside.

"Your body?" Cheng Yuxiu is a little worried.

"I feel good. I'll go to the hospital when I'm free tomorrow." She said with a smile.

Cheng Yuxiu didn't want to spoil his interest. It just happened that Xiaorui wanted to go with you. After that, Yu's mother will follow her, and many people will take care of her. "

Lin Xinyan nodded, the most excited is Lin Ruixi, "let's go to the amusement park, I want to play the bumper car."

"Well, I'll take Xiaorui with me and let you play enough at one time." Cheng Yuxiu touches her granddaughter's head.

After dinner, Yu's mother tidies up the dishes. Because it's getting hot, Cheng Yuxiu puts on windbreaker and sun hat for the two children.

"I'm going to the mall later to buy some summer clothes for my two children. Summer is coming."

Lin Xinyan sat on the sofa, holding his chin, and said, "OK."

Cheng Yuxiu looked at her, "you have to buy some, too. When the month is old, you can't wear them."

"Ma, you buy it for me." Lin Xinyan is coquettish with her.

"I can't wait." Cheng Yuxiu also smiles.

Yu's mother tidied up. They went out with four bodyguards and drove out in three cars.

Cheng Yuxiu, the children and Lin Xinyan are sitting in the middle of the seven seat business car. The two children are playing in the back seat. Lin Xinyan is sitting next to Cheng Yuxiu. She looks back at the two children, hesitates and says, "Jing Hao doesn't know if he has found anything. I think he is in the wrong mood several times."

Although he hides very well, she still feels that he has something in his heart.


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