The Wife of Hades

Chapter 120 - Stay Away

An Luxia stepped out of the house after filming had ended for that day, and she waited outside since Mo Han had not arrived yet.

The other workers were waiting too, some for taxis to go home and others for their family to come to pick them up as well.

After a while, Yu Xiao walked over, standing next to An Luxia, "Do you need a ride home?"

An Luxia glanced at him and shook her head, "It's okay."

Yu Xiao nodded and looked ahead, pausing for a second before asking again, "Is someone coming to pick you up?"

An Luxia nodded, thinking for a second before adding on, "My husband."

Yu Xiao was slightly taken aback by this response, and he paused for a second, his mouth open, before clearing his throat and looking away once again, "You're married?"

An Luxia smiled, nodding her head proudly, "Yes, for a while now."

Yu Xiao chuckled softly, replying as if he was joking, "That's unfortunate. I was hoping that maybe I would have a chance. Do I still do?"

As he spoke, he leaned down slightly, tilting his body towards her and smiling. An Luxia turned her head slightly and their eyes met, a few inches away from each other.

At this moment, a black car pulled up into the front of the hotel, and a tall figure quickly got out of the driver's seat, walking around the car in large strides and standing next to An Luxia.

An Luxia had noticed the car, and she frowned before quickly taking a step back and away from Yu Xiao. Yu Xiao also straightened his back when he noticed that a car had come, and he put on his sunglasses again, glancing at the car before back at An Luxia.

He then noticed a tall man get out of the car, and just as he was wondering who this man was, he watched as the man walked over to An Luxia and grabbed onto her hand, pulling her back.

Yu Xiao raised on eyebrow, removing his sunglasses again. Husband?

The tension in the air rose as Mo Han and Yu Xiao stared at each other, one with curiosity and the other with warning and a slight hint of anger. 

Yu Xiao tilted his head slightly, removing his gaze from Mo Han partially because his glare was way too strong. He turned to An Luxia and smiled, "Is this the person picking you up?"

An Luxia moved over to Mo Han and nodded, "Yes. I will get going now."

Mo Han first opened the passenger's door for An Luxia and after she had got in, he did not go over to the driver's seat right away. Instead, he walked over to Yu Xiao, standing next to him, close enough so he could hear him say, "Stay away from her."

His words were ice cold, and Yu Xiao felt a chill run down his spine, but he still stood tall and grinned slightly as he watched Mo Han enter the car.

After the car had driven off, Yu Xiao gulped as he clasped his hands together, wondering who that man was as his presence was so strong. . . in a negative way.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you doing out here in the open?!" Yu Xiao's assistant ran out of the hotel, quickly covering Yu Xiao and looked around cautiously to make sure no one had seen him.

"Come on, let's go. The car is waiting at the back."

Yu Xiao narrowed his eyes before turning around and walking back into the hotel.


Inside the car, An Luxia noticed the pressure inside the car as Mo Han drove down the road without speaking a word.

"Um -" She opened her mouth to speak, but was immediately cut off.

"Stay away from him," Mo Han said simply.

An Luxia immediately nodded her head, knowing that there had to be a reason for why Mo Han was saying that, even if the reason was just that Mo Han was jealous.

"I know! I already told him that I was married," An Luxia explained eagerly.

Mo Han glanced at her, stopping the car in front of a traffic light, "Really?"

"Yes, I told him today."

Mo Han nodded, deep in thought. The light had turned green but he hadn't started the car, and only until the car behind them honked at them did Mo Han finally continue driving.

An Luxia wondered what he was thinking about, the sixth feeling inside of her growing as she knew that there had to be something wrong with Yu Xiao.


Once they returned home, An Luxia's picture was all over the news already.

'Superstar Yu Xiao seen with Unknown Girl Outside of the XX Hotel'

An Luxia gaped in surprise when she saw the article on the front of the website, and she scrolled down quickly, stopping when she saw pictures. Pictures?!

There was an image of her standing next to Yu Xiao, and whoever had taken the picture had taken it from a perfect angle, as the picture was taken when Yu Xiao had bent down and moved in closer to An Luxia, so it almost looked as if they were on the verge of kissing.

It was a very intimate picture and the comments below were exploding as everyone was wondering who An Luxia was and why Yu Xiao was so intimate with her.

It was also obvious from the image that Yu Xiao was initiating it as he had bent down himself, placing himself at the same level as An Luxia.

They were going to eat dinner, so An Luxia closed it, thinking that the news will pass. If it didn't, she could just clarify on her social media later.

However, after eating dinner, she noticed that it would be much harder to clarify. While she was eating dinner with Mo Han, Yu Xiao had "clarified" the news on his social media, and his reply had pushed the news up to the hottest news in the country.

'Yu Xiao: Hello, everyone. I would like to respond to the news posted about me earlier tonight. That is indeed me, and the female lead in the image is the author of the novel, 'The Underworld King's Beloved Wife'. The image was taken after filming for the TV series, and we were indeed talking.'

'However, the person who had taken the image took it from an interesting angle. I would like to clarify that we were not kissing or doing any intimate action one would think we were doing from the image. Even so, the person who had taken the picture did get one thing right. I do have feelings towards Ms. An, the girl you see in the image.'

Then, he ended the post abruptly, without even signing his name at the bottom. Many fans were saying that this post was fake and that someone had hacked into his account and wrote it for him. 

There were other fans that had noticed and recognized An Luxia, and many had dug out the interview of Li Yilan from long ago since An Luxia had also been involved in that.

Soon, a ton of information about An Luxia had been uncovered, including what school she had went to, the information of her biological family, and more.

At night, An Luxia did not know how to write a response to that post, and in the end, she chose not to reply online and just talk to Yu Xiao face to face tomorrow.

However, Mo Han seemed to have different plans as he saw the post as well. 

After getting ready for bed, An Luxia sat on the bed and waited for Mo Han to come out of the restroom after taking a shower.

He soon walked out after a few minutes with a towel wrapped around his lower body, water still dripping down his wet hair. 

"Mo Han -" She was about to tell him about the news but Mo Han sat down on the bed and instead said, "Come on, it's late. Let's go to sleep."

An Luxia could not say anything after that, so she got into the blankets and watched as Mo Han first entered the closet to change into his pajamas, then closed the lights.

"Your hair is still wet," An Luxia said as Mo Han sat down on the bed, but he wrapped his arm around her waist and said, "It's okay. Go to sleep. I have some work to do later so I'll go do that after you fall asleep."

An Luxia looked at him in the darkness and nodded before closing his eyes. In a few minutes, she had fallen asleep.

Mo Han slowly sat up on the bed, moving quietly and walking out of the room, closing the door behind him as he left.

He entered the office, where K was waiting for him already. He sat down in the chair, turning around as he folded his arms together.

"I haven't done anything to anyone in a long time already, right?" Mo Han said, talking to the air but also talking to K.

"That isn't fit for my name and my reputation." Mo Han grinned, "People are getting so brave to even set their eyes on my woman!"

K looked down at the ground, thinking, 'Um. . . I don't think they even know your identity or reputation.'

Mo Han closed his eyes and said, "It's time to teach him a lesson."

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