Chapter 44


Lin Xinyan turned around.

Zong Jinghao didn't explain. Instead, he slowly wiped his hands, put the handkerchief on the table, stood up and walked towards her, "let's go to the company together."

Lin Xinyan opened his mouth, together?

Did she hear it wrong?

"Is it all right for us to work together?" After all, their relationship, no one knows, go to the company together, let people see, do not know what to spread.

"What's wrong? You are husband and wife. Who dares to say what?" Yu Ma interjected. I think it's a good thing that Zong Jinghao takes the initiative to go to the company with Lin Xinyan. Is he already accepting Lin Xinyan?

After all, it's husband and wife, and the relationship should be close.

What else does Lin Xinyan want to say. Yu's mother has gone to push her, "go to change shoes."

Lin Xinyan was forced to go out with Zong Jinghao.

Yu Ma, like a surveillance officer, watched her get into Zong Jinghao's car before entering the house.

Lin Xinyan dry smile, "in the mother, really very enthusiastic ha."

Zong Jinghao did not answer her, but asked, "so afraid that others know our relationship?"

Lin Xinyan felt that he was baffled. What was she afraid of?

Public identity. It's good for her, not bad.

"We are a deal, such a short marriage, let the people in your company know. It's going to get you into trouble She drooped her eyes and said faintly.

With the plot, heart empty panic, she did not know the guess of the answer, how much true or false.

If it's a fake, it's a black dragon.

If it's true.

This man——

Can you accept this child?

"Are you thinking of me?" There was a faint smile on his lips, as if the answer pleased him.

After a thousand thoughts, she clenched her hands and said tentatively, "well, after my divorce, Mr. Zong should immediately marry Miss Bai."

Speaking of Bai Zhuwei, Zong Jinghao's face gradually sank down. He turned his head and looked sharp. "Test me?"

Indeed, Lin Xinyan wants to test whether he will marry Bai Zhuwei and whether he has deep feelings for Bai Zhuwei.

Lin Xinyan pretended to be calm. "I'm just curious. The love between Mr. Zong and Miss Bai is just a trial? Is it necessary for me to try? What's in it for me? "

Although Lin Xinyan's explanation is very reasonable, Zong Jinghao does not believe it.

I always feel that she has something else to say.

He didn't know exactly what it was.

It's just intuition. She has a purpose.

At this moment, the car has been driven to the company's building. Zong Jinghao usually parks his car in the underground garage. This time, he parks it in the parking lot above.

Lin Xinyan pushed the door open and stood aside, ready to wait for Zong Jinghao to go first, and then she went in.

Zong Jinghao looked at her. Lin Xinyan said with a smile, "I dare not make trouble for Mr. Zong."

"How do you know I'm going to be in trouble?" He asked blandly, his eyes turned, "are you the roundworm in my stomach?"

Lin Xinyan. "..."

When she saw a car coming in, she stepped back to completely distance herself from him.

Zong Jinghao glanced at her lightly and turned to walk towards the building.

The quiet of the morning light has diluted the tense working atmosphere in ordinary days. Even the whole building seems to be a bit leisurely at the moment.

The one who just drove in was also an employee of Wanyue group, from the technology department. He saw Lin Xinyan standing there and came up to him, "do you work in Wanyue, too?"

Lin Xinyan smiles politely, "yes."

"Let's go in together." On the bridge of a man's nose is a pair of round glasses. It's clear and thin, with white skin. It looks very gentle.

Lin Xinyan nodded.

"Which department are you in?" Asked the man.

"I'm a translator." Lin Xinyan answered faintly.

"Oh." The man paused, "you should be new here. I haven't seen you before."

"Well, I've only been here a few days." As she spoke, she looked up at Zong Jinghao in front of her. He had already stepped on the main steps and entered the reception hall of the company——

All of a sudden, a shadow came out and rushed straight at Zong Jinghao——"Go to hell!" It was a woman with a sharp water knife in her hand. She seemed to be prepared.

The blade flashed cold and crossed a curve in the air, attacking Zong Jinghao's back.

"Be careful --"

Lin Xinyan rushed to the critical moment.

She can't think at this moment. It's not that she's brave and not afraid of death. It's just that when she thinks that Zong Jinghao may be the father of her baby, her reason is beyond her control.

Or women have special feelings for their first man.

In short, she lost her mind to block the danger for Zong Jinghao.

Zong Jinghao heard the sound, turned around and saw her pounce on him, as well as Shen Xiuqing holding a knife——


Lin Xinyan bumps into his arms, and the knife in Shen Xiuqing's hand goes down——

At this moment, she will come back to her senses. Will she die like this?

I haven't had time to confirm whether he was the man that night and the father of the child.

In her mind, many things happened before, mother, brother, happy and unhappy, and now the baby in her stomach.

She didn't want to die, she didn't want to, she didn't want to.

The brain has an idea. The body responded, and she pushed her hands and tried to get away.

However, a gravity tightly around her waist, the body heavily into a solid hard chest, tightly, she can't move.

She regretted it.

But I have no chance to regret it.

She closed her eyes in recognition of her fate.

I hope the pain doesn't come too fast. One more second is one more second.

There was a scream in my ear.

One second, two seconds. Three seconds——

The pain did not come.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw Zong Jinghao looking at her with his head down. The look on his face was like a changeable cloud, shocked. Surprise, fear, surprise.

It seems unexpected that danger is coming. She will be desperate to come over in front of him, his pupil rippling smile, "know what you are doing?"

At the moment, Lin Xinyan's thinking is all on his own. Why doesn't it hurt?

She turned her head and saw Zong Jinghao catching the blade that was going to be inserted into her body. The tip of the knife stopped at the position where she didn't have half a finger. It almost touched her, and the bright red blood dripped down his fingers.

Shen Xiuqing scarlet eyes, staring at Zong Jinghao. Why didn't you stab him to death?

"I'll kill you!" Shen Xiuqing seems to have been greatly stimulated. He takes out the blade to attack again.

It seems that he will never die!

Zong Jinghao frowned slightly.

"You have done me nothing, I will kill you!" Shen Xiuqing is totally crazy, and he rushes up regardless of everything.

Zong Jinghao grabs Lin Xinyan's waist, turns one and a half, puts aside the blade that Shen Xiuqing attacks, extends his long leg and kicks people out.

The security personnel in charge of the company's public security heard the news and rushed out to stop Shen Xiuqing, who was kicked to the ground. She struggled and had no previous image of a lady. She said, "let me go, or I'll sue you for indecency."

During this period of time, people coming to work one after another, unconsciously surrounded by a circle of people at the door.

It's noisy.

The farce seemed unexpected.

They stretched out their ears one after another, trying to find out what was going on——

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