The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 259 - Little Blue Is Back!

"Cracking sounds? Could it be…" Though Alfonso.

"It's finally hatching!" Said Alfonso.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

"What was that?" Said Susana.

Alfonso was about to said something went another sound came from his head.

*Pi* *Pi* *Pi*

Alfonso and everyone else were stunned, because, suddenly, from Alfonso's head, a small blue bird appeared. The little bird chirped happily, while walked in circles.

"Lit-little blue, is that you!?" Asked Alfonso.

The little bird lifted its wings and, slowly but surely, flow until it was on Alfonso's sight level.

"*Pi*~" Chirped happily the little bird.

"Little blue, you sure have changed" Said Alfonso.

The current little blue was totally different from before, in fact, the only think that was resemble from the previous little blue was, in fact, that it was blue.

The current little blue is smaller by a bit, however, its fathers had a certain… something, like it were made by the finest materials ever, that's not all, the peak of little blue was red and his eyes as well, they were like small rubies.

Little blue nodded and used it peak to bite Alfonso's finger, strange enough, with just a little touch, a drop of blood drained from his finger, little blue looked at the blood and then…

"He drank it?" Though Alfonso.

"That's right, master~" A voice came to Alfonso's mind, A little girl's voice.

"Littl- Little blue?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yeah! It's me! Master's little blue!"

"System, what is going on, Little blue isn't supposed to wake up in a couple of months?" Asked Alfonso.

[Due to the use of the vitality pearl, Little blue accelerate his hatching period] Answered the system.

"Little blue, its been a while" Said Alfonso with a smile.

"Little blue missed master to death~!" Said Little blue while chirping happily.

"My lord, where did this little bird come from? It's so cute!" Said Susana.

Susana tried to touch little blue, however, it quickly evaded it and sat in Alfonso's head once again.

"This princess can't be touched by anyone besides master!" Chirped little blue.

However, all that Susana heard was

*Chirp~* *Pi!* *Pi!*

"Alfonso that little blue gained quite the temper while she was in that egg" Said Artemis.

"Oh! Its miss!" Said Little blue.

It flew towards Artemis and also chirped happily on her hand.

"Hmph, is was better when that foul-mouthed bird was asleep" Said Cerberus.

"I was wondering why this princess's nose was aching, it was because a dirty dog was here" Said Little blue.


"Taking in account that you are a servant of master, this princess won't make things difficult for you, just served me as a loyal dog and this princess will forgive you, this is one in a life chance for you! serving this princess is your honor!" Said Little blue.

"That's it, let's fight! If this grandpa, I, don't teach this fellow some matters, then, I will stop being Cerberus!" Shouted Cerberus.

"Hmph! This princess doesn't know why are you so angry! This princess is giving you a chance and you don't want it! Your mother must be disappointed!"

"Don't mention my mother, my mother is sacred!" Said Cerberus.

Alfonso looked at Little blue and was stunned, he always her chirping so he didn't know that Little blue could be this… overwhelming.

"Little blue, stop messing with Cerberus" Said Alfonso.

"Consider yourself lucky, for master's sake this princess will let you off!" Said Little blue while floating towards Alfonso's head.

"This little bitch!" Cerberus was red with fury.

"Let it be, Cerberus, she is just a child" Said Alfonso.

"S-S-Sir, this little blue is quite incredible!" Said Drakini.

"You can tell?" Asked Alfonso.

"Her bloodline is something that I have never seen before, however, is very powerful" Said Artemis.

"Hehe, miss knows this princess the most!" Said Little blue.

"B-B-But I was the one who said it "Said Drakini.

"For you, snake, is already showing mercy not killing you right here and know, however, its better is you don't talk in front of this princess for I, this princess, or else, I could lose my temper" Said Little blue with disdain.


"Little blue, be good" Said Alfonso.

"It's on her nature" Said Artemis.

"What do you mean?"

"Birds and snakes are natural enemies" Said Artemis.

"I see, but how come Drakini doesn't look at her like that?" Asked Alfonso.

"D-D-Drakini is a peaceful loving dragon" Said Drakini.

"Snake" Refuted Little blue.

"D-D-Don't push Drakini! Drakini is not easy too bully" Said Drakini.

"A snake that wants to pass for a dragon, this princess, is utterly shocked" Said Little blue.

"Could you three stop? I am too old for mischievous children" Said Alfonso.

"For master's sake, this princess will stop for today!" Said Little blue while posing herself in Alfonso's top head.

"This grandpa would nod fight with childs" Said Cerberus while resuming his sleeping pose on Alfonso's legs.

"I-I-I will go back to training" Said Drakini while transforming back into a ring.

Afonso sighed.

"However, Little blue, you deprived Susana a good chance right now, you must be good for her and help her, you understand?" Said Alfonso.

"What do you mean, master?" Asked Little blue.

"That pearl that you took, it was a value object that could help Susana walk again" Murmured Alfonso.

Little blue looked at Susana and then at her legs, she stood there for some time.

Little blue flapped her wings and flow towards Susana, who was surprised.

"Oh! Little fellow, you came!" Said Susana with a smile.

Little blue posed herself on Susana's shoulder and then emitted a blue light.

"Wha-what is going on?" Said Susana.

After some seconds, the blue light dismissed and Little blue flow back towards Alfonso's head.

"What did you do, Little blue?" Asked Alfonso.

"I gave her my protection, from now on, she will be able to use some of my powers" Said Little blue.

"You can do that?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yes~ one of my powers from my evolution!" Said proudly Little blue.

"My lord, what was that?" Asked Susana.

"A small give from Little blue, I will talk to you about that in the way" Said Alfonso.


While Alfonso and everyone was chatting in the front carriage, in the second carriage weren't as merry.

"I said, you lecher! Stop looking at me like that!" Said Anastasia.

"I say, you little girl, you surely look good in that maid outfit!" Said Aphrodite.

These two girls have been like that since the very start of the journey, Aphrodite, who always lazy around from here to there, haven't seeing Anastasia until this point.

"Those two have been like that for almost two days, they don't get tired?" Asked Hans.

"No, actually, they are befriending each other" Said Dionisius.

"Befriending?" Asked Hans.

"Yep, that's how women befriend each other" Said Dionisius.

"It's that how is it! Mr. Dionisius! Although you are young your experience is so high!" Said Hans in admiration.

Actually, for these last two days, these two have talked about some common things that they had, however, what picked Hans interested the most was the vast knowledge that Dionisius had with woman, to Hans whose experience in woman was a round zero, Dionisius was an old expert!

"Hehe, follow my advises and…" Dionisius looked at Anastasia and smiled.

"She will be yours for sure!" Murmured Dionisius.

Hans face become red, however, he only looked back at Anastasia and nodded with certainness.

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