Chapter 104

June 4, 2023 - currently been edited. If any inconsistencies are found, please comment the sentence or paragraph.

After the Minister of Revenue left, Shang Junlin hugged Shen Yu from behind and asked, "How does Ah Yu come up with so many new ideas?"

"'It's just a different way of expressing the Minister of Revenue's method. No matter for which reason, forcing people to do it and actively asking them to do it gives people different feelings. The more money and power people have, the more they value their reputation. After donating materials, they can get a good reputation recognized by the court and praise from the people. Why not do it?'"

Shen Yu had dealt with these people too much in his past life and had his own way of dealing with them. Although the wealthy merchants held a lot of wealth, their status was not high, and they were still subjected to various restrictions. Any local official could bring them big trouble.

Every year, they spend a considerable amount of money to bribe various officials. Shen Yu suggested that anyone who donates can receive a court commendation, and those who make significant contributions can also receive special rewards. Rather than spending money on officials to establish connections, it is better to directly establish a good relationship with the court. Smart people know how to choose.

After the Minister of Revenue returned, he immediately summoned officials from the Ministry of Revenue to discuss the matter. They were responsible for the Da Huan's treasury, they had to take care of the entire treasury and could not afford to empty it for disaster relief, as it would bring huge risks.

"Did His Majesty approve our proposal?"An official from the Ministry of Revenue asked.

"Yes and no. His Majesty made some changes. I called you all here today to discuss how to implement it specifically," said the Minister of Revenue.

He then explained Shen Yu's proposal: "What do you think?"

"This is a great idea. It is much better than what we initially suggested."

"Indeed, indeed. This way, it won't be too costly, and we don't have to worry about burdening the people too much or causing a riot afterward."

They knew that the original method would bring huge risks, but they had no better way to deal with it. They had to use it reluctantly. Now that they have a better way, of course, they will choose the better one.

Only the first official who spoke up flashed a hint of doubt in his eyes. "What does Official Li think? It was Official Li who advocated for the original method before and swore that there would be no better way?"

"I was narrow-minded," Official Li reluctantly said.

"It's not Official Li's fault either. Before the Minister came up with the new method, we didn't have any better way. I don't know who came up with this method, but it really helped us a lot."

"Yeah, yeah, sir, please explain it to us."

"The people around the emperor are all talented. You'll know in the future." The Minister of Revenue laughed.

"Why are you still selling us short at this point?" The heavy stone weighing on their hearts was lifted, and the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

"Okay, let's discuss how to proceed first. The emperor is still waiting for a response."

The group launched into a heated discussion.

Outside the palace, Xu shopkeeper brought news that Yan Zheng had come knocking again, and he relayed to Shen Yu according to his instructions that Yan Zheng wanted to see him.

When Shen Yu read the message, he didn't avoid Shang Junlin.

Shang Junlin peeled a grape and put it in Shen Yu's mouth. "When does Ah Yu plan on seeing him?"

"Does His Majesty have time to leave the palace in few days?" Shen Yu bit into the grape, feeling a slightly sour taste that filled his mouth. He frowned and swallowed it.

Shang Junlin noticed his expression. "What's wrong, is it sour?"

"A little." Actually, it was fine overall, but he could sense a slight sourness, and Shen Yu didn't really like sour things.

"Then don't eat it. Meng Chang, don't bring these grapes anymore." Shang Junlin put down the grape he was peeling and picked up a handkerchief to wipe his hands.

Meng Gonggong quickly took the grapes off the table.

Shen Yu drank some water to ease the sourness in his mouth. "If His Majesty doesn't have time, I'll just go by myself."

Shang Junlin has been very busy lately with affairs of the court, the northern border, and disaster relief, all of which require his personal attention. Shen Yu has woken up several times to find Shang Junlin still busy.

"I'll go with you." No matter how busy Shang Junlin is, he won't let Shen Yu go alone to see Yan Zheng. He hasn't forgotten the look in Yan Zheng's eyes when they first met.

Shen Yu wrote a letter back to Xu Shopkeeper and arranged to meet in three days' time.

After the medical-grade alcohol was made, Shang Junlin handed part of it over to the Imperial Hospital for them to test its effectiveness. After a few days, the Imperial Hospital obtained some results.

When Physician Gu came to examine Shen Yu's pulse, he also mentioned this matter.

"The medical-grade alcohol that His Excellency gave to the Imperial Hospital can indeed reduce wound infections. The people at the Imperial Hospital compared wounds treated with alcohol and those not treated with alcohol on some small animals, and the former was clearly not infected and healed faster."

Speaking of this, Physician Gu was very excited. He had been studying medicine for many years and knew very well that if wounds are not treated in time, it can have many serious consequences. Many people do not die from the injury itself but from wound infections. If wound infections can be reduced, the possibility of healing patients with large wounds in the future will be greater.

At the same time, the Imperial Hospital's reports were also placed on Shang Junlin's desk.

The report not only reported the results of this period but also applied for a new batch of alcohol and permission to use it on the wounded.

Testing medicine on small animals and testing it on humans are two different things. Moreover, the alcohol was sent to the Imperial Hospital by Shang Junlin's people, so any movements needed to be reported to him.

"If it really can have such a great effect on humans, the casualties of the soldiers on the border can be reduced significantly."

In Yu Zhang Palace, when Shang Junlin spoke to Shen Yu about this matter, his tone was slightly excited.

Shang Junlin joined the military when he was young and knew very well the living conditions of the soldiers on the border. He has experienced too much death, and he knows that many soldiers do not die on the battlefield, but because their wounds were not treated in a timely and proper manner.

After Shang Junlin ascended the throne, he assigned military doctors to various places, but when wound infections worsen and cause the condition to worsen, even the military doctors are helpless.

"Shen Yue has made some more, and they were just delivered to the Yu Zhang Palace yesterday. His Majesty can hand them over to the Imperial Hospital. If they work the same way on people, we can start preparing to popularize alcohol in the army."

"Ah Yu is right. If it can really reduce casualties among the soldiers, Shen Yue will have accomplished a great deed."

After receiving the alcohol, Shang Junlin specifically instructed that they be allowed to bring the alcohol into the dungeon. Among the prisoners awaiting punishment in the dungeon were many who were undergoing torture, making it the perfect opportunity to test the effects of alcohol.

Several imperial physicians led by Physician Gu entered the dungeon with medicine boxes.

Later, a terrifying rumor began to spread through the dungeon. It was said that a new punishment had been introduced, in which the punisher wore a white robe and did something to the prisoners that made their screams tear up the air.

As a result, the prisoners in the dungeon became particularly obedient during that period of time, answering questions and providing information with more efficiency than ever before.

"Isn't this a double benefit for Physician Gu and his colleagues?" Shen Yu finished reading the report and couldn't help but smile.

"People from the Ministry of Justice even asked if they could directly arrange for a few imperial physicians to be stationed there, saying that when dealing with stubborn prisoners, the methods of the physicians were much more effective than those of the interrogators." This unexpected turn of events was something that Shang Junlin had not anticipated.

"I don't think Physician Gu and his colleagues could have predicted that they would become the nightmare of the prisoners in the dungeon."

It turned out that the Chief of the Ministry of Justice really went to the Imperial Hospital to visit them, leaving Physician Gu and his colleagues feeling speechless. They had studied medicine in order to save lives and heal the injured, not to torture people.

When alcohol comes into contact with a wound, it does indeed cause a huge amount of stimulation. Physician Gu and his colleagues tried to reduce this kind of stimulation but failed. Moreover, many of the prisoners had wounds on their bodies, and if they were to apply alcohol on a large area of their wounds, they would definitely be unable to bear the pain.


Finally, Fang Jun and his party arrived in Subei. The black-clothed people who had been secretly protecting them returned to the shadows. They were greeted by Xun Chao, another official from Subei who had returned earlier, and two other officials from Subei.

After some small talk, they moved into the Subei government office.

The other officials breathed a sigh of relief, but Fang Jun was more aware of the situation and dared not let his guard down easily.

The supplies had arrived, and the officials from Subei and the ones sent by the court together arranged the disaster relief. Fang Jun was led by several enthusiastic Subei officials and wandered around the nearby area.

Judging from the appearance of the place, one wouldn't think the disaster was very severe. The roads were clean, and no severely affected victims were seen on the roadside. Occasionally, they saw some people walking by, all with hurried steps and not daring to make eye contact with them.

Fang Jun secretly kept all these unusual things in his heart. "Let's go back."

"Does Your Lordship not want to continue looking around?"

Even if you look again, you won't be able to see anything. Fang Jun had doubts in his mind but didn't show them on his face. "I'm tired, let's go back and rest," he said.

The two officials accompanying him exchanged a glance, and one of them with a goatee spoke up, "Your Lordship, you have come a long way to the north. It's time to take a good rest. Please don't worry, we will take care of the disaster relief."

After returning, Fang Jun wrote two reports: one was a formal report sent from Subei to the capital, and the other was directly handed to a black-clothed man who was secretly accompanying him. This unusual report would not go through any official channels and would be delivered directly to Shang Junlin.

Shang Junlin cleared an afternoon to accompany Shen Yu out of the palace to meet Yan Zheng.

They agreed to meet at the same place as last time.

The waiter led them to a private room, "Here you are, two guests."

Shen Yu nodded to the waiter and walked into the room with Shang Junlin.

A man in a deep purple robe was standing by the window with his back to them. He turned his head when he heard their footsteps and was surprised to see Shen Yu and Shang Junlin. "It's Lin Gongzi and Shen Gongzi. Please take a seat." Yan Zheng quickly composed himself and greeted them warmly.

"I never expected such a coincidence."

Shen Yu and Shang Junlin sat down, and Yan Zheng poured tea for them. "I felt a sense of familiarity when I first saw you two. I never expected to have such a fate. Please have some tea."

Shen Yu took a sip of tea and asked, "I heard from the Xu shopkeeper that you want to cooperate with us. What kind of cooperation are you thinking of?"

"I won't beat around the bush since you both came to see me in person. I have some commercial routes, and I wonder if you have any interest in selling these new products from the capital to other places?" Yan Zheng had some vague guesses about their identities and looked at Shang Junlin subconsciously.

"Don't look at me. My wife makes all the decisions for our family."

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