​​✦  Chapter 74  ✦

「Translator – Creator」

As the robed figure came to a stop before Ezekiel…


The Emperor let out another chuckle, this one edged with genuine amusement. 

“It seems…”

His tone shifted, becoming more serious.

“I’ve only just now realized your transformation. It appears I’ve completely misjudged you.”

“And what were your thoughts of me until now?”


The Emperor studied Ezekiel in silence.

A man without emotions, speechless, a mere tool for his bidding.

Wasn’t that how Ezekiel had always been in the past?

He had to be that way because the Emperor himself had molded him so, right from when he was first unearthed from the Palace of Penance for that specific purpose.

Pouring all his time into training and missions, losing those around him one by one, as his emotions eroded… In the end, he became a precise puppet.

It was only natural that, upon retirement, he’d chosen the life of a recluse. No one had ever taught him how to find happiness, or enjoy leisure, or seek peace.

And yet… this same man had suddenly proposed to not one, but five princesses!

At first, the Emperor had dismissed it as reckless folly. But now… now he saw that Ezekiel had changed. He was no longer the same man.

‘To think such a transformation occurred just from encountering the elixir…’

Was this what happened when a puppet, barely beginning to grasp the complexities of human emotion, suddenly developed a thirst for life? The Emperor reassessed his opinion of Ezekiel, and found himself… intrigued.

‘What if he were to obtain the Sun Elixir as well…?’

What kind of transformation would occur then? Even the Emperor couldn’t easily predict the possibilities.

Ezekiel, however, did not press for an immediate answer. He simply waited, patient and composed.

“Three drops of Sun Elixir, and… for me to deal with the First Princess,” the Emperor finally said, his voice laced with amusement. “Those are your only demands?” He paused. “Very well. I accept.”

There was no point in dancing around the truth, not with someone who had already begun to see through his facade. It was best to acknowledge it openly and move on to a mutually beneficial agreement.

“But know this, Ezekiel.” The Emperor’s tone turned serious. “You’ll receive your reward… only after you have completed the mission.”

The robed figure shifted slightly, shoulders moving as if the Emperor was shrugging.

“Of course, I’ll grant your request regarding the First Princess upfront…” The Emperor’s tone was laced with amusement. “But don’t worry, should you fail the mission… you’ll repay it twice over.”

“Repay it twice over?”

“Hmmm…Perhaps I’ll lock you in a room with the First Princess… alone.”

 Ezekiel suddenly recalled the First Princess’s threat.

— If I catch you, I’ll wring every last drop out of you.


Yes… failure was not an option.

​He had to succeed. There was no other option.

“This mission will be fraught with peril.”

The Emperor recreated the map on the stone slab, the Imperial Magic Tower depicted as three times larger than the other towers.

“Even during the Imperial Magic Tower’s Golden Age, attempts were made to uncover the other towers’ secret techniques,” the Emperor continued, his voice low and steady. “All of them failed. Why do you think that is?”

“Because they, too, staked their lives on it.”

“Indeed. They would sooner see their towers destroyed than allow their secrets to be leaked. And those secrets… they are undoubtedly far more potent now than they were then.”


The Emperor bit into the apple, chewing thoughtfully.

“The Imperial Magic Tower has weakened, while the others have only grown stronger. You’ll be on your own for this mission. Do you still believe you can succeed?”

“The difficulty of the mission is of no consequence.” Ezekiel’s gaze was unwavering. “Success or failure… those are the only outcomes that matter.”

He was no longer driven solely by duty. He clung to life, to his desires, and that made him fearless.

The Emperor nodded slowly.

“Very well. I’ll await the results of your mission.”

“However, Your Majesty.” Ezekiel surprised the Emperor by speaking again, his tone serious. “To call this a ‘mission’ seems… inaccurate. Shouldn’t we clarify our arrangement? This is more akin to a mutually beneficial trade, wouldn’t you say?”


A heavy silence fell upon the chamber. The Emperor remained standing before Ezekiel.

One second…

One minute…

Five minutes…

Time itself seemed to stretch, each tick of the clock amplified by the tension.


That single word was the Emperor’s only response.

“A trade,” he murmured, testing the word on his tongue. “A trade…indeed”

An apple materialized out of thin air and was tossed casually into the air.

“Interesting. Are you suggesting we are equals, Ezekiel?”

“Only in the context of this… trade, Your Majesty,” Ezekiel replied.

It was an audacious statement, bordering on treasonous. But he was not so foolish as to stage a rebellion. The Emperor’s sleeve shifted, the fabric rustling as if he were stroking his chin in thought.

The more he thought about it, the bolder it seemed.

By reframing the mission as a trade, Ezekiel had not only secured the right to hold the Emperor accountable for his end of the bargain but also preemptively protected himself from being cheated.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the Emperor spoke.

“…This is a first.”


The apple vanished from midair.

“Very well. For the sake of this trade…..I shall treat you as an equal.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

The Emperor was certain now — Ezekiel had changed.

​But perhaps the most significant change was the spark that had ignited within Ezekiel. A spark that the Emperor recognized as… ambition.

The Emperor slowly ascended the steps to his throne.

“Let us set aside this talk of trades, Ezekiel.” His tone shifted, becoming more authoritative. “I have matters to discuss as… the father of the princesses.”

They had barely established themselves as equals, and yet, the Emperor was already maneuvering to regain the upper hand.


Ezekiel swallowed, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple. This was it, the progress check the Emperor had alluded to, the regular assessment of the five conditions he had been tasked with fulfilling.

“So, how are those five conditions coming along? Any progress?”

“I’ve made advancements in certain areas, Your Majesty.”

“Only ‘certain’ areas?” The chalice, which the Emperor had been swirling idly in his hand, came to a sudden stop.

Ezekiel’s expression, however, remained carefully neutral.

“Indeed. After all, I have yet to meet with two of the princesses.”

“…Very well, let’s hear it.”

 Ezekiel began to mentally review each condition.

⟿ First, become stronger than Ether.

“I’ve been diligently honing my strength.”

The Emperor let out a low hum, clearly unimpressed. “You know, do you not? Simply increasing your strength won’t be enough,” he pointed out. “Ether possesses immense power, but her rate of growth is even more alarming.”

“My goal is not simply to increase my strength, Your Majesty.” Ezekiel’s voice remained steady, unwavering. “I’m combining it.”

“Combining it? With what?”

 Ezekiel calmly withdrew a piece of parchment from his pocket.

The Emperor gestured with a flick of his wrist, and the parchment shot towards him.


It wasn’t telekinesis. The space between them had simply… folded.

“This appears to be a list, Ezekiel.”

“Indeed, Your Majesty. A list of those who came to visit me. Those who wished me well.”

“Quite extensive.”

The list included not only the princesses who had visited Ezekiel in person but also those who had sent gifts and well wishes, their names meticulously recorded.

“All those who are now indebted to me,” Ezekiel clarified. “All those whose strength I can call upon.”

“So that is what you meant by ‘combining your strength’…” The Emperor’s gaze swept over the list, his expression unreadable.

“However, Ezekiel…” He flicked the parchment back towards Ezekiel. “Aside from the princesses, this list is filled with… insignificant names.”

“What matters isn’t the names themselves, Your Majesty, but the fact that they’re growing.” A confident glint appeared in Ezekiel’s eyes. “I’ll be traveling far and wide across the continent for a while, so this is just the beginning.”

“If you think you’ll only gain goodwill, you’re mistaken. The number of those who resent you will also grow.”

“Their animosity doesn’t concern me, Your Majesty. I can handle them.”

“Hmm…” The Emperor considered Ezekiel’s words for a moment. “Yes, perhaps you have a point…”

​The Emperor made another apple disappear with a snap.

“Very well, Ezekiel. I acknowledge your progress in this area.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Now, tell me about your progress with the other conditions.”

“The Second Princess is continually progressing towards becoming a true noble, Your Majesty.”

⟿ Second, become more noble than Hedera.

“I am aware,” the Emperor stated, his voice edged with skepticism. “However, her progress does not directly contribute to yours. In fact, the more noble she becomes, the harder it will be for you to fulfill this particular condition. Are you not aware of this?”

“I am, Your Majesty. But my efforts aren’t solely focused on the second condition.” He shook his head. “They are also geared towards fulfilling the fourth.”


⟿ Fourth, acquire more wealth than Chain.

“When the Second Princess rises to prominence within the Celestial Realm, wouldn’t that provide opportunities to access its treasures?” 

“Hmm.” The Emperor’s interest was piqued.

“I believe those treasures extend far beyond the confines of this continent. And if necessary, I will acquire those as well.”

The Fourth Princess’s vast wealth was undeniable.

However, that was only by the standards of the human world.

Ezekiel’s ambitions extended far beyond that.

“You’re playing a dangerous gamble, Ezekiel.”

That was the Emperor’s only response.

“Competing with the Fourth Princess for wealth within the continent would suffice. The more powerful Hedera becomes, the more difficult it will be to achieve your objective. You know this.”

“It’s a matter of… fair competition.”


“Indeed.” Ezekiel nodded firmly.

Proposing to five princesses out of the blue had certainly been a mistake, but the intentions behind those letters… those were genuine.

These were his former students, women he had once cared for. He had inadvertently thrown their lives into disarray with a few pieces of parchment; harming them further was the last thing on his mind. 

He had already made his decision.

He would fulfill those conditions, no matter how arduous the path, while ensuring the princesses’ success.

“You make it sound so simple, Ezekiel.” The Emperor spoke, his voice laced with a chilling calm. “Remember, these conditions… they’re a competition. And there are no ‘fair’ competitions. They are fierce battles for survival.”


Another apple vanished.

“…Only the victor grows stronger.”

“I believe a competition can be both challenging and fair, Your Majesty.”

 Ezekiel stood firm, refusing to back down.

The Emperor might only believe in ruthless competition, in pushing others to their absolute limit, but Ezekiel was not wired that way.

“That… is how I’ve always approached teaching.”

“Hmm. This won’t be easy.”

“”As I said before?” ​Ezekiel chuckled softly. “Difficulty is of no consequence, Your Majesty.”

The Emperor finally nodded, a hint of approval in his eyes.

“Very well. I suppose I understand. I’m curious to see what you have planned. Do you intend to elevate all five princesses to their full potential… and then marry them all at once, perhaps?”

A heavy silence descended upon the chamber.



“Are you… actually serious?” the Emperor finally asked, his voice a low murmur.

“…I’ll let my results speak for themselves, Your Majesty.”

The Emperor’s guess was half right, half wrong.

He was correct about Ezekiel’s intent to guide the princesses towards greatness. However, simultaneous marriage? That had never even crossed Ezekiel’s mind. Was such a thing even possible?

…The very thought was absurd. All five of them?

As these thoughts swirled in his mind…

“In any case, I’ll acknowledge your progress on that front.” The Emperor’s voice broke through Ezekiel’s contemplation.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Ezekiel bowed his head respectfully. “Now that I’ve presented my progress, I have a small request, if I may.”

“Hmm…” The chalice spun lazily in midair. “This is where you disappoint me, Ezekiel.” The Emperor’s voice turned cold. “You present two measly advancements and then dare to make a request. Your intentions are transparent. There are limits to my generosity, even when it comes to Sun Elixir. This is… unbecoming.”

“This has nothing to do with the Sun Elixir, Your Majesty,” Ezekiel stated calmly.

“…Oh? Then what is it?”

Just as the Emperor’s curiosity peaked…

“Please… cherish your daughters.”

It was not at all what the Emperor had been expecting.

He stopped chewing his apple, his jaw going slack with astonishment.

“What do you mean by that? Of course, I cherish them.”

“Not as assets to the Empire… but as… your flesh and blood.”

A chill settled over the room as the Emperor’s irritation grew palpable. But Ezekiel continued, undeterred.

“I’m not asking you to consider their contributions to the continent. I’m asking you to simply… cherish them as your daughters.”

He knew these were abstract concepts, difficult to promise and even more difficult to ensure. He knew this all too well.

And yet… he had to say it.

“You speak in riddles.”

The Emperor quietly muttered.

“Are you implying I haven’t cared for them properly? Or perhaps, you dare try to teach me how to treat my own daughters. Your intention is unclear.”

“Neither, Your Majesty.”

“Then why utter such meaningless words?”

“It’s enough that Your Majesty remembers my words. Someday… you might find them useful.”

Ezekiel’s intentions ran deep.

‘It would be problematic if the Emperor became an obstacle for the princesses.’

There would be countless challenges for him and the princesses to overcome. But if the Emperor became an adversary, it would be like facing an insurmountable wall.

And so…

Ezekiel had taken this small step, attempting to turn a potential obstacle into an ally.

After all, even the smallest act could have unforeseen consequences. A simple letter, like a butterfly’s wings, had set off a hurricane.

This, too, could be the catalyst for a storm.

“Of course, I will remember. Whether you’ve said something wise or arrogant, I’ll keep this statement in mind to judge later.”

Tap—! Tap—!

The sound of fingernails drumming against the throne echoed through the chamber.

“And there’s something else you should know.”

“What is it?”

“I’ve never heard anyone say such a thing. I’ve never even considered it. I see no need… no value… in viewing my daughters solely as… ‘flesh and blood.’”

Instead of answering, Ezekiel rummaged through his bag and carefully placed three items on the floor.

A bouquet of flowers, a bag of sweets, and a handkerchief.

“Ezekiel, what is all this?”

“Please give each item to the three princesses in order of age, Your Majesty. This is my response to what you just said.”

“I asked what these things are.”

“Each one holds significance for the princesses. They are… things they cherish.” Ezekiel bowed respectfully. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Your Majesty.”

The Emperor did not stop him as he turned to leave.

He simply stared at the items on the floor, lost in thought.

“To cherish them… not for their usefulness… but simply… as my daughters…” he murmured, the words unfamiliar on his tongue.

The First Princess… flowers. The Second Princess… sweets. The Third… a handkerchief.

He hadn’t known.

Suddenly… a memory surfaced.

The day he’d journeyed to the canyon with Ezekiel and Ether for their duel. He recalled how the princesses had flocked to Ezekiel, never once approaching him.


Verd, the Emperor of the Empire, felt a strange sensation stirring within him.

• • • ₪ • • •

As he was on his way back to his carriage…

“… Finally, a moment of peace.”

 Ezekiel popped a sunweed into his mouth and sighed contentedly.

He’d successfully evaded the First Princess and passed the Emperor’s progress check. Two seemingly insurmountable obstacles overcome in a single day! Could things get any better than this?

Yes! It could be even better!

He had secured three drops of Sun Elixir as well!

And the deal with the Emperor was sealed. The difficulty of the upcoming mission was inconsequential. … As these empowering thoughts filled Ezekiel’s mind, he suddenly paused, his gaze drawn to a… perplexing sight.


“What is it, Agnes?”

Agnes, Ezekiel’s personal secretary…

It was definitely her. But she should have been almost at the Black Tower by now. What was she doing here, standing by his carriage?

“…Why are you still here?”

But the truly baffling event was yet to come.

“I-Inspector…!” Agnes, always the picture of stoicism, was… beaming at Ezekiel? What in the world was going on?

Confused, Ezekiel approached the carriage, every instinct screaming that something was amiss.

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