This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 174: The Former Should Return (3)

Chapter 174

Shen Youfei's expression was indifferent as she glanced at the group of young men Zhang Yao had brought in, then lowered her eyelashes.

Yan Xingnan gazed at her, his eyes filled with an almost crazed adoration. The years had left fine lines on her face, distilling a foreign tenderness and tranquility in Shen Youfei that made him unable to tear his eyes away.

For Yan Xingnan, it had only been a nap; but for Shen Youfei, it had been an unpleasant eighteen years.

His gaze was too brazenly ardent, and Zhang Yao discreetly elbowed him in the side, right on his still-healing wound. Yan Xingnan, caught unaware, let out a pained cry.

All eyes in the private room turned to him, and when Yan Xingnan looked up, he met Shen Youfei's detached and distant expression, which deeply wounded him.

Shen Yingshuang also noticed him, her eyes coquettish and playful: "He's quite good-looking, just delectable."

She was like a man-eating female demon, vastly different from the proud and pristine little girl she had been in her youth.

Yan Xingnan just felt overwhelmed - the ones he had hoped would be attracted to him were not.

Shen Youfei averted her gaze, her tone flat: "Average."

Yan Xingnan: "..."

"I think he's quite handsome, his aura is different from the others," Shen Yingshuang said enthusiastically, nodding at him. "Come over here, get a little closer. What's your name?"

Yan Xingnan stepped forward two paces: "My name is Zhao Cunzhi."

Shen Youfei picked up a cup on the table, only to realize it was not her water but Shen Yingshuang's wine, and put it back down.

Shen Yingshuang stuck out her tongue in exasperation: "That's a boring name."

Thanks to this earthy name, Shen Yingshuang instantly lost interest in him.

One of the bolder ones stepped forward and introduced himself: "Sister, my name is much nicer, look at me~"

Shen Yingshuang liked bold and obedient ones, and immediately took an interest, patting the seat next to her: "Come sit here, and tell me your name."

Shen Youfei, finding the private room stuffy, stood up and went outside to get some fresh air.

Yan Xingnan watched her retreating figure, wanting to follow, but seeing the current situation, he gritted his teeth and restrained himself. It wasn't the right time - how could he explain all this to her?

Soon, a few more wealthy heiresses entered, including Qiao Xi, and after greeting Shen Yingshuang, they excitedly left half the men behind to drink and chat with them. Relying on his good looks, Yan Xingnan was among them.

He immediately put on an excellent act, clutching his stomach and loudly exclaiming, "My stomach hurts, I need to run to the bathroom!"

The disgruntled Shen Yingshuang immediately flew into a rage, smashing the cup in her hand. "Get out!"

Yan Xingnan, under Zhang Yao's predatory gaze, performed a heart-wrenching yet eager exit.

Qiao Xi quickly tried to lighten the mood: "Guess who we just saw? The little madam of the Qin family!"

"Her? She just came here?" Shen Yingshuang asked, surprised.

This place was a haven for wealthy women, a gold-digging paradise. Mei Li, a Cinderella who had married into a powerful family from humble origins, daring to come to a place like this - didn't she fear the Qin family would tear her apart?

"Yes, we all saw her, there's no mistake."

Shen Yingshuang said mysteriously, "What's more strange is my elder sister coming here."

"Elder sister? Which elder sister?"

Shen Yingshuang: "I only have one elder sister."

The socialites all exclaimed in unison: "Holy shit!"

Yan Xingnan slipped out of the private room, wanting to find Shen Youfei, but after searching the entire floor, he couldn't find her anywhere.

This floor was decorated the most extravagantly, the winding corridors leading him to the end, where a private room stood out, unnaturally quiet. The bodyguards at the door had a distinct aura - these were no ordinary bodyguards, with the air of hardened criminals and the blood of dozens, if not hundreds, on their hands.

Tsk, big fish.

Yan Xingnan didn't want to raise any alarms, and pretending to be a newcomer who was lost, he looked around and then turned and left.

"Stop!" One of the bodyguards behind him shouted.

Yan Xingnan's scalp tingled - his acting was quite good, how could this have happened?

"What are you doing here?"

Yan Xingnan turned back, pointing to his uniform: "Excuse me, I'm new here and don't know the way, I didn't mean to disturb you all."

The leader stepped forward, tugging at the collar of Yan Xingnan's clothes: "Oh, so you're a fresh one, don't know how to serve men, huh?"

The others all chuckled suggestively.

Yan Xingnan's head spun - these people were really that bold nowadays? As an old man, he was just out of touch with the times.

Yan Xingnan forced a laugh: "You're joking, I don't know how to..."

"You can learn!" the man interrupted him. "I can teach you too!"

Yan Xingnan tried to leave, but the men surrounded him.

"What are you doing here?" Shen Youfei's voice rang out like heavenly music as she stood in the distance, looking at the group calmly. "Come here."

The bodyguards glanced at Shen Youfei, taking in her regal bearing and the designer outfit that likely cost seven figures, realizing she was no ordinary small fry.

The dealings in the private room were still ongoing, they couldn't stir up trouble.

The men exchanged looks and dispersed the circle around Yan Xingnan.

"We were just joking around with this young man."

Yan Xingnan scurried to Shen Youfei's side, and she gave him a brief glance before turning and walking away, completely ignoring the men, as if they didn't exist. Yan Xingnan hurried to follow her.

"Tch! That old hag, acting all high and mighty! Let's see how she likes it when we get our hands on her," one of the men spat toward Shen Youfei's retreating back.

Another joined in the taunts: "Take me along too, let's all have some fun with her!"

Though their voices were lowered, Yan Xingnan's hearing was exceptionally keen, and he silently turned back, committing the appearances of those two men to memory.

Shen Youfei walked ahead, passing by a balcony, and pushed open the door, stepping out into the wintry wind.

She was only wearing a black velvet gown, and Yan Xingnan's uniform only had a vest, so he couldn't even take off a piece of clothing to drape over her.

Shen Youfei stood silently in the biting cold, her shoulders relaxed and her back ramrod straight.

Yan Xingnan stood quietly behind her for a while before finally breaking the silence: "Thank you, Miss Shen, for earlier."

"Don't you have anything else you want to say to me?" Shen Youfei did not turn around, still facing away from him.

"Uh... I do." He considered his words carefully. "The temperature is quite cold, you should go inside, or should I go get you a coat?"

Shen Youfei was silent for a moment, her tone growing even colder: "Go get me a coat."

Yan Xingnan responded affirmatively and quickly hurried away.

Shen Youfei glanced sideways, watching his retreating back, then bit her lip slightly.

When Yan Xingnan returned with the coat, Shen Youfei was gone. Instead, Zhang Yao was there, smiling brightly as he stopped Yan Xingnan: "Miss Shen has already left. She's arranged for someone to take you away."

"What?" Yan Xingnan was taken aback.

"Look at that stupid expression!" Zhang Yao said, shaking his head in exasperation as he slapped Yan Xingnan's back. "The young miss has taken a liking to you."

"Why?!" This was so sudden, he wasn't prepared at all! How had he not seen any of this coming before?

"She said you reminded her of someone."

"...I see."

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