The Villain's Story

Chapter 104 [104]...It Returns.

With a figure towering over 10 feet, a body that looked like it had bathed in lava and was extremely sturdy.

Within its hands was a club of molten rock that was half its size.

With its hooves melting the snow beneath it walked forward with a struggling gait.


Smoke came out of its nostrils as it breathed, its very presence melting the snow around to water and then evaporating it.


The entire surroundings had paused after its appearance, Whether it be monster or human.

Every monster was looking at it with fear, and the humans as well too, all with one exception.

It was a monster that terrified them.

A <B+> rank monstrosity, a subspecies of the Mythical Minotaur.

The Lavataur.


'... it's injured.'

I thought to myself as I looked at the monster that appeared before us and stopped the entire battlefield.

It was struggling to walk right now.

By using [Dragon Eyes] I found that there was a huge gash on its back and there were still some sparks flying around its frame.

However, these sparks were hurting it.

Without a doubt, it had barely escaped that attack that was the column of gold or another attack.

Whatever it was, it was injured.

As I was immersed in my thoughts...I began to feel the same feeling that I had felt when I first encountered a monster in this world.

But this was different.


My heart was beating wildly as I and It locked eyes.

It picked up a frozen Artic bear with one hand and crushed it and immediately devoured it before it could disintegrate.


That bear had died without even being able to utter a noise.

Its meat was being chewed together with its bones within the mouth of the Lavataur.


The beating of my heart became even wilder as it and I locked eyes on this battlefield.

Cerulean Blue Diamond pupils locked eyes with

Ah, now I understand what I was feeling.

From the beginning of this test, Since the moment I encountered my first monster.

I was bored.

Bored that I had encountered a worthwhile fight.

...but now, the opportunity had presented itself before me. could I resist?

I tried to...I took in large breaths to calm my racing heart down...but deep inside I knew it would be futile.

So, within the last moments of me keeping my rationality. I shouted with all my might.

"Everyone! Run to the floors above! I'll take care of this."

Yes, run you hindrances.

Let me enjoy it.

Let me enjoy this fight to the death.

And following my words, the standstill had been broken.

As both the Lavataur and I Brandished our weapons with the elements of magma and Ice respectively.

It was as if he and I could instinctively feel that we 'must' kill each other to survive. That we were the strongest beings present.

We both charged at each other, creating storms beneath our feet as we charged at each other at breakneck speeds.

And within a second we had reached each other.

My spear laced with cyan light, collided with its club clad in red light.

And the collision produced a shockwave that sent the snow beneath our feet flying.


'What do I do?'

Elijah thought to himself as he stared at the Lavataur.

' and Alan have to fight it together.'

Elijah thought, and just as he was about to propose the idea, he heard Alan's voice.

"Everyone! Run to the floors above! I'll take care of this."

'What?! are you crazy?! You can't take that thing alone!'

Elijah thought and just as he was about to voice his opinion again he saw Alan's flushed face.

With his cheeks a little bit red and with a smile going up to his ears adorned on his face.

His eyes seemed like they couldn't wait to charge in.

Elijah, along with the others who hadn't pissed themselves the moment the Lavataur appeared, which were Alex, Sabrina, and Elaine, all stood there with some shock adorned on their faces as they looked at the battle junkie that couldn't wait to fight anymore.

And just as Elijah was about to say something, he was interrupted yet again.

[Supreme Dragon of Fire Agri says to heed his words and run.]

'Run?! How can he take on a monster an entire rank above his?!'

[Supreme dragon of Fire Agri says it is useless to worry about him.]


[Supreme dragon of Fire Agri advises you to look at your mysterious map, you have someone else to save.]


Agri's words were accompanied by a large boom that signified the beginning of the clash between Alan and the Lavataur.

A shock wave that send him back a few meters resounded out.

All the monsters began to run after they saw the clash between the two.

And Elijah opened his map and saw what Agri was referring to.

Serena's Icon was red, signifying she was in a lot of danger.


The monsters had run, Elijah had flown to another area, and the group had run.

Now only two were left in the present area.

A red behemoth towering 10 feet, and a boy with pure white hair and beautiful blue eyes.

And these two were engaged in a battle.

With their opposite elements of magma and ic3 clashing with each other, their weapons laced with the power of these elements clashed with each other.

Shockingly, the boy was not losing in strength to the Lavataur even though he was much smaller in size and weaker in rank.

Each of his blows was equal to strength and above in speed to the lavataur, and he was pushing it back due to his speed.

The lavataurs blows were heavy and slow, and the boys were strong and fast.


The clashing of their weapons rang out as little explosions went off during their clash in the surroundings due to the mana of The elements of ice and magma clashing with each other.

And finally, the boy thrusted his spear with all of his might at a particular part of the molten club wielded by the Lavataur, and as he did, the club began to crack.


The boy focused all his attacks on that same spot, and soon the cracks began to expand until they could expand no more, for the club was just pieces of molten stone on the ground now.

Yet! The Lavataur was unfazed as it spits Lava from its mouth onto the boy's spear, and before even waiting to see the results, It bent down its head and charged at the boy, intending to pierce right through him with its devastating horns.

It charged straight through and believed it would piece the boy's chest with its horns until it was abruptly stopped.

The crazy boy had given up on dodging amd had grabbed the Lavataurs horns with his hands.

"Hehe, I've never tried bullfighting before! Seems fun!"

...and it was then that the Lavataur heard a voice different from before resound in its ears.

A raspy and frightening voice, belonging to a horror movie character that had had his vocal cords deformed.

...and it was at that moment, that the Lavataur felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

It shifted its eyes...and instead of finding a white-haired boy with bright blue diamonds for eyes.

It found someone with half his hair white and the other half seemingly composed of golden silk...and one eye completely turned into a green emerald with the other in the process of beating back the blue and becoming a green emerald itself.

The face of this boy, whose appearance had changed somewhat flashed a psychotic smile and said three words with the same terrifying voice as before, something that both enraged and terrified the Lavataur.

"Peek-a-boo you Cow!"


A/N: If you are having trouble understanding the last part of the chapter, read the prologue(i changed it) and then you would have a better idea of what's happening.

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