The Wife of Hades

Chapter 129 - Mo Han's Anger

An Luxia opened the door to the house after returning from the cake shop without helping her parents out at all because of the sudden news. Yu Xinyi had come over with her since she had been bawling her eyes out since she heard the news.

An Luxia did not even know how to comfort her, and all she could do was bring her back home to continue talking to her and comforting her. However, to be honest, An Luxia was just as surprised. How did her brother suddenly get a girlfriend? When did he even have time to get a girlfriend?

An Luxia narrowed her eyes. She would certainly go and scold her brother when she saw him! How could he do all of that without even telling her?! Were they still siblings?! 

"Oh, it's okay, Xinyi. Come on, let's go eat some good food," An Luxia said, patting Yu Xinyi on the back as she unlocked the door and pulled it open.

When she walked in, she called Mo Han's name as she bent down to take her shoes off, and the next second, she heard the sound of very heavy and fast footsteps. 

She looked up a little confusedly, wondering why Mo Han had to be so excited. She had only been gone for a little over an hour. Did he have to be this excited?

Mo Han appeared at the doorway, and An Luxia immediately noticed that something was wrong. He did not have the happy and excited expression on his face like she had expected, but instead looked nervous.

His eyes were red from. . . was it anger? Upon seeing An Luxia, Mo Han immediately ran over, not even noticing Yu Xinyi as he grabbed onto her shoulders aggressively, turning her around once.

An Luxia hissed in pain as his grip was very strong, and she was just about to ask him what he was doing when he said, "Are you okay?"

An Luxia frowned, wondering what his problem was when she remembered the news she had just heard. Was he spying on her again?

"I'm okay, but Xinyi isn't. Are you following me again?" An Luxia glanced at him, "Do you have to be this scared? It's just my brother is dating someone, it's not like he lost an arm or something. Plus, it doesn't have anything to do with me, right?"

Hearing this, Yu Xinyi started crying even more loudly.

Mo Han glanced back at Yu Xinyi and furrowed his eyebrows together before focusing his attention back on An Luxia. Although he did not know what she was talking about, he didn't say anything and instead asked again, "Do you feel okay?"

An Luxia was a little confused but she nodded, "Yeah, I feel completely fine. What is happening? Are you okay?"

  She lifted one hand up, placing it onto Mo Han's forehead and noticed that there was nothing wrong. Why was he acting so weirdly today?

Mo Han took a deep breath and grabbed onto his hand, not saying anything for a few seconds before replying, "Yeah."

  "What's wrong? Why are you asking me that?"

"Nothing. . ." He turned around to leave and then suddenly remembered something and said sternly, "Do not drink or eat anything strangers or people give you, understand?"

An Luxia is confused by his sudden attitude, but she nodded. 

Then, Mo Han turned around and walked away. Although An Luxia was a little confused and upset about his attitude, she did not follow him since there were other matters at hand to take care of.

She turned around and led Yu Xinyi into the living room, sitting down on the couch, "Oh, it's okay. I promise you that he's probably joking. . ."

Even An Luxia did not believe herself. It was obvious that An Yuchen wasn't joking.

"You're lying," Yu Xinyi whined, sobbing as she thought about her childhood crush for all these years was gone! Completely gone! Her beautiful dreams had been shattered!

An Luxia reached over to the table to grab a tissue for her, and she noticed two cups of tea on the table. Two? Did someone come over?

  She didn't think too much about it as Yu Xinyi whined more heavily and gave her a tissue, "Don't worry too much. I promise you I'll go figure out what happened and who that evil vixen is! I'm sure she wouldn't be as pretty and cute and kind and smart and lovely as our little Xinyi, right?"

Yu Xinyi blew her nose loudly like an elephant and glanced over at An Luxia, "Really?"

"For sure!"

Yu Xinyi was silent for a few seconds and An Luxia thought that she was better now, but then the next second, she started sobbing again, even more aggressively than earlier.

An Luxia sighed and continued on her mission to comfort her friend.


At night, An Luxia was finally able to send Yu Xinyi home, and her eyes were blood red when she left. An Luxia went to the office to look for Mo Han, who has not come out of his office since she had arrived back home.

For some reason, she could feel that something was wrong with him. Well, it was quite obvious.

She knocked once before pushing the door open, noticing that Mo Han was staring at his computer screen blankly.

She called his name softly, "Mo Han. . ."

She heard no response so she called again as she walked over to him, "Mo Han!"

When he still did not budge, she got very confused as she tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to flinch as he finally acknowledged her presence, "Xiaxia, when did you come in?"

"What are you thinking about it? I called your name a million times already!" An Luxia tapped Mo Han's chair, and he pushed it back slightly, giving room for her to sit down on his lap. She sat down sideways, wrapping her arms around his neck, "Are you angry that I didn't spend time with you today?"

She had been too busy comforting her friend, so she didn't acknowledge Mo Han much this entire day, "I'm sorry. I'll cook dinner tonight."

Usually, when Mo Han heard this, he would be very happy and excited, but today, he merely nodded and didn't say anything more.

An Luxia furrowed her eyebrows together, "My little Hanhan, are you okay? What happened?"

Mo Han looked at her finally after hearing that, "What? Nothing."

  "Liar. Something is obviously up. You can tell me," An Luxia leaned her head against his chest, rubbing it gently as she tried to get him to tell her what was going on.

After coming home from the bakery, something had obviously happened. Or else why was he behaving so weirdly?

Mo Han squeezed out a smile and patted her gently on the head a little stiffly, "Nothing. I still have some work to do. Why don't you make dinner for me?"

  An Luxia looked up at him and saw him smiling stiffly. She knew that he did not want to say whatever it was, and she wasn't going to force him. She sighed and jumped off from his lap, "Okay. I'll come call you when dinner is ready."

Then, she walked out the room, turning around to see him in a daze again. She frowned and left, going to cook dinner.


After dinner was ready, she skipped back to the office to call Mo Han for dinner. As she reached the door, she suddenly heard a loud crash come from inside the room.

She pushed open the door gently and saw a worker inside the room, looking down at the ground nervously.

Mo Han had stood up, pointing a finger at the worker, "Is this all you can do?! What even is this?! You're fired!"

Hearing this, the worker fell down onto the floor, trembling in fear as he pleaded Mo Han to not fire him. Seeing this sight, An Luxia frowned as she stepped into the room.

Mo Han was about to scream at whoever had just entered the room without knocking, but when he saw An Luxia, his expression softened slightly, "Is dinner ready?"

An Luxia nodded and walked over to him, "Why are you so mad?"

"Nothing, come on, let's go eat dinner." Mo Han was going to pull her out of the room, but An Luxia stopped him, "Well, there has to be a reason for you to fire him. You can't just fire him! He won't have a job."

At this moment, Mrs. Mo was like an angel to that worker as he burst into tears. 

Mo Han sighed and pointed at the folder on the ground, "He isn't doing his job properly."

  An Luxia walked over and picked the folder up from the ground, flipping through the contents, "This looks fine to me. I couldn't do any better!"

She looked up at Mo Han, who did not say anything. To be honest, the work was indeed fine, but Mo Han was just in a horrible mood and he couldn't and didn't want to suppress his emotions.

Finally, he nodded and turned to the worker, "I'll give you another chance."

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