Chapter 374: The Secretive

Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

The dream-like magic light disappeared. The silver lines on the floor had all turned into burned black as if they were drawn using charcoal.

Lucien had never felt more powerful, as the bond between his soul and his cognition world had been further strengthened. He felt that one day he might be able to cast his soul and cognition world into the real material world to turn the virtual into the reality. However, Lucien was aware of the fact that this would at least require the power of a legendary level archmage. For example, he knew that when his teacher, Fernando, was suffering from the great shift of his cognition world, the entire Allyn was covered with the dark clouds, shivering with the flashes of lightning.

Lucien finally felt what it was like to be a senior-rank mage. Raising his hands, he looked at them, feeling very encouraged. Although his hands looked still the same, Lucien could feel the power in them from his soul, spiritual power and his cognition world.

"Sir, what did you say?" Thompson asked, "Untraceable... Destiny?"

Lucien heard the question. He had no idea what Thompson was saying. What was Untraceable Destiny? What happened during the rite? Did it have anything to do with his Host Star of Destiny?

Lucien had so many questions in his mind.

Thompson felt the horrible power in the magic rite and the words Fernando burst out. As an eighth-circle sorcerer and a member of the Affairs Committee, he had never heard about something like this. What happened to Lucien?

Fernando did not answer his question right away, but gently rubbed the head of Alferris, who also felt rather confused. Then, he asked Lucien:

"Are you a senior-rank now?"

"Yes, sir... I managed to stop the expansion," answered Lucien honestly. "Sir, what did you just say? What is this Untraceable Destiny? When I was trying to control the power, I felt something changing in my Host Star of Destiny."

"You’re such a troublemaker," said Fernando with a gloomy look. "Couldn’t you just wait for another three or four years to make the advancement? But you just had to do it right now."

However, after pausing a bit, Fernando continued, "I should not comment too much on those things related to your cognition world since it is your own business. But, if you want to know, I’ll tell you something... The Untraceable Destiny refers to the special group of sorcerers who are free from the constraint of destiny. When they connected to the Host Star of Destiny and got their own reflection, because of some unknown reasons, their reflection collapsed and the host star lost its radiance, and thus the trace can never be observed again. In other words, they are the sorcerers who cannot be prophesied."

"What?!" Thompson was very surprised, and then he turned to look at Lucien in great shock.

Any sorcerers who studied astrology would hold destiny in awe. It was Thompson’s first time hearing that there was a group of people who were not affected by destiny!

"So what... They still died anyway." Fernando sneered.

"They died... Sir, who were they?" asked Lucien curiously.

Fernando grinned, "I know five of them. The most famous one should be the archon of the Sylvanas Magic Empire, the Sun King, Thanos. The other four sorcerers were also legendary archmages but all of them died."

"Thanos was an Untraceable? Then how did he become the Sun King? There is no historical record for this..." Thompson was very surprised. After all, the Sun King was one of the legendary classes of the school of ancient Astrology, and it was said that to become a Sun King, one had to turn his or her Host Star of Destiny into a sun to make further advances. If his Host Star of Destiny had collapsed, how did he make the further progress?

Lucien was just as confused.

Fernando shook his head and smiled, "Only the members of the Highest Council can have the access to the secret record. Well, maybe some really old ancient sorcerers have also heard something about it. Thanos reached the legendary level with an artificial small sun made of a great number of sunstones and the body of an ancient evil creature called Chirchira. At that time, almost every single legendary sorcerer believed that a sorcerer using this kind of method to reach the legendary level would not be able to proceed any further, however, in the end, Thanos became the one standing on the summit."

"So, the Untraceable always create miracles... Are they the sons of Destiny?" As Thompson was saying, he looked at Lucien.

Fernando looked at Thompson seriously and said, "Don’t exaggerate... They are only immune to the prophecy magic, nothing else special. As for why all of the Untraceable were legendary archmages... you should think the opposite way. Those ones who did not manage to become a legendary archmage would not be remembered. I believe that there are many Untraceable, even among the many ordinary people."

"This is already very awesome..." Lucien hoped that he was an Untraceable.

"I don’t believe in such a thing... the so-called Untraceable," Fernando sneered. "To be more specific, their destiny just cannot be observed. They are still under the control of destiny. With the development of the more advanced methods in the school of Astrology put forward by arcana, we will be able to see the invisible traces!"

Fernando was rather confident, and his tone was rather firm. As a grand arcanist who had experienced the rapid development of arcana, Fernando was always confident.

"So... Is Lucien an Untraceable?" Thompson could not help asking. Alferris was also very curious.

Fernando took a glance at Lucien and shook his head. He sounded a bit confused, "I thought he was, and I was wondering why did his talent only show up after reaching the senior-rank, but now I think that he is not an Untraceable, as his Host Star of Destiny can still be observed." Fernando turned to Lucien and asked, "What happened in your cognition world?"

"I was trying my best to control the star to stop the expansion, but it did not work well. When I reached my limit, somehow the Host Star of Destiny split into half. One half suddenly collapsed after the sudden expansion and formed a swirl that seemingly could devour everything. The other half stopped the burning of the Host Star of Destiny, and thus I seized the chance."

Lucien did not tell Fernando the entire truth. He did not explain the reason why the Host Star of Destiny was split in two, as no one could explain why the Untraceable existed.

Fernando folded his arms, "Why did the star split? How is your cognition world formed? If you don’t want to say, you don’t have to."

"There is nothing I cannot say." Lucien grinned. He described his cognition world but hid the parts about the constitution of fire, wind, and water and the ice and snow world, as Fernando, Thompson, and Alferris all knew that it was Lucien who put forward the assumption that the form of energy was discontinuous, and they also knew that Lucien regarded electron as part of the inner structure of an atom. What Lucien could not let Fernando know was the fact that his belief in the discontinuity of the form of energy had led to the substantialization of his cognition world.

Fernando guessed that part of Lucien’s cognition world had ice and snow, but he did not say it directly. Fernando looked a bit confused, "I don’t see the connection... Where were you born?"

One’s date of birth and some other factors could intervene in the choice of the Host Star of Destiny.

Instantly, Lucien was inspired. He wondered if the split of the star had anything to do with his reincarnation.

Lucien answered Fernando’s question, and Fernando did not doubt his words. Fernando took out a crystal ball to see if astrology still worked for Lucien.

Lucien was also very curious. He wished that his teacher could help him with figure out what the division of his Host Star of Destiny meant.

There were stars following the traces in the crystal balls.

Lucien could feel nothing different facing the fortunetelling power of a grand arcanist, which meant that he could not get prepared if a grand arcanist was trying to pry into his destiny. Behind his Host Star of Destiny, the black swirl was still sucking in the light.

Fernando looked more serious. He kept working on it and finally stopped after a few minutes.

"What is it, sir?" asked Lucien eagerly.

Fernando gently stroke the crystal ball and said in low voice, "I am this close to you. The astrology should be able to locate you perfectly and give me more information about you. However... the crystal ball told me that you are two meters away from me on the left."

Lucien checked where he was standing: He was indeed standing in front of Fernando on his left, but was only about a meter away!

"So... All the prophecies about me are going to stray away from the correct track. The deviation degree depends on the difference between my level and the prophet’s level, but the deviation will always exist!"

Fernando nodded seriously, "Maybe we should call you... Secretive Destiny."

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