There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 229: The Charming Widow Is Very Excited

Wei Xue naturally knew the reason why Miao Fengxian and Fairy Su could only cuddle and kiss. However, she never expected that in order to make that young man crave for herself, Su Jingyi would go to such lengths, even using secret techniques. Whether she would follow through on her intentions tomorrow was uncertain. Perhaps Su Jingyi was acting impulsively, and when her anger subsided, she might regret it.

At the same time, Su Jingyi, who was still feeling upset, was already starting to have some regrets. Although she had decided to give herself to him, the thought of doing it so soon was making her anxious. They had only spent so little time together; was this really the right path?

"Alright, alright, you two, don't go too far. Fighting over him will only benefit him in the end," Wei Xue said gently as she reached for Su Jingyi's delicate hand. "You're both my best friends, and I don't want to see you hurting each other. How about we just settle things like this? Can you both be on equal footing?"

Being held back by Wei Xue and seeing her make the first move to step back, Su Jingyi naturally dropped her furious fairy demeanor and replied in a tender manner, "Well, it depends on whether she's willing. If she's not, I won't back down. I'll fight her to the end."

"Don't worry. Fengxian is just stubborn for now. When the time comes, she can only accept the situation, especially now that you've got him," Wei Xue said curiously. "By the way, I really want to meet this young man of yours. What kind of man is he to make both you and Fengxian fall for him?"

"No way!" Su Jingyi immediately refused, just like how Miao Fengxian had rejected her. They both shared the same perspective on this matter, and their words were earnest. "You absolutely cannot meet him. If you do, you'll be drawn in, and things will get even more complicated."


Wei Xue couldn't believe her ears and was really infuriated. "What? You two actually have the same mindset on this issue? Over a mere man? Do you really think my 'Eternal Abandonment of Desire' technique is just for show?"

"It's just for show," Su Jingyi muttered softly.

Wei Xue heard it loud and clear and was even more infuriated. If it had been someone else, they might have come to blows, but this was Su Jingyi, a woman who was on par with the thousand-year-old demoness Miao Fengxian. Wei Xue knew she wasn't a match for her.

Su Jingyi discreetly glanced at the woman beside her, watching as her mature features seemed to distort with frustration. She quickly grabbed Wei Xue's arm and pressed her body tightly against her, her tone coy, "Since both Miao Fengxian and I have refused, can you please not stir up trouble, sister? Can you promise not to seek him out? I'm begging you, please?"

"Alright, alright, I won't go looking for him," Wei Xue verbally agreed.

After a brief pause, she asked curiously, "So, what's the deal with your so-called Daoist secret technique? Does such a technique even exist, or did you just make something up while you were angry?"

Su Jingyi lightly bit her lip and replied, "Of course, such a thing exists, and I've found it."

"Really?" Wei Xue inquired, "Can Fengxian use it?"

Su Jingyi shook her head and explained, "Naturally, she can't use it. This is a Daoist secret technique. How could a demoness like her use it? She can only wait... wait for my little scoundrel to reach the level of Seventh Realm of cultivation, at the very least, the level of Mid-Innate Realm. Otherwise, she can forget about it for the rest of her life, especially considering she's a thousand-year-old snake demoness."

As she spoke, there was still a hint of satisfaction in her tone about this matter.

"I see," Wei Xue said with some sympathy for Miao Fengxian.

In the time that followed, the two of them chatted about various trivial matters. When Wei Xue stood up, she softly said, "I should go now."

"You're leaving already?"

Su Jingyi felt a bit reluctant. In fact, she had many things she wanted to say but hesitated. She pursed her lips and suggested, "How about staying with me tonight and going back tomorrow?"

Wei Xue shook her head and looked at Su Jingyi's slightly disappointed expression. She smiled and said, "Maybe next time. I'll be back in the Central Plains soon. I'll stay with you for a few more days then. But I'm worried about people finding out. The famous Su Jingyi, Fairy Su, consorting with the Western Demonic Sect Leader."

"It's alright. No one can gossip about my affairs," Su Jingyi responded nonchalantly.

Following that, Su Jingyi escorted Wei Xue to the door. She watched as the Demonic Sect Leader transformed into a streak of light and disappeared from her sight. Deep within, she felt a sense of loneliness and solitude, sighing helplessly as she returned to her residence.


The next morning, with great care, Lu Xun lifted the blanket, put on the pants he had tossed on the ground, and found another set of clothes. He stealthily left the room.

When he arrived in the hall, he saw the big demoness sitting there, and in the courtyard, the little fox was lazily practicing with a sword, her angry yet obedient appearance quite comical.

"Did you have a comfortable night?" Miao Fengxian asked casually as she lifted a teacup, but her words seemed to carry a hint of gunpowder.

"It was alright."

"Of course, it wasn't as comfortable as being with you, sister," Lu Xun hurriedly reassured her, sensing her slight jealousy.

Miao Fengxian rolled her eyes at him but still felt a small sense of satisfaction. She softly said, "Tomorrow, you'll have your time alone with Su Jingyi again. Be careful and don't do anything that will make me unhappy. Otherwise, you'll have to pay the price."

"Yes, yes," Lu Xun nodded and said earnestly, "Sister, rest assured, I'll be honest."

Miao Fengxian pursed her lips, then suddenly took out a few pieces of white fabric and threw them to the little thief sitting beside her, saying lightly, "These are the demon spider silk that Xuan Yin brought back from the Western Regions for you. Take a look and see if it meets your requirements."

When Lu Xun received the demon spider silk, he felt its texture and conducted a simple test. He became excited and nodded repeatedly, saying, "Yes, yes! This is the right material!"

Stockings are within reach!

He could even make a few pairs of erotic underwear. Oh, with stockings and the void-like erotic underwear, this was simply limitless magic!

Lu Xun quickly left the hall, returned to his room, and took out his writing tools. He used a brush and ink to design the silk stockings he had imagined. However, his craftsmanship was quite crude, and the designs were barely recognizable even to himself.

After pondering for a while, Lu Xun left his room quietly, went to a corner of the backyard, summoned his three spiritual mirrors, and then recalled one of them. Staring at the two identical mirrors in his hand, he felt a bit perplexed for a moment.

"Which one belongs to Mu Qingshuang?"

After some hesitation, Lu Xun wrote the same three words on both mirrors—Are you there?

In a moment, the mirror labeled "A" lit up, and the words "What's up, little scoundrel?" appeared on it.

Lu Xun pursed his lips and wrote down the words "I miss you" on this mirror. At the same time, he wrote "I'm coming to find you" on the other mirror.

After that, Lu Xun and his Aunt Su in the capital continued their romantic exchange through the spiritual mirror. However, Mu Qingshuang did not respond for a long time, and she didn't reply even when his affair with Aunt Su ended.

"Still asleep?"

Lu Xun frowned and put away the spiritual mirror before heading to the hall.

"I'm going out for a bit."

"I'll find a few seamstresses and ask if they can make stockings," Lu Xun told the big demoness.


Miao Fengxian hesitated a bit but, considering his straightforwardness, he probably didn't want to go out to get involved with women, so she simply agreed. Of course, she couldn't resist offering some words of caution. The nature of these cautions mostly revolved around maintaining purity and not engaging in any inappropriate behavior.

"I'll go outside for a bit. I'll bring you something delicious when I return," Lu Xun said as he arrived in the courtyard, summoning his flying sword and addressing the little fox beside him.

"Oh," the little fox pouted and appeared somewhat aggrieved and displeased. She watched him disappear on the horizon, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"What are you daydreaming for? Don't be lazy. Keep practicing!" Miao Fengxian's stern reprimand reached Xuan Shi's ears, snapping her back to reality.

At this moment, the little fox wanted to cry but had no tears in her eyes.


The charming widow Mu Qingshuang slowly opened her eyes from her dreams, gazing dreamily at the canopy above her. Her expression was filled with tenderness and longing. Last night, she had a dream where she and Lu Xun were discussing how to conceive a child.

"He looked so strong in my dream."

Driven by love and desire, Mu Qingshuang's cheeks on both sides showed a touch of alluring redness. Her breathing had quickened a bit.

"Ah, but it was only in the dream after all."

Mu Qingshuang sighed and shifted her curvaceous body, tightly hugging the bedsheets. At the same time, she buried her head deep inside, imagining herself nestled in his embrace at this moment.

However, faced with a heart completely freed from restraints, a heart that had been lonely for over forty years, it was impossible to fill the emptiness and loneliness within her with just dreams. On the contrary, it intensified her excitement and longing.

At that moment, Mu Qingshuang slowly reached out her hand, searching under her pillow to retrieve the spiritual mirror, intending to exchange a few words with him to alleviate the emptiness in her heart.

When she saw the words on the mirror, she abruptly sat up in bed, her eyes filled with astonishment and disbelief.

He... he is coming to see me?

Thinking she might still be dreaming, Mu Qingshuang pinched her thigh. The sharp pain brought her back to reality, and she realized that the dashing young man she had longed for had indeed come to see her!

"Oh my God! Oh my God~!"

Happiness and shyness overwhelmed her, and the mature and charming widow clutched her bedsheets, rolling around as if she were back in her youth, experiencing love for the first time.

Knock, knock, knock—

A hurried knocking on the door woke Mu Qingshuang from her excitement.

"Madam," her personal maid was at the door.

"What is it?" Mu Qingshuang suppressed her inner excitement and calmly inquired.

"Madam, may I come in?"

"Come in."

The maid entered but didn't proceed to the inner bedroom. Instead, she stood at the doorway and said softly, "Madam, the young man from a few days ago, he's in the backyard."


He... he has really come?

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