Chapter 424

Li Zhan looked back at her smiling eyes, eyes slowly down, she barefoot on the carpet, exposing half of her leg, Chen Shihan was very uncomfortable, he could not help but shrink back, ferocious way, "what are you looking at?"

Li Zhan didn't get angry, so he took back his eyes. Looking at her again, playing with the taste, "I have a place in my heart. Who do you like? I know you have a high vision. Who's in your eyes? "

Li Zhan knew it and asked.

Chen Shihan turns to the bedside, puts on his slippers and pretends not to hear.

Chen Qing said that we can't talk about it with others now.

That's why she didn't answer Li Zhan's words.

Li Zhan comes in and closes the door. Chen Shihan looks at him. I didn't think there was anything wrong with two people living in the same room. When I was a teenager in junior high school, they still drank the same bottle of water.

Sitting in front of the dresser, she picked up the comb and combed her hair. Looking at herself in the mirror, she asked Li Zhan, "are you looking for me

"Nothing, I can't come to you?" Li Zhan sat at the corner of the dresser, looking at Chen Shihan with his hands around his chest, "who are you looking for?"

Li Zhan continued.

Chen Shihan looked at him, "why do you want to know?"

Suddenly she looked at Li Zhan warily. She narrowed her eyes and said, "do you know anything?"

If he didn't know it, how could he keep asking her this question,

"What do I know? Why do you ask that? " Li Zhan asked with a smile.

Chen Shihan looked at him and saw from the top down, and then from the bottom up, "he was biting. It's not like your character. "

Li Zhan gazed at her affectionately, "do you know me so well? You don't like me, do you? "

Although he is familiar with Li Zhan, he has never used this kind of eyes to look at himself. Chen Shihan is stunned for a moment, turns his head and says with disdain, "cut, did you wake up in your dream? It's daylight outside. I like you? Stop kidding, OK? You're not my dish. "

Li Zhan smiles. Light pick way, "you haven't tasted, how to know I'm not your dish?"

Although Chen Shihan is still a girl who has never experienced human affairs, she can understand what he means. Her face is very hot. No matter how thick she is, she can't be thicker than a man.

"I'm sleepy. I'm going to sleep. You go now." Chen Shihan ordered the guests to leave. She rolled to bed and wrapped herself in a quilt, hiding her head in it.

Li Zhan didn't leave. He went to the bedside and stood. When the crew was filming, he had a habit of entering the role. You need to be emotional first.

When he feels that he can enter the role and perform the feeling he wants, the director will start.

No matter how the acting is, it's affirmed, otherwise it won't get hot.

When he thought it was almost the same, he sat down by the bed, with a deep tone and an imperceptible emotion, "do you know why I haven't been looking for a girlfriend?"

Chen Shihan's eyes were dark. She could hear Li Zhan's voice, but she didn't say a word.

Although the quilt was stuffy, she didn't lift it.

The volume used by Li Zhan. He knew that Chen Shihan could hear and see.

He continued to brew his own emotions, perhaps because the room was too quiet to be watched by someone on the crew. He was very relaxed and devoted. "I always like a girl, so I didn't find a girlfriend."

Chen Shihan in the quilt holds his breath and seems to want to hear who the girl is.

"She's a little younger than me. She went to a school, and saw each other's embarrassment..." his voice became more and more sad, repressed, and seemed to have endless feelings. There was no place to tell, "so many years, I've thought about expressing myself, but I'm too familiar with it. I can't open my mouth. "

Chen Shihan is so stuffy in the quilt that she can hardly breathe. I don't know if it's because her heart beats faster after listening to Li Zhan's words.

Li Zhan glanced at the undulating quilt and continued, "let's go. In fact, they are very beautiful... "

Chen Shihan held his breath again and listened carefully to Li Zhan's words, because all he said were in line with her.

Li Zhan always liked her?

"It's just that she has a bad temper and always thinks she's right. Maybe it's because of her family. She's always arrogant. She doesn't look down on most people. That's all."

"Li Zhan!"

Suddenly, Chen Shihan lifted the quilt, sat on the bed, pointed to Li Zhan and said angrily, "who do you think is right?"

Li Zhan looked at her, his lips slightly raised, "I said that the girl I like is self righteous, but I didn't say that the person I like is you. Why do you take the right seat? Still so excited? "……

Chen Shihan, "..."

Her face is as red as a cooked shrimp.

When the air was still for a few seconds, Chen Shihan yelled at him, "Wen Xiaoji, get out of here..."

Her closed lips were suddenly sealed.

Chen Shihan is very arrogant, because she has no man she likes, and she has never been in love. Up to now, her first kiss is still there.

This is her first time

Her pupils kept shrinking. Soon she realized what Li Zhan was doing. She tried to push him away. However, as soon as her hand moved, she was caught by Li Zhan and the other hand was inserted into her messy hair with sweat. She held her back tightly and deepened the kiss

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