Chapter 103

Yun County.

The troops with the remaining supplies stayed behind to rest, while Fang Jun took a jug of water and walked towards the other side.

The closer they got to Subei, the more they could feel the heat and dryness. Yun County was close to Subei and was also affected by the drought. The land was cracked, the flowers and grass on the roadside were drooping and lifeless, and even the wind blowing towards them was hot.

Not far from the main disaster relief force, a group of men dressed in uniform tight-fitting clothing were hiding in the dark. Each person wore a black mask with strange patterns on their face, covering the upper half of their face.

It was the sudden appearance of these people that prevented them from suffering heavy losses.

Before the incident, even Fang Jun did not know that such a team was following them.

Fang Jun knew that this trip would not be smooth sailing, but he did not expect these people to be so daring, and the people the emperor sent were able to suppress them. Fang Jun could not imagine what their situation would be like if His Majesty had not left them a way out. As he walked, Fang Jun recalled what had happened.

The incident occurred in the middle of the night when everyone except the guards was sound asleep. Fang Jun was awakened by the sound of clashing weapons. His subordinates rushed over and protected him tightly in the middle.

Those people had a clear purpose - to rob the disaster relief supplies. They did not use fire and gradually gained the upper hand in the fight.

Seeing another cart of supplies being taken away, Fang Jun snatched a knife from his subordinate and attacked the robbers regardless of his own safety.

He managed to hit one of them, but he also exposed himself to the enemy. A cold light flashed behind him, and he couldn't dodge in time.

Fang Jun was not afraid of death, he only regretted that he couldn't complete His Majesty's mission and couldn't safely deliver the disaster relief supplies to Subei...

The blade was approaching, at the last moment, with a "clank" sound, the long sword was parried and then fell to the ground with a "bang", followed by the sound of a sharp weapon piercing into flesh.

Fang Jun, wiping off the blood splattered on his face, noticed that a team of people dressed in black armor had filled the gap in the soldiers and started fighting against the enemy.

In the pitch-black night, these black-clad figures were like ghosts, wandering around the battlefield and taking the lives of their enemies.

The situation had suddenly reversed.

"You guys should have a drink of water," Fang Jun walked up to the team but didn't get too close.

After repelling the bandits, these people stayed behind to protect them. They had been attacked several times afterward, but with these people around, they suffered no loss, while the other side lost a lot of people.

Fang Jun could smell the blood, and without hesitation, he handed the water bottle to the leader of the team. "Are you injured? I brought some emergency medicine with me. Wait for me, and I will bring it to you."

"No need," the voice of the black-clad person was as cold as the mask on their face.

"This medicine was specifically sought by Imperial Hospital's Physician Gu. He is a highly skilled physician who specializes in nurturing the health of nobles. I knew that this journey wouldn't be peaceful, so I got some emergency medicine. Here it is, just in time for you to use." Fang Jun could feel that the young man in front of him wasn't very old, and he was grateful to him for saving his life.

Hearing a name, the black-clad person swallowed their refusal.

"I know you are acting on orders to protect us, but you must also protect yourselves. If you get injured, how can you protect us? The people you brought with you are the same. If you need anything, just say so." Fang Jun couldn't help but ramble on.

The young man laughed softly, "Does the court know that Official Fang pays attention to every detail?"

"I want them to know what I am doing," Fang Jun waved his hand, "I will go get the medicine for you. Please wait a moment."

Fang Jun returned with the medicine. There were several small and large bottles of medicine, which were obviously the style of Physician Gu. When the young man took the medicine and put it in his pocket, Fang Jun looked satisfied. "You must take care of your body. Remember to take your medicine."

"Thank you for the medicine, Official Fang," the black-clad person bowed.

"Don't, if anyone should thank you first, it should be me thanking you for saving my life," Fang Jun stopped him and spoke seriously, "The next part of the journey may not be easy, thank you for your effort."

After Fang Jun finished speaking, he went back. He was the main person in charge of this disaster relief and still had many things to do.

After resting, Fang Jun led his team to count the goods, write down the losses and the remaining supplies, and send the report to the court. He then continued north with his team.

Their mission had just begun.

After receiving the report from Subei, Shang Junlin immediately called the prime minister and the Minister of Revenue to discuss the next plan.

Subei was deeply involved, and it was also a solid barrier for Da Huan in the north. Nothing could go wrong.

"Physician Gu seems to be worried about something. Is something wrong?" After taking his pulse, Shen Yu saw that Physician Gu was distracted and asked.

"It's my younger brother. He said he had something to do and would be gone for a few days. It's been more than ten days now, and there's been no news at all." Physician Gu didn't have many friends to confide in, and he was really worried. When Shen Yu asked, he couldn't help but speak out.

"Gu Huai?"

"Yes, Xiao Huai has never been apart from me for so long. I don't know where he went, and if he's in danger." Physician Gu frowned slightly.

"Physician Gu, don't worry, Gu Huai will be fine."

"Thank you for your kind words, Your Excellency."

At night, Shen Yu nestled in Shang Junlin's arms and asked about Gu Huai.

"Does Your Majesty know where Gu Huai went?"

"Why did you suddenly ask about him, Ah Yu?" Shang Junlin pinched Shen Yu's face and asked, "Did someone tell you something?"

Shen Yu replied, "It was Physician Gu. He was worried about his younger brother and talked to me about it."

"Ah Yu, do you remember when I told you that I secretly sent someone to follow Fang Jun and his team?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Are you saying that Gu Huai is the one secretly following Official Fang to Subei?"

Shang Junlin nodded, "Yes."

Shen Yu asked, "Your Majesty, why did you think of sending him?"

Shang Junlin said, "Firstly, no one in the court knows Gu Huai, so sending him there would avoid attention. Secondly, I see him as a capable general and want to give him a chance to achieve something."

Da Huan's method of entering the court as an official was fixed, with only room for maneuvering in the military officials' area. However, with Da Huan's national stability and peace, there was no war, and that route was also blocked. So, he could only follow the rules to enter the court.

"I can't keep leading the army. Da Huan needs qualified generals." Shang Junlin lifted a strand of hair and twisted it around his fingers.

After the previous emperor's disaster, Da Huan was in a state of devastation, especially the military officials. Many capable generals were demoted or even killed for various reasons during the previous emperor's reign. The ones who took their place were incompetent, which caused Da Huan to lose a lot of territory in successive defeats.

"Your Majesty wants to clear the names of those generals?" Shen Yu turned over and lay on Shang Junlin's body.

"It's not just the generals who need to be cleared. Many ministers who worked hard for the country were also innocently sacrificed. I want to clear their names," Shang Junlin said while staring into Shen Yu's eyes. Shen Yu couldn't help but blink and rubbed his cheek against Shang Junlin's.

Shang Junlin put his arm around Shen Yu's waist, his eyes as black as ink.

If being a wise emperor was what Shen Yu wanted, he was willing to be the most qualified emperor in Shen Yu's eyes, as long as Shen Yu was willing to stay by his side forever.

The disaster relief was arranged methodically, and the group of thieves was handed over to a general in the north to catch them. However, there was still a problem with the relief efforts. Some of the supplies were stolen, and although the court had reserves, they were not enough.

The area of Subei was too large, including the entire Subei army and the consumption was staggering. The drought was also unknown when it would end. If it took too long, the court would not be able to afford it.

After stripping the second batch of supplies, the Minister of Revenue had to come to Shang Junlin with a sad face to discuss the matter.

At that time, Shang Junlin was discussing alcohol-related matters with Shen Yu in the Yu Zhang Palace.

After more than a month of experimentation, Shen Yue finally succeeded in making the first bottle of medical alcohol, which she immediately sent to the Yu Zhang Palace.

Meng Gonggong walked in from outside. "Your Majesty, the Minister of Revenue requests an audience."

"It's probably about the relief supplies. Can I come with you, Your Majesty?" Shen Yu had some thoughts on this matter.

"Then let Ah Yu accompany me to the study."

So, when the Minister of Revenue arrived at the study, he saw Shang Junlin and Shen Yu together.

"Greetings, Your Majesty and Shen Guijun.<sup data-mfn="1"> Noble Monarch" Although he didn't understand why the lord was here, the Minister of Revenue still respectfully saluted.


"Your Majesty, forgive me for speaking bluntly. The national treasury cannot support the disaster in Subei for a long time. If there is no other solution, we can only hold on for a month at most. But as Your Majesty knows, after the drought, there will often be locust plagues, epidemics, and other situations. One month is not enough time."

"There is also another serious problem. After autumn and before winter, the northern nomadic tribes will come south to plunder everything they can. If Subei is still affected by the disaster at that time, it will be in great danger."

"Do you have a plan?" Shang Junlin naturally knows the seriousness of the problem.

"I have thought of two solutions. One is to levy heavier taxes on the people, and the other is to increase commercial taxes. Both of these methods can alleviate the urgent situation." The Minister of Revenue spoke in a low voice.

Shang Junlin frowned. Tax collection for Da Huan is usually done at the end of the year. If it is collected now, many people may not be able to pay. And both of these methods require a certain amount of time to complete, from the local area to the capital and then to Subei, which will take too much time and manpower.

"I also know that this method is not appropriate, but..." There is no other way for the time being.

"Your Majesty, how about we change the heavy levy of taxes on the people and the collection of commercial taxes to voluntary donations? The people can contribute as much as they can to help with disaster relief, without affecting their normal lives. For the wealthy and nobles, rewards can be given according to the materials they donate. The focus of this method is on rewards. The rich have a comparative mentality. Wouldn't letting them donate voluntarily be better than forcing them?"

The Minister of Revenue is a smart person and can immediately see the difference between the two methods. If it is changed to voluntary donation, there will be no grievances, and it will give donors a sense of honor.

He bowed to Shen Yu and said, "Your Excellency is very talented!"

"Sir, you don't have to be too polite. Specific arrangements still require your efforts. And as for the various local princes, as members of the royal family, they should also contribute to the country when Subei is in trouble."

After hearing Shen Yu's words, the Minister of Revenue couldn't help but look at him more and said, "I will do my best!"


Author's note:

Minister of Revenue: I'm going to fleece the wool from the princes and aristocrats. When it comes to this, I get excited.

Translator's note:

June 3,2023 - currently been edited. If any inconsistencies found, please comment and point out the sentence or paragraph.

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