Chapter 45

From the beginning to the end, Zong Jinghao didn't even wrinkle his eyebrows. He put his injured hand behind him. His eyebrows were cold, and he didn't seem to be so calm.

Staring at the swearing Shen Xiuqing, the coldness of his lips grew from nothing and became more and more intense, "what are you doing in a daze?"

Security received an order immediately on the pressure of Shen Xiuqing, to drag her away.

She's just like a madman. She's throwing things around and biting security personnel.

"Zong Jinghao, you are not responsible for my daughter. Do you have to die if you have money? Do you need to be responsible if you have money? We should be bullied by you if we don't have money and power! "

Shen Xiuqing yells out of control, and his mind seems to be very clear. Every sentence is Zong Jinghao bullying her.

She is the victim.

It's funny to hear that.

Zong Jinghao insults her daughter?

This is amazing news.

Not to mention the employees in the company, even the security personnel holding Shen Xiuqing want to listen to more.

Shen Xiu didn't want her face any more. She sat down on the ground and cried, "my life is miserable. I raised a daughter and was ruined. There is no place to reason. Nowadays, is there any royal law? Should the poor be bullied? Just damn it -- "

The more people gathered at the door.

All eyes were on Zong Jinghao.

Zong Jinghao was completely black faced. Lin Xinyan turned his head and looked at his side face, knowing that he was angry and very angry.

He hated Shen Xiuqing, and she was naturally happy, but now it was obvious that someone wanted to see him.

It's an entertainment for ordinary people to have such a big affair.

"She's a madman. Don't you get rid of her and disturb the order here?" Suddenly Lin Xin's voice was cold.

"You are the madman!" Lin Xinyan's words seem to infuriate Shen Xiuqing. He pours at Shen Xiuqing while the security guard doesn't pay attention to her. His face is ferocious and hateful. "I'll kill you!"

Lin Xinyan retreated in fright, only to hear a roar, "looking for death!"

Shen Xiuqing was kicked out again, this time more embarrassed than last time, the whole person fell on the ground.

Zong Jinghao's fierce eyes swept those who didn't catch people's protection, "what are you doing to eat? I don't want to do it, do I? "

The security personnel are all in a cold sweat. Just now they are careless. Shen Xiuqing has a chance to hurt people. This time, they dare not neglect any more. Maybe they will lose their jobs.

"If you send it to the police station, you will say that you have attempted to kill someone with a knife." Zong Jinghao was really annoyed and left no room for it. The responsibility of stabbing people with a knife is totally different from that of killing people with a knife.

Security personnel grasp the crazy Shen Xiuqing, drag the car, send to the police station.

Shen Xiuqing scolds and shouts, and is completely locked in the car.

"It's gone."

Zong Jinghao cold voice, everyone slowly dispersed, the man who spoke with Lin Xin quietly came to her side, "did not expect that you can be so brave, just dare to block in front of Zong Zong."

At that time, he also saw that he had the idea to brush his favor in front of Zong Jinghao. At this moment, Lin Xinyan jumped on him.

"I'm going to brush my face this time. In the future, zongzong will look at you more. After all, you don't care about your life, you rush up to block the knife. " Said the man some envy.

Lin Xinyan didn't know what he meant until now.

Do you think she did it deliberately in front of Zong Jinghao?

But she knew she wasn't.

Thinking of her eyes to aim at Zong Jinghao's injured hand, I don't know what happened to it.

She never thought that he would catch the blade with his bare hands.

How painful it is!

"What's your name?" The man asked suddenly.

Lin Xinyan's mind is not in the man's words, casually replied, "Lin Xinyan."

"Are you free in the evening? I can wait for you after work


Lin Xinyan looks back at the man. Is he asking her out?

There's no mistake. They met for the first time.

Lin Xinyan was completely confused.

"I --"

"You, come in with me!" Zong Jinghao's face was as ugly as he could be. It was in his face. Are you going to hook up with a man?

Does she know the word shame?Lin Xinyan quickly followed up.

After death, the man said, "Miss Lin, I'll wait for you at the gate of the company after work at night and have dinner together."

Zong Jinghao's steps, looking back at Lin Xinyan.

She is about to answer, on a pair of almost spitting eyes, it seems that as long as Lin Xinyan dare to promise, he can strangle her!

Lin Xinyan shrunk and asked tentatively, "are you angry?"

He didn't speak. He just looked at her.

look at fiercely as a tiger does.

Lin Xinyan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned to look at the man, "sorry, I have an appointment."

She turned her head again, Zong Jinghao's face slightly better, Lin Xinyan's promise satisfied him.

She thought for a moment. Or asked, "your hand is not serious, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Holding the blade with bare hands, Lin Xinyan felt that he should be hurt a lot.

Zong Jinghao did not answer, but into the elevator, Lin Xinyan to keep up.

She took the initiative to press the floor key, standing on one side, staring at the elevator can reflect the shadow of their own steel. After a while, "when Miss Bai comes to work, let her dress you up."

No matter what the reason is, he is always concerned about her injury.

Zong Jinghao looked at her from the wall and could not hear her anger. He said calmly, "she has gone to country a on business."

Lin Xinyan raised his head and looked at him. Didn't he attend the dinner with him last night?

How could it be so sudden.

Zong Jinghao is a positive look, "work arrangements."

He would never say that he deliberately supported Bai Zhuwei.

He is not a fool. Maybe his uncontrollable emotion towards Lin Xinyan is because he likes her a little?

He's never loved anyone. I don't understand. In a word, Lin Xinyan is attractive to him.


Lin Xinyan, oh, no words.

Ding, the elevator to the floor to stop, slowly sliding open the door.

Zong Jinghao steps out. Lin Xinyan follows him and sees the injury on his hand. It's all blood. As for the wound, I can't see much.

Seeing Zong Jinghao about to enter the office, Lin Xinyan quickened his pace. Catch up with him, "or I'll clean it up for you?"

Zong Jinghao didn't say a word, but stood at the door of the office.

Lin Xinyan seems to understand his body language. He pushed open the door of the office, thought of the medicine in the cupboard of the tea room, so he said, "I'll get the medicine box."

Zong Jinghao looked back at her in a hurry. Lips swing open a smile.

Lin Xinyan came back with a medicine box. Zong Jinghao was sitting on the sofa with his injured hand on his knee. The blood on his hand had solidified. She took the medicine box and opened it on the tea table. She found out the disinfectant and gauze. She lowered her eyes. "The medicine here is limited. If it's serious, you have to go to the hospital."

She is ready to speak, thoughts are in his hand injury, no redundant ideas, take his hand, she clearly see his palm of the mouth.

Across the palm, if not for his clenched fist, squeeze the wound, do not know how much blood to shed.

Lin Xinyan's hand trembled slightly and said in a low voice, "it may hurt a little. You can bear it."

She took a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to clean the blood on his hand. Although she didn't do it, she was not in a hurry. She was calm, serious and careful.

Zong Jinghao raised his eyes, staring at the woman close at hand, her eyes drooping, eyelashes curling, flickering, like feathers, gently brushing the apex of her heart.


"I hurt you?" Lin Xinyan raised his head and looked into his eyes.

The distance is very close, even each other's breathing are intertwined with each other, Zong Jinghao's breathing is a little heavy, breathing from time to time blowing her hair hanging in the clavicle.

"You give me pain relief."

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