The Villain's Story

Chapter 105 [105]...He Returns.


Screamed the odd-looking boy with half his hair golden and the other white, one eye emerald green while the other half diamond blue and half emerald green as he...literally threw the Lavataur into the air...


The massive body of the lavataur fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

It was a miracle it was alive, with the large wound on its back, repeated clashes and most importantly being fucking thrown in the air by someone who looked like dinner.

"...hfghh, hfggh."

It was on its last breath and it looked at its opponent with a resentful glare.

...but it was not going to go down without putting up the last struggle.

It gathered all of its remaining mana.

The Element of magma was exuded from its body as the very presence of it melted the snow around it.

The lavataur prepared itself for one last charge, and as it did, a large bull made of magma started to surround its body.

It was using every ounce of mana it had left for this final attack.

And it was determined to kill this human in front of it.

"Haha, the bull thinks it can put up the last struggle."

The terrifying voice resounded again.

"Well, let's see who wins, a snake or a bull now shall we?!"

The boy shouted as he began to run towards the magma bull.

As he began to do so, the environment itself bent to his will.

The snow converged around him, and the ice mana in the air listened to his will as a serpent of ice started to form around his figure.

The serpent made of ice looked even more menacing than the bull made of mana.

The two animals rushed at each other at breakneck speed, and when they were about to collide, the bull raised its horns and the snake opened its terrifying maw.


With a large boom, the surroundings became blurred with mist created by the collision of magma and ice.

And the result of this terrifying clash was the boy standing victorious over the dead body of the lavataur that had a huge chunk of its chest missing.

The boiling hot blood of the monster covered the boy's body, yet all his face showed was a crazy expression.

It was as if it had been a long time since he had been released and he was ecstatic.

...but it was then, that the boy coughed up blood.

"cough!..the hell?"

He conjured up his ice mana and formed a mirror of ice in front of himself.

And he saw that his hair had begun to become white again, his left eye, which was half emerald green at first, now completely dominated by diamond blue, and his other eye becoming blue.

"Oh? The kids actually becoming aware this time?"

He spoke, the content of his words confusing.

"...But I can't believe my soul became this can't even be compared to his damaged 'sun' now."

He muttered while touching his chest.

"Well, you can take back control, I'm interested to see the changes this time. Especially with you becoming aware."

"...but this is my last 'rodeo' huh?"

His voice was laced with regret as if he was regretting the fact that he could truly not fight anymore.

The mirror of ice disappeared into thin smoke and he lay down on the ice with a cold gaze toward the sky.

He closed his eyes, as his hair became pure white again.

And then the eyes opened again, but this time instead of emerald green, it was now the beautiful bright blue diamonds again


'Where am I?'

I asked myself in my mind.

' I floating?'

I questioned myself again.

what is happening?

I couldn't feel anything.

I could see very little.

It was dark, but not the type of darkness where I would be unable to see anything.

...and it was then that I felt chills run down my spine, the hair on the back of my neck standing up.

And I instinctively looked back.

To find myself coiled around a giant white snake with emerald eyes.

It was looking at me with those eyes.

I was like an ant before it.

It was that gigantic.

Like a cobra that stalked its prey, it looked at me with those eyes that seemed to swallow everything.

...and then it smiled.

And rushed at me with its mouth wide open and its fangs ready to pierce me.

...yet why was I unafraid?

Even though this thing looked like it could kill me, and was coming to kill me.

I was unafraid.

The Snake was now only a few meters away.

And when will I could see we're its fang and mouth? It stopped and retreated.


Its tongue creeped out of its mouth.

And a smile formed on its face.

And mine and its eyes met.

And its eyes slowly turned the same bright blue diamonds that were mine.

And its figure slowly disappeared until only the bright blue diamond eyes were all that could see.

I blinked, and the next thing I saw was the sky.


' this is the end?'

Serena thought to herself as she looked at the massacre in front of her.

Her teammates along with members of another all covered in their blood.

She was severely injured, losing blood by the second.

The only reason she was conscious was that she was constantly healing herself with skills.

A frost walker spider had ambushed them. And the only reason it hadn't killed them was that it was currently toying with another Top 10 Student.

It was toying with its prey, the last one that had survived and was putting up a fight.

As she looked at the handsome boy with brown hair and green eyes blocking the attacks of the spider with his tower shield while attacking occasionally with his Mace, she tried to remember his name.

'...Lucas Hiddleston.'

Wasn't that the name of the student above Sabrina and below Henry?

She hadn't paid attention to him even after the stunt he pulled on the first day.

Only Elijah mattered to her.

...and now, as the wounds on Lucas's body increased, as his shield crumbled and his mace shattered before the attacks and carapace of the spider.

He fell on his knees, the blood loss so much that his body couldn't support its weight anymore.

The spider spew out a breath of ice that froze all of his body except his face before it started to move toward her.

It liked to play with its prey, to make sure they were alive every second as it ate them.

It was this hobby of it's that was the only reason the wounds on the other students didn't kill them.

'...come on where are you?'

She asked herself in her mind.

He always showed up, he always came at the perfect time and saved her.

Come on where are you?

She asked herself once again.

Where was her flaming knight?

' stupid.'

She thought. It was stupid in all honesty. The sole reason she chose to be a healer was to support him...and now she was going to die before even doing it.

And yet she always depended on him.

...she hadn't changed even a single fucking bit.

She thought she had become better, but it was just a lie she had told herself to make herself feel better.

"Hey, you son of a big assed eight eyes ugly queen! Fight me you bitch!"

As she heard Lucas's voice ringing in her ears, she prepared to close her eyes as the spider began to come closer and closer to her.

...but just before she had completely closed them.

She saw the spider hurriedly tilt its head to the side...

Only to be met with a blade clad in flame.

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