This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 175: The Former should Return (4)

Chapter 175

Zhang Yao, like an old mother sending off her daughter's wedding, held Yan Xingnan's hand and showered him with endless reminders: "Miss Shen is a good-tempered girl, and I haven't heard of any special preferences. In the future, don't be so stubborn. You must win over Miss Shen's heart, and if you can't win her heart, at least grab some money. Integrity alone can't put food on the table. You will surely enjoy great wealth and prosperity in the future. When you achieve success, don't forget about me. I've done my part, so remember my kindness, and don't hold any grudges."

Yan Xingnan was at a loss for words. The scene was reminiscent of Princess Ping'an sending Wei Zifu to the harem of Emperor Hanwu.

Yan Xingnan was driven to a villa in the suburbs of the capital, but Emperor Shen was not in the palace. Only a nanny came out to greet him and led him to the master bedroom on the second floor, handing him a set of loungewear and telling him to clean himself up thoroughly, as Miss Shen had specifically instructed that not a trace of cologne should be left on him.

Tsk, this is truly the treatment reserved for imperial concubines? fr𝐞𝐞𝚠e𝗯𝗻ovel.c𝐨m

As Yan Xingnan scrubbed himself, he grew angrier and angrier. Was Shen Youfei treating him as a stand-in? What is this all about?

Should he be angry? Angry at himself?

Has she used other stand-ins over the years?

Should he say she is deeply in love or just a heartless woman?

Yan Xingnan's mind was filled with countless questions, but the more he mulled over the perplexing issues, the less he felt troubled.

No matter what, if he doesn't make Shen Youfei "meow" with ecstasy, he'll change his surname to Shen!

Yan Xingnan prepared himself thoroughly, ensuring that every strand of his hair exuded a deadly male pheromone, and even did half an hour of push-ups.

But that night, Shen Youfei did not come to the villa, leaving Yan Xingnan fuming and tossing and turning all night without sleep.

The next morning, Yan Xingnan skipped breakfast, grumpily carrying his ID to the South City Police Station.

The address hadn't changed, but the surrounding buildings were mostly different from his memory, and the police station had been renovated twice in the past 18 years. Everything had changed, yet everything also seemed the same.

Across from the station, there was still a row of breakfast shops. Just like many years ago, Yan Xingnan bought four large meat buns, three youtiao, and two soybean milk for breakfast. He gnawed on the meat bun, standing in front of the station, gazing up at the police emblem, unsure of where to start his reflections.

In the blink of an eye, 18 years had passed.

Observing the game of go, it is indeed as such.

He gulped down the soybean milk in one go, crumpled the plastic soybean milk bag into a ball, and accurately tossed it into the trash can in the corner. He was about to cross the street to buy a pancake to fill the gap when a short-haired girl stopped him.

"What are you up to?! I could see you sneaking around from far away!" Jiang Han was munching on a loaded giant burger, using both hands to hold it, with plastic bags hanging from her wrists, filled with soybean milk, steamed buns, glutinous rice balls, and xiaolongbao.

Her facial features were largely unchanged, and Yan Xingnan could still make out her childhood appearance. He recognized her instantly.

"I... I'm here to file a report."

Jiang Han's eyes turned into X-ray machines, scanning him from head to toe, before retracting her sharp gaze and taking a big bite of the pancake. "If you're here to file a report, then go inside. What are you standing out here for?"

Yan Xingnan struggled to shift his gaze from the pancake. "But it's not working hours yet, right?"

Jiang Han swallowed the pancake. "Hmph, you're wrong about that. The police station never closes. Justice never sleeps. Follow me inside."

Jiang Han led the way, and Yan Xingnan followed behind her. Along the way, they encountered quite a few people, and Jiang Han chatted with everyone, mostly bickering and joking around. Many of them would pick something from the plastic bags she was carrying and take it. Soon, her bags were half empty.

Her giant pancake was also finished, and Yan Xingnan noticed the thick calluses on her hands, feeling a pang of sorrow.

When Jiang Han was young, she loved to draw and wanted to be an interior designer.

Jiang Han brought him to the reception area, and a beautiful policewoman took a tea egg from her hand and quietly said, "I just saw Captain Yang's car."

Jiang Han forcefully crumpled the empty plastic bag in her hand. "That old bastard Yang Zhao, finally, I've caught him!"

Jiang Han rushed off in a flurry, leaving Yan Xingnan standing there dumbfounded.

Yang Zhao has become the police chief?

Damn it! They used to be roommates at the police academy, and back then, they were competing to see who would become the captain first. Who would have thought that Yang Zhao would become the chief?

Yan Xingnan looked at himself...

And he's nothing.

Yan Xingnan rolled his eyes and followed the pretty policewoman into the reception room.

"What kind of problem do you need help with? Lost your wallet or phone?"

Yan Xingnan: "Two things. First, I found that the Jinse Club is involved in drug trafficking. Second, I think I might have been a kidnapped victim."

"...These...these two things...are quite serious."

The young policewoman, clearly a newcomer, had little experience. She asked Yan Xingnan to wait and went to call someone.

Soon, two people from the Anti-Drug Division arrived. After the routine inquiry about the Jinse Club, they subtly showed their disappointment.

Yan Xingnan quickly realized that they already knew about the Jinse Club and were in the process of reeling in a bigger fish, hoping Yan Xingnan could provide new leads, but he had no useful information to offer.

The Anti-Drug Division officers left, and people from the Anti-Trafficking Unit came next, asking him how he knew he was a kidnapped victim.

Why? Because when he was sorting through Zhao Cunzhi's memories, he found that his memories before the age of four were completely missing, and based on Zhao Cunzhi's parents' appearance, unless he was a genetic mutant, he couldn't have turned out like this. Plus, Zhao Cunzhi's parents' attitude towards him as their son, it was almost certain that he was not their biological child.

Yan Xingnan lied a bit, saying he suddenly recalled some childhood memories. He spoke convincingly, and the Anti-Trafficking officers didn't suspect anything, collecting his DNA sample and telling him to wait for the results.

Wait, my ass. Shen Youfei is probably with some pretty boy right now!

Yan Xingnan grew increasingly frustrated as he left the police station, his steps dragging.

On the fourth-floor corridor, Jiang Han and Yang Zhao watched him walk out of the station.

Yang Zhao rubbed his stubble-covered chin. "There's something off about this guy."

Jiang Han mimicked his actions. "I think so too! I can't quite put my finger on it, but he's definitely got some issues."

"Tsk, I think he's messed up in every way. Pull the surveillance footage, I want to take a look."

Yan Xingnan returned to the villa, to his surprise, Shen Youfei was already back.

She was sitting at the dining table, and upon hearing the noise, she looked up at him. "Come sit down and have dinner."

Yan Xingnan noticed that in just one day, her fine lines had diminished quite a bit, and her skin looked tighter, but the muscles on her face seemed a bit stiff.

Shen Youfei noticed his intent gaze and couldn't help but sneer inwardly: "If you dare complain that I'm getting old, I'll find a 18-year-old young man!"

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