The Villain's Story

Chapter 119 [119]What Are You?

...I'm back in the darkness again.

And to be honest, I'm glad I'm away from that monster.

It's said that people that have been killed have a different aura around them.

That bloodlust, that aura I felt when I stood there in front of him...

Just how many people has he murdered for him to possess such an aura?

I don't even want to think about it.

Just trying to even imagine sends shivers down my spine.

But Aranus? Isn't the Name Alan Peccator?

Or is it his Dragon Name?

Elijah also had his dragon name after he successfully became a dragon.

It could be...this body's Dragonic Name is Aranus.

The purple dragon was Suleras, I saw him in the vision...and the Gold Dragon should be Aloaris, the current King of Dragons.

...and to think that the same king of dragons in the novel that destroyed an Entire layer of the abyss...could be killed or rather, toyed with so easily.

Granted, he's not the strongest dragon despite being the Current Dragon King...but still...he isn't weak.

He could easily destroy Earth if he wanted to by himself.

Yeah, there are a few dragons above him but...still.

To toy around like that.

And when it was Aloaris, who Elijah still couldn't beat up until where I had read.

... I truly am left amazed at this body strength.

But then, just as I was drowning in my amazement, I felt another pressure fall upon me.

'What is it this time?'

I wondered.

What am I going to see this time?

Oh... that's what is going to see this time.

A massive pair of diamond-blue eyes materialized in the darkness around me.

They illuminated the darkness with their bright light.

I...couldnt speak?

My mouth isn't moving.

Neither my body, only my thoughts.

' what's gonna happen.'

I thought to myself as I was paralyzed.

The pair of eyes, about tens of times bigger than me, saw me.

Observed me.

'Judged me'.

Or that was what I could feel it was emphasizing.

And it was then that I heard a voice.

An ancient, Archaic voice that brought with it respect and awe.



[You are unworthy of us.]

Us? I only see you? Oh, the other eye?

[Fool. How is that your soul manifested us?]

Soul? What are you talking about?

[You couldn't escape from the jade snakes illusion without our Help]

Jade Snake? Who the hell is the Jade snake?

I don't have any recollection of a Jade Snake from the novel.

[...and you still refuse to believe it.]

Its voice turned into that of Anger...and then disgust.

[Unworthy, You are not worthy to wield us.]

And then a different voice than it sounded out.

[It is time, to detach ourselves from the Oblivion Dragons Soul]

And another.





[But what about the golden soul within us?]

[Leave it, we will absorb and assimilate it later, It is nothing now.]

[Was it not the cause of our birth?]

What are you all talking about?!

[None of Your Concern]

[Be quiet Unworthy one.]


[Begin Preparation now]

[Initiating Proccess]


[Be quiet Soul.]


...what is happening?

The eyes disappeared, and then there was darkness again

Who the heck were these voices?

Who are you?

[Were you!]


The last voice, the one that was childish responded.



[How rude!

Anyway, those two won't even listen to you.

So get stronger...and prove to them that our birth, that your birth, is special.

And we are not a product of the Oblivion Dragon, Jade snake, and the lovely woman's soul.]

What are you talking about?

[We are not in a book you dummy, We....are not just products of three souls.

We are our individual.

And if you disappoint us.

We will take control when we can!

So you better get stronger!]




There was silence.

And then the voice spoke again.

[Oh, and be ready for the reveal.]



[And please don't kill yourself.]


"So what's happening inside?"

James questioned while sipping a cup of ice-cold tea with a straw while sitting in a chair materialized in front of the blue soul.

"His powers have gained consciousness.

They are all the same, but they refuse to believe it.

This is troublesome, his powers are far too strong for him to control.

He won't be able to withstand them.

And they are also trying to break free from my control."

"Let them."

Aranus paused when he heard James.

He questioned it, but then waited to hear an explanation.

"If they can escape your control when they are this weak, then let them.

Let them escape from your control, and when they do escape from the cage that is you, they will be trapped in the fate of the abyss, and when they grow stronger they will break out of it.

And most importantly, while they get stronger we ca-..."

And it was then that the cup in his hand fell out, and his body became ethereal.

It started to vanish.

Aranus became alarmed.

Janes's body had now reduced to a single jade-green orb, which was now disappearing.

Aranus immediately became Alarmed.

He grabbed the jade-green orb that was half of what it was originally and immediately deposited it over to the black sun that was his soul.

'... it's only a temporary measure.'

He thought.

It was truly a pity.

If only James' soul was stronger.

Maybe he would have lasted longer.


Aranus, as he watched the blue soul with a gold center, stood there silently.

I won't.

He knew what James was planning now.

But even still he refused to do it.

He...will never make that goddamn mistake again

Even if it was not him.

He will never subject another to his pain...on a gamble.

Especially...if it was anything that contained even a part of her.

Never, ever will he hurt her even more.

'... it's going to get troublesome.'

But even then.

He will do it.

He will not break his oath.


A|N:The novel has been successfully contracted.

Thank you all for your support even though my writing isn't as good as all the others.

p I express my sincere thanks for your support.I hope you will continue to keep supporting my work.


oh wait gotta be family-friendly now.


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