Alfonso and company will make their first stop in Arcadia, due to the trip being long, they will rest in Arcadia for one week before resuming their trip, Alfonso brought a lot of people with him this time. In total, he brought three carriages, in the first one was Alfonso, Artemis, Susana and Demeter.

"Thanks for bringing me, my lord" Said Susana.

"You already said that a couple of times, I already told you that its nothing, I thought that you would like to go on a trip since you are always busy, take it like a paid vacation" Said Alfonso.

"It's been a couple of weeks since we left Wasteland Valley, when are we arriving?" Asked Demeter.

"It should be one more day" Said Artemis.

"I already informed Arcadia about our arrival, they already prepared rooms and food for us, coincidently, there is an event in Arcadia in four days, the current lord invited us to participate" Said Alfonso.

"Current Lord?" Asked Susana.

"Yeah, after Felipe left to the Veritia family, the throne was left empty and the military forces were a chaos because of the dead of their forces, I left the situation for Felio to handle; I don't know how he did it, however, he arranged the affairs and, with the most powerful  families in Arcadia, pointed a new lord, what was his name again… Daniel, Dany… well something like that, this was also the reason why the negotiations with Arcadia were smother than before " Said Alfonso.

"It so happens that this year, the seniors in Dragon's Academia are having a graduation party, and they selected Arcadia as the host" Said Alfonso.

"A party? Since when did Dragon's Academia had such… lively ceremonies?" Asked Susana.

"That I don't know, however, it seems that a lot of influent young master are coming" Said Alfonso.

"Alfonso~ forget about that, you aren't moving your hands~" A voice interrupted his dialogue.

Alfonso sighed lightly and began to 'pet' this lazy dog.

"I say Cerberus, I am glad that you finally decided to appear after so much time, however, you have been in my lap for four days in a row" Said Alfonso.

"I left my special seat for so long, let me indulge a bit more~" Said lazily Cerberus.

"I-I-I object!"

Alfonso's ring suddenly emitted a green light and a small snake appeared in Alfonso's hand.

"S-S-Sir is already kind enough to let you come back, A-A-After so long, and you! lazy dog, don't even A-A-Appreciate it!" Said Drakini.

"Who are you calling a lazy dog!? Me and Alfonso have lived more than what you could imaging!" Said Cerberus.

"I-I-I always help my lord in his training and I-I-I supply him with energy, O-O-Our connection is stronger!" Said Drakini.

"You little punk! What give it a go!?" Said Cerberus.

"L-L-Let's go grandpa!" Said Drakini.

"Stop, you two, don't fight" Said Alfonso.

""B-B-But sir/Alfonso!""

"No buts, be good" Said Alfonso.

He caressed Cerberus fur while petting Drakini's head, both of them made a happy face while moving both of their tails.

"Alfonso, I said it before and I said it now, you could really open your zoo" Said Demeter.

"Shut up, Demeter" Said Alfonso.

"But the fact that animals have some kind of affinity with you is true, my lord" Said Susana.

"Who knows, if someone have an affinity with animals should be…" Said Alfonso while looking at Artemis.

Artemis looked at Alfonso.

"I don't like dogs nor snakes" Said coldly Artemis.

"" Who are you calling dog/snake!?"" Said both at the same time.

"Then, what kind of animal do you like?" Asked Demeter.

"Birds" Answered Artemis.

"Ho! Speaking of birds, I have something for you, Alfonso!" Said Cerberus.

"For me?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yep! I went to the inner parts of the forest to train and I happen to retrieve something good!" Said Cerberus.

He searched in his fur and took out a small pearl. Alfonso took out the pearl and asked the system what was it.

[Blood essence pearl:

A Vitaly pearl that can cure a lot of diseases, even crippled parts could be cured!]

"This- where the hell did you get this treasure!?" Said Alfonso with a surprised expression.

"Hehe, I obtained in a hard fight with a Pesha!" Said Cerberus.

"Pesha?" Asked Alfonso.

"A kind of bird, its powerful but it's kind of slow, however, I had luck this time, the Pesha actually was trying to evolve and it had barely formed its blood pearl" Said Cerberus.

"With this pearl, maybe my leg…" Though Alfonso.


[100% sure that you will recover]

Alfonso smiled he couldn't wait to devour the pearl.

"Thanks a lot, Cerberus!" Said Alfonso.

"Hehe, your welcome" Said Cerberus with a cheeky smile, looking at Drakini.

 "Hmph!" Drakini turned around.

Alfonso was about to put the pearl on his mouth when a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"My lord, what is that red pearl? It's quite pretty!" Said Susana.

Alfonso's action was interrupted by Susana's voice. He looked at Susana and involuntary looked at her legs, then, he looked at his leg. He only smiled bitterly before taking a deep breath.

"This pearl… its actually for you" Said Alfonso.

"For- for me?" Asked Susana.

"Alfonso! What are you-"

Before Cerberus could end his phrase, Artemis tapped its mouth. She put her finder in her mouth and looked at Cerberus deeply.

"… Okay, okay, I got it" Said Cerberus.

Cerberus looked at Alfonso's leg and sighed, he curled itself in Alfonso's legs and didn't say anything.

"Thanks a lot, and sorry" Murmured Alfonso.

"You are too kind sometimes" Though Cerberus.

"Eat it" Said Alfonso.

"Eat it? Is this edible?" Asked Susana.

"It's a good thing, take it as a candy" Said Alfonso.

Susana looked at Alfonso and felt that something was odd, however, she trusted Alfonso 100% so she took the pearl and was about to eat it when a force suddenly took the pearl of her hands. The pearl floated until it stopped in Alfonso's head and suddenly, it disappeared.

""What the-?"" Said Susana and Alfonso at the same time.

*crack*  *crack*

Suddenly, Alfonso heard cracking sound coming from the top of his head.

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