The Wife of Hades

Chapter 119 - True Yu Xiao

Only when the elevator door had closed, did she suddenly hear a familiar voice:

"What a coincidence! Isn't it fate that we are in the same elevator twice?"

An Luxia looked up surprisedly and saw Yu Xiao standing in the elevator, alone without his assistant nearby. He took off his sunglasses and mask and smiled charmingly at her, "What did you go eat?"

An Luxia smiled politely as she stood a distance away from him in the elevator, maintaining a distance, "I went to go eat some Italian food."

Yu Xiao raised an eyebrow, "Did you eat alone?"

An Luxia shook her head, "No."

Yu Xiao did not ask her anything else as the elevator went up to the 14th floor and they stepped out together. Yu Xiao walked behind her and watched her as she entered the room, quickly following behind her.

"Good afternoon, Director Liu," An Luxia said with a smile as she sat down.

A while later, Yu Xiao walked over to the director, glancing at An Luxia before saying, "I bought everyone some coffee. Director Liu, what would you like?"

Director Liu looked up and quickly replied, "Americano, please."

  Yu Xiao nodded and then turned to look at An Luxia, "Ms. An, what about you?"

An Luxia grinned, "I don't drink coffee. Thank you."

Yu Xiao did not look offended at all and smiled wider, "That's okay. I got smoothies too. I'll get you a strawberry smoothie."

  Without waiting for a reply, he turned around and went to go get the coffee. With his assistant, he passed out coffee to every worker before coming over to An Luxia and the director, giving an Americano to the director and a large cup of smoothie to An Luxia.

An Luxia thanked Yu Xiao and took a sip, a little thirsty after sitting here for so long. They were going to get started filming and An Luxia looked around, realizing that she was the only one drinking a smoothie. She looked down at her cup for a second before putting it down as filming was starting.


After the filming had ended in the hotel, it was dinner time already. The sky was beginning to dim but the filming wasn't over yet. The filming crew and actors were still going to go somewhere else to film and since the night was more quiet, it was a good time to film scenes outside.

An Luxia was not going to go since she was certain Mo Han would complain, and indeed, when she left the hotel, Mo Han was there already, impatiently waiting outside the car, looking like he would march into the hotel if An Luxia had come out a second late.

An Luxia quickly ran over to him, smiling widely, knowing that he was unhappy. She threw herself into his embrace, looking up at him cutely, "Hanhan, I'm hungry."

At once, Mo Han's expression softened as he cleared his throat, looking up at the sky proudly, but his reply exposed his attitude, "Let's go home. I'll cook."

However, that wasn't what An Luxia wanted to hear, "What?! You'll cook."

She laughed awkwardly as Mo Han opened the car door for her, "That's okay. . . The chefs can cook."

  Mo Han frowned as he shrugged, closing the door as he walked around to the other side of the car and entered.

After the car had driven off, Yu Xiao walked out of the hotel building, looking down the road where the car had disappeared before entering his own van.


At home, Mo Han did not cook, fortunately, and they ate dinner cooked by the chefs. An Luxia told everything that had happened today to Mo Han, and he was not happy about hearing about Yu Xiao.

After eating dinner, Mo Han entered his office and called K in.

"Research about this Yu Xiao guy. Everything about him, I want to know."

K nodded and left, leaving Mo Han alone inside his office. A while later, An Luxia also entered so they could work together before going to sleep.


The next day, An Luxia went to work again, this time in the house that was supposed to represent the An family's house in the novel and film.

The house was quite big, and the scene was in the kitchen. Because there were too many people, An Luxia stayed in the living room while waiting for the filming to start.

She looked at the script, looking over the scene on the couch. A while later, she felt the other side of the couch go down slightly and she looked up to see Yu Xiao.

She frowned slightly. Maybe it was a woman's sixth sense, but she had a bad feeling about Yu Xiao for some reason. He seemed like a kind guy, and he was incredibly handsome, so she wasn't sure where this feeling was coming from.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well last night?" He asked.

An Luxia nodded, "Thank you."

  Then, she stood up from the couch, "I'm going to go talk to the director quickly."

Yu Xiao watched her leave and the smile disappeared from his face. After a while, he scratched the back of his head before standing up from the couch, walking over to the dining room as well.

The filming started and for the rest of the morning, An Luxia watched.


At home, K knocked on the door and heard Mo Han say "enter" before opening the door and walking in.

Mo Han was scrolling through his computer and looked up when K placed a folder onto his table, "This is the information about Yu Xiao you were looking for."

  "Okay, you can leave now."

  K nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. Mo Han opened up the folder, leaning back against his chair as he looked at the picture on the front of the page.

He placed his thumb and pointer finger on his chair as he looked at the picture for a moment, raising one eyebrow before flipping to the next page, muttering, "He isn't even handsome."

  Name: Yu Xiao

Age: 26

Occupation: Actor

Family Background: Born into a middle-class family, but his parents divorced when he was 10 years old. His father married another woman and gave birth to another boy when he was 12. His mother raised him up and was always very strict with him, in school and in life. 

Mo Han skimmed through the next few pages quickly, not really interested in his life story. K had really gotten every information he could find, including how many followers he had, how many awards he won, how many films he had starred in, and everything about him, his life, and his career.

Mo Han was about to stop reading when he finally reached the relationship status part. He made a note to tell K to put this in the beginning the next time, because all of the other information was useless.

Ah, when K gave too little information, his boss was mad. But when he gave too much, his boss was also mad! What should he do?

Relationship Status: Single. Had one girlfriend when he was in high school, but they broke up half a year later when Yu Xiao joined XX Entertainment as a trainee because it stated in his contract that he could not be dating anyone.

Has been reported to be single since then.

Mo Han flipped to the next page, and his eyebrows raised slightly when he saw several images on the bottom half of this page, which was not what he had expected.

They were images of Yu Xiao on the bed, most of them showing bare skin. However, the images only showed his upper body, and most of it was covered under a blanket.

Then, there were also pictures of many girls, some inside the image with Yu Xiao and others of the girls alone.

'However, Yu Xiao is not completely single. He has hung out with multiple women within these years of his career, and is rumored to have had one-night stands with at least ten women. This is not known to his fans and they think he is pure and has no relationship with any women.

He has also gotten two women pregnant, one a year ago and the other three years ago. However, these women have all aborted the baby. It is unknown whether they were forced to abort the baby under Yu Xiao's pressure.'

At the very end, Yu Xiao also included a line:

'He is currently starring in the film series, ' The Underworld King's Beloved Wife', which is an adaptation of Mrs. Mo's novel."

Mo Han shut the folder and threw it onto the table, his eyebrows tightly knit together. Of course he knew that!

He frowned and folded his hands together, thinking for a moment in the silence of his office.

Yu Xiao. . . He had not done anything yet to An Luxia, so he will stand aside and watch. Although Mo Han was disgusted at men like Yu Xiao, as long as he did not get in An Luxia's path, then Mo Han would leave him be.

However, if he did. . .

Mo Han stretched out his neck and continued to work.

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