The Villain's Story

Chapter 118 [118]...What Is Happening?[3]

The sky rumbled, the earth quaked, and my very being shivered as I watched the airborne battle between the behemoths that were the three dragons.

The sky changed color each time they fired their breaths, and the clouds parted each time they moved their massive bodies.

...and it was then, that a breath larger than anything I've seen it do, the black dragon completely obliterated the golden dragon in an instant.

It was as if it was done playing, the golden dragon had a massive hole in its chest as it fell from the sky.

And the purple dragon shared a similar fate soon after, with the black dragon impaling its chest with its sharp tail.

It swung the body of the dead dragon off and went toward the ground before a black light engulfed its massive figure once again and it turned back into the black spearman I saw before...only now he did not have a helmet on.

And I saw 'His' face, or more accurately my face with black hair and abyssal black eyes.

But those eyes were not black...those were not the black eyes I remembered from my dreams.

A sinister purple, those eyes which were covered in purple veins were sinister, and the smile the face showed made it even more frightening.

That maniacal smile, with those sinister eyes and frightening power, was absolute.

'He' laughed and muttered with that mouth of his as his body glowed a purple light.

"...hehe so-called kings of dragons you two were."

So weak.

So pitiful.

"Ahh...I wished all of them came, it would have been a much better fight."

He laughed, and the corpses on the ground began to turn into a light that came to him.

Every corpse on this battlefield turned into a light that he swallowed, whether it be the two dragons that had just died or some ordinary demon.

His laugh echoed throughout this entire realm.

And the fear within me magnified each time I heard that laugh.

And then...he put on a painful expression, clicked his tongue, and then his eyes changed.

To the same Abyssal Black eyes that I knew of.

A different being was now in control, I could feel It, sense it.

He coughed and fell to his knees.

A state that should be unbelievable considering the strength he just displayed with such ease.

His mouth moved, but I didn't hear any words, only the world changing.

The bloodred moon disappeared, and the desolate ground changed.

I was now met with a different world.

A grand cathedral, and in the center lay a casket.

He walked towards the casket, and the body of a golden-haired woman materialized in his arms.

He carried her to the casket, before laying her down gently.

The woman, who had two golden horns along with a face unlike any other...was dead a long time ago.

He looked at her face for a while, before closing the casket.

And then, the world changed again.

Whatever it was...I just knew it instinctively.

He was not ready to give up yet.


"...this is a troublesome change."

In a completely white space, A blonde man wearing a metal mask on his face muttered.

Inside the white space, was a black falling star behind him, and in front of him was a flaming blue ball with a gold center the size of a human, minuscule to the black star.

His arms had jade green lines extending from them, and they were trying to penetrate the blue flaming ball.

But they failed.


And Again.

And Again.

'...what has happened?'

James thought as he tried his best to pierce the blue flaming ball with the jade green lines.

Could he have gained sentience?

Likely so.

But how can a new soul, a soul meant to be a substitute resist my control?

"This isn't fun anymore."

James muttered.

He tried again and again but was met with failure each time.

"...He can't be more powerful than us at this stage...his soul can be new but it should have no defense against my control.

Just what is it?

Is Aranus, the sleeping dunce doing this?"

'Why give me control if you're doing this?'

James thought and cursed a particular someone in his mind.

Alas, he did not give up. And even thicker jade green lines emerged from his entire body and tried to pierce the blue flaming ball again...and this time, they pierced the blue layer of flames but failed to reach the golden center.

But James didn't give up his attempt, he tried harder and harder...Unknown to him, his appearance was changing, his hair turned white, his emerald eyes began to turn blue, and he was unaware of this until a voice he completely didn't expect stopped him.

"That's enough James."

The jade green lines vanished, and he turned around to face the black sun.

A figure materialized from the flames, with obsidian black hair, and abyssal black eyes wearing a demonic-looking armor.

" it was you stopping me."

James said as he looked towards the figure and continued.

"You woke up after all this time and stopped me when you gave me control."

"I gave you control, but it's not me who's stopping you this time.

Aranus, the black-haired man, said as he continued to walk towards James.

" What do you mean?"

"It's not me who is stopping you from gaining control, 'it' is."






James said, and waited for an explanation.

Aranus, walked towards the blue flaming ball and looked at it for a while, and said.

"I've lost all control over what I created.

And you should stop trying to take control."

A mirror of ice formed in front of James, who looked at it emotionlessly, but without a doubt, his eyes shook for a second as saw the future reflected in the mirror.

His own body possessed different features than he remembered.

Snow white hair instead of his beautiful blonde.

Blue eyes instead of his emerald green which could be seen from the gaps in his mask.

"...this is different from what you predicted."

James muttered.

"Very much so. The substitute soul I created for you has developed a consciousness of itself, it has gained sentience and awakened his qualities of a dragon....and they're stronger than yours....and I believe even mine."

"...what? that's impossible, a new soul, especially one that was a substitute, cannot compare to you."

James rebutted, To him what was now occurring was...impossible.

"And how can a substitute for me resist my control, I knew it would gain sentience, which was why I implanted memories for fun inside it, I was the one that programmed it from birth, it can't resist my control."

"But it is doing just that...The most logical explanation for this is probably related to the Dragonic Powers it awakened."

"What? Wasnt its dragonic powers based upon ours? How can it develop completely new dragon powers?

The development of the Space affinity should be insignificant."

"it was supposed to be, however, it changed."

Aranus, answered as he pushed his hand into the blue flaming ball of flames. And watched as he struggled to go further.

"Which type of Dragonic Abilities has it manifested that are stronger than ours?"

James questioned, and Aranus took a while to respond.

But he eventually did, and revealed a shocking three.

"I'm proud to say all three."


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