Chapter 425

Chen Shihan forgot to respond. She didn't move. She didn't know whether it was indifference or astonishment on her face.

Soon Li Zhan's kiss left her lips and slid to her ears. He opened his lips gently and breathed hot air on her skin. "I heard my father say, do you want to marry Zong Jinghao?"


Something explodes in his ear, and Chen Shihan turns to look at him stiffly“ You, you, you know? "

Li Zhan gently stroked her cheek“ What's good about him? An old man in his thirties. As far as I know, he has a bad personality and is not gentle to women. How can you take a fancy to him after you have chosen him for so long? "

"He doesn't look like what you said. He's very nice to Lin Xinyan..."

"Do you know or do I know? I've been with him for so many years. Don't I know him yet? Depending on his beauty, he pretends to be like a man outside. In fact, he is very abnormal in private. And mistreat women. "

"Abuse, abuse women?" Chen Shihan was bombarded with thunder.

Li Zhan continues to discredit Zong Jinghao, so he can't seize the opportunity. To say bad things about him is to help him. What he usually doesn't dare to say, now he can say, "what do you think? Can he manage such a big company without pressure? If people are depressed for a long time, they will be easily distorted. "

Chen Shihan blinked, as if there was some truth.


Does a character like him really feel abnormal? Then why is Lin Xinyan still good with him?

Li Zhan saw her mind and deliberately pinched her face, "how could it be so stupid? Do you think he is good to Lin Xinyan? Okay, why don't you make her public? Hidden and tucked in? If Lin Xinyan hadn't given birth to two of his children, he would not have been able to stand running. It's just that he has no choice but to be forced to stay by his side for the sake of his children. Let's say it again... "

His fingers ran across Chen Shihan's cheek, pinched her chin and made her look at herself“ I'm not younger or better looking than him? "

Because of the close relationship in the movie, Chen Shihan can clearly see his delicate skin, which is a bit more delicate than that of women. As a popular male star, his face is well maintained, which is no worse than that of women.

Admittedly, he's not ugly.

Soon Chen Shihan responded, "you said so much. You just don't want me to marry Zong Jinghao? Do you think I'm stupid? "


Li Zhan, "..."

This is not confused? You know, he contributed his mouth. The first time he made a kiss, he couldn't let it go. He felt that he didn't have a girlfriend, so he gave the kiss to an actress who was several years older than him. It was too bad.

At that time, he cooperated with a well-known domestic director. His films were well received. It is said that he is perverse, as long as he can make a good play. I dare to do anything. It is said that once the director made a scene in which the heroine danced a passionate bullfight dance. The heroine couldn't dance, so the director asked the teacher to teach him. The wonderful thing is that he learned it himself. I heard that he learned better than the heroine in that scene.

Later, the film won the prize. The host mentioned the scene and asked, "female filmmaker, it's not you. Why do you still study?"

The director is very calm“ I won't. how can I guide her? "

The following burst of warm applause, all the success is not accidental, are behind the pay countless sweat and bitterness, the director in order to activate the atmosphere, but also dance a section, a man who is only one meter six, but also some fat, just the bullfight dance soft and hot.

The main thing is that if he grasps that air, he will naturally have that charm.

Funny and exciting.

At that time, the director was suspicious of Li Zhan's ink and said, "if you stick your mouth to your mouth, it's the same as if you stick your lips to a piece of meat." The director also demonstrated, took his own mouth to kiss the photographer's mouth, and then looked at Li Zhan and asked“ What does it matter? Isn't it meat and meat? As soon as you close your eyes, it's over. "

The photographers were stupid at the time.

Li Zhan was also silly. He touched his mouth and thought to himself, are these two pieces of meat?

I don't know if he has been brainwashed. Li Zhan also thinks that the director's description is very appropriate. These are two pieces of meat. When he was in love with Chen Shihan, what he thought was the director's words. As soon as he closed his eyes, it was over.

It's like a kiss.

He didn't know. After shooting the scene, the director hid and washed his mouth with mineral water, and told the photographer“ I'll eat less scallion in the future. It's really smelly and disgusting. "

Photographer. "..."

How wrong is he?

Li Zhan continued to ferment his emotions. He didn't expect that the woman's reaction was very fast. His beauty trick was useless.His countless female fans screamed for his handsome. He didn't believe it, and he couldn't get a Chen Shihan.

"Yes His eyes are full of red blood, "I don't want you to marry anyone, no one can, you only belong to me!"

At this moment, Li Zhan thought to himself that now he was playing a play of the overbearing president.

He pulled Chen Shihan into his arms and gazed into her eyes affectionately. "I said so much, don't you understand my mind?"

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