Chapter 375: The Medal

Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

"Secretive Destiny?" Lucien repeated the title in a low voice and found himself quite happy with it. After all, a slight deviation in a prophecy could easily lead to a great difference.

Lucien did not know who was qualified to become a Secretive. Did he become one because of his knowledge in black holes, or his reincarnation?

Lucien knew that right now he was not able to find the answer. However, what he did know was that if he could apply the knowledge about black holes to the related astrology prophecies, very likely he would be able to observe part of the destiny trace of the Secretives! And, if the theory of gravitational lens was applied, the deviation in the prophecies about him could be more or less fixed.

The related knowledge all came from general relativity, and the corresponding books, in Lucien’s spirit library, were still sealed. Lucien had no idea how long it would take him to figure these things out on his own without the assistance of the books.

Fernando took a glance at Lucien and said, "Although as a senior-rank you’re much safer now, you still have to be careful all the time. You hear me?"

"Yes, sir. I will." Lucien smiled and nodded. He could feel Fernando’s care in his stern tone.

Fernando twitched the corner of his lips and then took out a badge, "This is yours."

"This is... Ice & Snow Medal?" Lucien was very surprised seeing this very beautiful badge.

The hexagram-shaped medal was made of silver-white metal, inlaid with many ice crystals. It just looked like a bigger crystal snowflake. Between the gaps of the hollowed-out snowflake medal, there was a small word Helium written with even finer ice crystals, and beside it, there was a number: 1.

Alferris was drooling at the mouth. Its brain was unable to think clearly for a moment.

Fernando cast a look at Thompson to ask him to temporarily leave the room. After Thompson left and closed the door, Fernando explained briefly, "Following your paper, Hellen increased the pressure and managed to turn liquid helium into solid, and thus, for the first time, we have reached the range one degree Celsius above the absolute zero, which is a great progress in the magic of ice and snow. There is no doubt that you can win the medal."

"But... but sir, I thought the paper was sealed for now." Lucien was confused.

Fernando scolded, "Stupid. You are leaving Allyn and you have no idea what you are going to face. What is the point of keeping the paper as a secret? Even if the public can get access to the paper right now, how is that going to affect you? You are leaving Allyn very soon, anyway. And in that case, getting a good magic item is way more useful to you than keeping a secret for nothing."

Lucien was a bit embarrassed. He rubbed his hands together. He knew that what Fernando just said was correct.

After that, Fernando softened his tone a bit and said, "Hellen is the only person to whom I gave the paper. She agreed that the paper can for sure win you a medal, and so she made the medal in advance. When you reveal the paper to the public, the awarding ceremony would be given to you later. Now you have won the highest award in three different fields, which is worthy of a record in the history of the Congress. Including you, there are only five sorcerers who have made this achievement. If Moonsong League did not choose to turn a blind eye to the discovery of the electron, you’d be the only one who was qualified for the highest award in the four different fields before reaching senior-rank... Of course, nevertheless, you are not even close to me."

It was Fernando’s habit to be cheap with giving his students good comments.

"So, how many awards did you win before reaching senior-rank, sir?" asked Lucien curiously. Lucien was touched by the fact that Fernando took the initiative and talked to Hellen Paris to get him one more magic item.

"Not a single one!" Fernando’s eyes rounded. "Before I reached the legendary level, there was no such award at all, or at least I would be able to win four of them! But the Congress has compensated me with Holm Crown prize, Ice & Snow Medal, Silver Moon Medal, Arcana Scepter, and Sorcerer Laurel. As for the number, I rank the first place among all the grand arcanists and legendary archmages. You want to beat me? You have to win all of them."

Fernando was very proud of himself as he was good at the many different fields. Even when it came to the field of Illusion, Fernando’s power was only a bit inferior to that of the legendary-level masters in Illusion such as Nightmare King and the Eye of Curse.

Before Lucien could respond, Fernando threw the medal at him, "I don’t want to spoil my students with giving them a lot of powerful magic items when they are out of Allyn on their adventure, as it is not going to help them with their mastery and use of magic. However, you deserve the medal. Take it. It took Hellen nine days to produce the medal and it is way more powerful than what a young guy like Morris can make, so I did not bother talking to Morris about your fourth Holm Crown ring. Also, because Hathaway and Davy are out of Allyn right now, the application will not be approved."

Lucien swiftly caught the medal in the air.

Fernando turned around and shook his head, "Stay here for a few more days until you have mastered Advanced Fly spell."

Advanced Fly and Fly shared the same basic structure. Therefore, the analysis was not going to be too difficult.

After watching Fernando leave, Lucien infused his spiritual power into the Ice & Snow Medal and he instantly felt the harsh strike of coldness, which was so powerful that could hurt one’s soul!

Shivering, Lucien carefully left his spiritual imprint in the medal to become its owner. The coldness, instead of freezing Lucien’s consciousness, started to bring him the great feeling of refreshment.

"Ice & Snow Medal, Helium, a level seven perfect-rank magic item. Coldness alerts and sobers people. It can prevent people from being deceived by their desire. When wearing the honored medal, the wearer’s resistance to illusionary spells and spells that work on the wearer’s soul will be improved to that of a seventh-circle Ice & Snow Witch.

"As honor is the halo above the head, Ice and Snow Realm represents the halo of power. When activated, the wearer will bring a world of ice and snow with a radius of five hundred meters. For any creatures of middle-rank and under, if not immune to coldness, they will be frozen to death immediately; any creatures of senior-rank will be severely hurt by the ice and snow, and their movement will be slowed down to a great extent; any creature above senior rank, without the protection of the corresponding spells or blood power, will be hurt as every second proceeds, and their movement will be slowed down to a small extent – the slow-down effect will accumulate as time goes on.

"Ice and Snow Realm, also called Ice Halo, a seventh-circle spell, can last three minutes when the full range is activated; When casting in a smaller range, it can last up to fifteen minutes. The wearer can use it three times a day.

"The unearthly coldness from the Hell of Silence can freeze one’s soul, and so can the seventh-circle spell, Silence Coffin, which derives from the coldness. The freezing ray that is able to damage one’s soul can be cast by the wearer three times a day. But remember, since the temperature of the ray is not extremely low, the damage it can do to one’s body is limited, and when a radiant knight is prepared, the ray will not be able to penetrate the radiant knight’s body and freeze his or her soul. At the same time, due to its special properties, the effect of most defensive spells will be ignored.

"To approach the absolute zero is the lifetime pursuit for every sorcerer who specializes in Ice and Snow magic. Although several legendary spells have already shown us the great power when the temperature approaches the absolute zero, we are not able to figure out the theories behind them, and this is preventing us from moving forward.

"Many thanks to Mr. Lucien Evans for his discovery of Helium and the new Ice and Snow magic that he invented. We are now able to reach the range where we are only one degree Celsius from the absolute zero, which is a great breakthrough in Ice and Snow magic. Mr. Lucien Evans has brought us into a new era in the history of Ice and Snow magic!

"Year 819, Month of Gold, to acknowledge Mr. Lucien Evans’ great contribution to the school of Thermodynamics in the field of Ice and Snow magic.

"The greatest dream among all the ice and snow mages–the absolute zero.

"From Hellen Paris."

"It is much better than the Holm Crown ring..." Lucien swallowed hard out of great excitement. Although the medal only had one enchanted magic effect, the enchanted seventh-circle was already alluring enough.

Without any doubt, the value of the medal was above the ring’s, not to mention the Immortal Throne magic robe. Only the Sun’s Corona that Lucien was wearing, whose the third layer of the seal was going to be released, could match the value of the medal.

At this time, Lucien heard the swallowing again. At first, Lucien thought that it was from himself, but when he turned around, he saw Alferris’ big eyes staring at him, twinkling.

"Alferris, you know what you need to do now," Lucien grinned.

Alferris, carrying Lucien’s magic robe and the many magic items, instantly took a few steps back from Lucien and shook its head in grief. After a great inner struggle, Alferris finally gave them back to Lucien.

When Lucien was wearing the magic items, a good idea suddenly stroke him. Lucien turned around with a big smile and asked, "Would you like to have a ring, Alferris?"

As he was saying, Lucien took out a ring, the Ice Revenger.

"Yes, yes!" Alferris nodded hard. Although it knew that the ring was not very valuable, the beautiful shape and the shining precious stone was still very tempting.

Lucien felt that he was lying to a little kid, grinning like a wolf grandmother, "Give me two tubes of your blood. And I will give the ring to you."

Alferris was good at casting illusion spells. So if Lucien could have its blood as casting reagent, the effect was going to be great.

"Blood?" Alferris was a bit surprised and it looked around and then said, "My blood is expensive!"

"Alright, then," Lucien was about to put back the ring.

"Wait, wait, deal!" Aferris hurriedly stopped Lucien before he made any further movement. It quickly took out two magic tubes and drew its blood into them. Losing this small amount of blood would not affect a dragon at all.


In the early morning after a week, Lucien had mastered Advanced Fly.

After checking carefully, Lucien cast Disguise on himself and left for the magic train station.

In the air of Allyn, Angwoods was watching Lucien’s every single movement with a creepy smile. As a senior-rank specter, it could see through most of the disguises, and also invisibility.

As the creature summoned by Felipe, from the materials Felipe got for the rite for Lucien, Angwoods knew that Lucien was rushing into becoming a senior-rank. Angwoods had expected that Lucien was going to leave Allyn. So when Felipe completely devoted himself to his experiment, Angwoods would come here to watch Lucien.

However, afraid of being detected by Sun’s Corona, Angwoods could only follow Lucien a long distance away from him.

Lucien spent half a day on the magic steam train and arrived at the big city in the south of the Kingdom of Holm. Then, he flew to the remote mountains and found a hidden cave in there. Lucien entered the cave.

Landing outside of the cave, Angwoods was a bit hesitant. If it was going to follow Lucien in the cave, very likely he was going to lose the target, as it could not approach Lucien.

Angwoods thought for a moment and decided to follow Lucien into the cave. It would stay out of the detection range of Sun’s Corona and use prophecy magic to locate him.

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