There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 228: Have They Reached This Level Of Competition?

Su Jingyi, who had already felt a hint of unease, was suddenly struck by a wave of astonishment and disbelief upon hearing the words of the woman from the Western Regions. She looked at Wei Xue beside her, her eyes filled with confusion and even a hint of panic, feeling a bit at a loss, her mind completely blank.

How did she know about Lu Xun? This was something almost no one knew, including Miao Fengxian. Yet, how did this woman from the Western Region know about it? Could it be... could it be that she had made a move before me?

Su Jingyi was confused and thinking wildly, and at the same time, Wei Xue, the mature and beautiful woman from the Western Regions, was looking at her good friend with a smile that seemed to hold a secret amusement. She was enjoying the sudden shock on Su Jingyi's face.


"Is that young man well-built?" Wei Xue leaned in closer, gently linking her arm with Su Jingyi's, her gaze fixed on her, softly inquiring.

Su Jingyi snapped out of it, suppressing her inner turmoil and fear, and replied coldly, "W-What Lu Xun? What well-built or not? I don't understand what you're talking about. Can you please not impose your imaginary man on me? I've told you, I don't like any men in this world."

This stubborn fairy was still denying everything, and Wei Xue couldn't help but smile. She asked softly, "Since it doesn't matter, why do you seem a bit shaky when you speak, and why is your speech intermittent? It shows you're hiding something."

"I... You're holding me too tightly, it's uncomfortable," Su Jingyi refused to admit.

Wei Xue rolled her eyes and said unkindly, "If I didn't have solid evidence, would I mention the person's name? You don't carefully consider this issue and still argue stubbornly with me."


"Since you say you have evidence," Su Jingyi bit her lip, showing signs of impatience, "then show me the evidence!"

"Sure about that?" Wei Xue chuckled softly. "I'm afraid you'll be embarrassed. You, this little rabbit who loves to nibble on the grass by the nest."

Nest... nibbling grass by the nest?

Could it be that she really knows everything?

Despite Su Jingyi's seemingly calm exterior, her rapid breathing had already given her away, and intense embarrassment had permeated her entire being. After a brief pause and a struggle to find the right words, she couldn't help but take a deep breath and cautiously ask, "What else do you know?"

"How come...."

"...You're giving in so easily?" Wei Xue said with a knowing smile. "No more stubbornness?"

Su Jingyi felt a bit awkward so she stammered, "A-Alright, alright, can we stop? It's because I'm afraid of you. Please tell me... what else do you know?"

"I'll leave the rest for you to guess." Wei Xue pursed her lips and softly said, "I'm just more surprised and shocked. You've actually fallen for the lover of Miao Fengxian. Even though you two are arch-enemies, every time you meet, you're either fighting or arguing, but you also share a sisterly bond. She saved you from danger several times, and you've helped her as well. How did it come to this, with you wanting to take her man?"

Su Jingyi bit her lip, her expression showing a mixture of complex emotions. "I had no choice. I never expected things to develop this way, but once you've drawn the bow, you can't put the arrow back. At this point, I can only continue down this path step by step."

After she spoke, Su Jingyi lowered her head and asked in a voice as delicate as a mosquito's hum, "How did you find out about this, anyway?"

"Miao Fengxian told me," Wei Xue replied.

"What?!" Su Jingyi lifted her head abruptly, a look of shock and panic on her face. She urgently asked, "Who did you say told you?"

"Your arch-enemy, your sister, your love rival, Miao Fengxian, the enchanting demoness," Wei Xue said leisurely. "But she's only suspecting it. She suspects you might be in love with her man. Of course, she's hoping you fall for him. As for the reasons, I can't tell you."

Su Jingyi furrowed her brow and replied coldly, "Is it to make me love in vain, to make me suffer forever? Is that the reason?"

This time, Wei Xue was the one who froze, looking at her with a stunned expression. "How do you know that?"

"She said it right in front of me," Su Jingyi pouted. She had shed her previous embarrassed appearance, replacing it with a touch of pride and self-satisfaction, "If she wants me to love without receiving, then I'll make her love and then lose it."

"You two can really compete over anything. Truly sisters," Wei Xue rolled her eyes and said, not very pleased. "So, it's just revenge against Miao Fengxian. In reality, you don't actually like him, right?"

"That's not true!" Su Jingyi immediately got agitated and replied earnestly, "My feelings for him are no less than Miao Fengxian's."

"Oh, I was just saying casually. I didn't expect you to take it so seriously. It seems like you truly love him." Wei Xue smiled, teasingly poking her waist. "But seriously, you're a bit ruthless, stealthily taking Miao Fengxian's man. More importantly, the demoness is still in the dark about this."


"She deserves it!" Su Jingyi coldly smiled and said, "Just wait. In no time, I'll completely snatch Lu Xun from her."

As soon as she finished speaking, Wei Xue burst into laughter, much to Su Jingyi's displeasure.

"What's so funny?"

"Are you doubting me?" Su Jingyi frowned, irritatedly questioning.

"No," Wei Xue, who knew everything, replied with a suppressed smile, "It's just that, have you ever considered a possibility? If you and Miao Fengxian continue this rivalry, and it ends up harming both of you, wouldn't that be a win for another woman?"

"Another woman?"

Apart from me and Miao Fengxian, does he... does he have other confidantes?

Su Jingyi had her eyes locked onto Wei Xue. She asked seriously, "Do you know something?"

"It's just my guess."

"Just take it as my nonsense," Wei Xue chuckled, secretly pondering that the situation seemed even more complicated than she'd thought.

At this moment, because of what Wei Xue had said, Su Jingyi began to harbor various suspicions and eventually settled on Mu Qingshuang as the subject of her doubts.

"Could it really be the same man?"

"But... our information about each other is entirely different. Her man is an upright gentleman, while mine is a lustful scoundrel," Su Jingyi muttered, her voice barely audible.

No, no, it can't be Mu Qingshuang. How could it possibly be her?

Su Jingyi pursed her lips, once again excluding the alluring widow from her considerations. Upon closer reflection, that scoundrel wouldn't have other women; Miao Fengxian kept a close watch over him, and there's no way she'd let him get involved with other women.

"What were you mumbling about just now?" Wei Xue looked at her with suspicion.

"Nothing," Su Jingyi said indifferently, "The situation has become a bit complicated now. Please, don't get involved. Even though the 'Eternal Abandonment of Desire' sealed your desires, it's not entirely reliable. If your desires surge uncontrollably, it might break the seal."

Wei Xue rolled her eyes and said irritably, "You two are fighting for the same man, so why are you so wary of me? First Miao Fengxian, and now you."

"You don't understand."

"This is taking precautionary measures. I don't want the three of us fighting over the same man," Su Jingyi said leisurely.

Hmph. Taking precautionary measures? You and the little demoness are already vying for the same man, you just don't know it yourself.

Wei Xue bit her lip, quietly suppressing her thoughts and gently asked, "How did you fall for the young lover of Miao Fengxian?"

"Can't say," Su Jingyi replied indifferently.

"Then let me ask differently. How did you seduce him?" Wei Xue asked again.

"Can't say," Su Jingyi remained expressionless.


"How far have you gone with him?" Wei Xue insisted.


Before Su Jingyi could finish, Wei Xue spoke up first, glaring at her, "You won't say this, you won't say that. What exactly can you say?"

"None of your business." Su Jingyi turned her head, not even glancing at her.

"You!" The Western Region beauty was furious, her chest rising and falling irregularly, displaying a depth and magnanimity no less than that of Fairy Su.

"Actually," Su Jingyi bit her lip and whispered, "it's just... kisses and hugs. I especially like snuggling into his embrace; his body is so strong and sturdy. You couldn't imagine the feeling in your life, smelling his masculine scent, touching his chest, listening to his sweet words, and finally, locking lips with him. I... "

Listening to her suddenly descriptive explanation, Wei Xue's face turned red as she blushed.

"But... it just makes me angrier the more I think about it," Su Jingyi said angrily while biting her lip. "Why does she get to occupy so much of his time while I only get the leftovers?"

Well, it seems like our Fairy Su indeed the most pitiful one.

Miao Fengxian squeezed time out of Xuan Yin. The time she squeezed out wasn't much, and Fairy Su had to squeeze out time from even that.


"If you reconcile with Miao Fengxian and share the same man, who will be in control between you two?" Wei Xue asked softly.

"I will be the wife, and she can only be the concubine," Su Jingyi answered slowly. "She can serve me tea, pour water, make the bed."

"What if she's thinking the same thing?" Wei Xue smiled and asked.

Su Jingyi hesitated for a long time but finally gathered the courage to turn and face Wei Xue, saying shyly, "Then it's a matter of who gets his body first. Luckily, I have a Daoist secret technique that can offset my cultivation and strength in bed. It will make him crave me completely."

"I'll do it tomorrow!" Su Jingyi exclaimed in frustration. "So, how could she win over me?"

Wei Xue was just too shocked. Had they really reached this level of competition?

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