​✦  Chapter 73  ✦

「Translator – Creator」


A path of ice materialized in midair and Ezekiel shot across it like a bolt of lightning.

“Master, how long do you plan on running away?”

…Until you give up! 

“Stop now, let’s just have a chat!”

“Chat? As if…!”

 Ezekiel glanced at Ether’s reflection in the ice.

In her left hand, she held a sword; in her right, an axe…

This was definitely not what most people would consider a prelude to a civil conversation.

“Don’t be shy. Just a little kiss is all I ask!”

……that’s precisely what I’m trying to avoid!


Ether shattered the ice path, hot on Ezekiel’s heels. But Ezekiel, with almost acrobatic grace, weaved and dodged, a phantom slipping through Ether’s grasp time and time again.

…Just out of reach….and yet almost within grasp.

“Just give up already. You can’t catch me at your current level.” He meant it as a plea for her to stop.


But Ether’s eyes only narrowed, a dangerous glint flashing in their depths.

“Very well,” the First Princess hissed, her voice chillingly calm. “If I catch you, I’ll wring everything out of you.”


Panic flared in Ezekiel’s chest, sending a jolt of adrenaline through his limbs. He pushed himself harder, fleeing with renewed urgency.


Running and running, again and again.


Chasing and chasing, over and over.

The relentless pursuit seemed never-ending. And eventually, Ezekiel made a decision.

‘…I have no choice but that method.’


After much deliberation, he concluded there was only one solution. And without hesitation, Ezekiel darted into a location…

…it was none other than the Emperor’s Audience Chamber.

• • • ₪ • • •

​​Inside the imperial palace, in the Emperor’s Audience Chamber.



A strange tension hung between the Emperor and Ezekiel.

It was the Emperor, seated upon his throne, who broke the silence.

“So, now you come and go from the Audience Chamber as if it were your home.”

“Perhaps,” Ezekiel replied wryly. “I’ve never had a proper home, after all.”

“Hmph. You’ve grown bolder.”

The Emperor chuckled, unfazed by Ezekiel’s bold retort. It was a subtle jab, a reminder that the Emperor hadn’t exactly provided Ezekiel with lavish accommodations. Yet, the Emperor didn’t seem displeased, merely amused.

An apple materialized in midair, hovering before Ezekiel.

“Care for an apple?”

“No, thank you.”

He noticed that the apple had been meticulously peeled.

— …Who eats an apple without peeling it?

Could it be that the Emperor remembered Solana’s remark from before?

The Emperor spoke again.

“Now then, explain yourself. Why have you sought me out?”

“The First Princess is currently… in pursuit of me.”

The Emperor’s expression barely changed. “Not surprising in the least. It was bound to happen.” His reaction was even calmer than Ezekiel had expected.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel tilted his head, a touch of confusion creeping into his tone. “…So, will you allow it now?”

“Not a chance.” The Emperor scoffed.

“I still have no intention of giving you my daughters.”

Silence descended upon the Audience Chamber once more. The chalice, suspended in midair, began to rotate slowly.

“Don’t be mistaken. This is not consent; it’s mere…..indifference,” the Emperor’s voice was cold, devoid of warmth. He continued, “Ezekiel, you are, without a doubt, a gifted mage.”


“However…” The Emperor paused, his gaze piercing. “I’m not yet convinced that you’re a good man.”


The apple vanished from midair.

“Five proposals? That’s a first.”


Ezekiel couldn’t argue with that. Who in their right mind would propose to five women at once? And princesses, no less.

“Do you think any father would willingly hand over his daughters to a philanderer?” the Emperor continued, his voice laced with disapproval. “I’m only observing because of our previous agreement and because… well, I am the Emperor, and certain decorum must be maintained.”


“You’ve made your bed. Now lie in it. And see to it that you fulfill our agreement.”

The Emperor’s words sent Ezekiel’s mind back to the five conditions he’d been tasked with fulfilling… 

⟿ First, become stronger than Ether.

⟿ Second, become more noble than Hedera.

⟿ Third, become more devout than Solana.

⟿ Fourth, acquire more wealth than Chain.

⟿ Fifth, reach a higher magic realm than Neo.


Even with just three princesses involved, it had been utter chaos. And now, he had to face even greater challenges while striving to fulfill these five conditions.


Another apple vanished from midair.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I asked why you sought the Audience Chamber, but your answer was less than satisfactory. Ordinarily, I’d punish you for such impudence…”

The chalice, floating near the throne, rippled gently.

“You’re in luck,” the Emperor continued. “I happen to have something to discuss with you. I’ll let your transgression slide… for now.”


With a snap of his fingers, an audible click echoed through the chamber.

At the same time, a stone slab rose from the floor of the audience chamber, detailed with the major regions of the continent.

“Ezekiel, I’ve heard that five Magic Towers have failed to submit their reports. Their intentions are clear. They’re trying to conceal their secret techniques.”

“I believe so too.”

“Obtain every bit of their information. This is the condition for overlooking today’s breach and for refraining from interfering in the issues involving the princesses.”

It was a daunting mission, even to speak of so casually. Tensions between the magic towers were at an all-time high, and their security was tighter than ever.

He was being asked to infiltrate each tower, investigate their secrets, and return with a complete understanding of their hidden techniques.

Despite the challenge, Ezekiel didn’t protest.

Instead, he asked—

“Investigate them… Is that all you desire?”

“Yes, remember the extent of my patience.”

A moment of silence. Then, Ezekiel let out a low chuckle.

“Your Majesty, you are as consistent as ever.”

“Consistent?” The Emperor raised an eyebrow. “You’re testing my patience with your insolence.”

“Are you not… deceiving me once more?”

Silence fell again. The apple, which had been steadily shrinking, stopped disappearing.

After a long pause, the Emperor finally responded.

“Deceiving you? Whatever do you mean?”

“I’m not denying your benevolence, Your Majesty,” Ezekiel said, inclining his head slightly. “But… this isn’t simply an act of generosity, is it? It seems, Your Majesty needs me as well.”

“Your thoughts are shallow,” the Emperor interjected firmly, his voice sharp.

“It seems your recent achievements have inflated your ego,” the Emperor said, his tone laced with disapproval. “But don’t mistake yourself for being infallible. Not everything you touch turns to gold.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

“So tell me, if this isn’t generosity, what is it?” the Emperor pressed, his voice unwavering. “Why am I going out of my way to accommodate someone who’s not even guaranteed to succeed?”

The Emperor’s firm tone echoed through the chamber.

But Ezekiel wasn’t intimidated in the least.

“Whether I’m infallible or not is… irrelevant,” he stated calmly.

“Hmm?” The Emperor leaned forward, intrigued.

“As I said, Your Majesty, you have need of me,” Ezekiel continued, meeting the Emperor’s gaze directly. “And for my services… I require adequate compensation.”

The apple in midair began to rotate again, as if being toyed with.

Ezekiel, who had been standing respectfully, suddenly extended a hand toward the Emperor. An ice spear materialized in his grasp, and then, without hesitation, he hurled it towards the throne.




The space around the throne warped, distorting into a swirling vortex; the ice spear, absorbed by the Emperor’s power, vanished without a trace.

“What are you doing?”

“Just as I thought. It disappears.”

“Of course, it disappears. Nothing can harm me.”

“So, it’s best to think of it as annihilation.” Ezekiel stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Step—! Step—!

He strode towards the stone slab, stopping before the map of the continent. Then he placed his palm over the region where the Magic Towers were located, and then, with a surge of power, he shattered that section of the map.


“The magic concealed within each tower… it would surely be annihilated if Your Majesty were to intervene directly. Gone without a trace, without the world ever knowing.”

He kept his hand pressed against the shattered map.


The destroyed portion of the map began to reform, the fragmented stone replaced by ice.

“Someone has to investigate, someone capable… someone precise, even if they’re not as powerful as Your Majesty… I wonder who that could be.”

The swirling motion of the chalice ceased.

A sly grin spread across Ezekiel’s face. “…Does that sound a bit more… convincing?”

Tap—! Tap—! Tap—!

The sound of fingernails tapping against the armrest of the throne echoed through the chamber.

“You’ve grown bold, Ezekiel. Continue.”

“I’m confident I can handle this mission, Your Majesty.”


“I’ll preserve and document every single magic hidden within those five towers,” Ezekiel promised. “I can even create illustrated diagrams, simple enough for a child to understand, if you wish.”

He smiled again, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Of course, with the promised reward.”

He looked like a mischievous child who couldn’t be hated, no matter how much he pushed the boundaries.

​The Emperor, however, remained unconvinced.

“You’re sorely mistaken, Ezekiel.”


He took another bite of his apple.

“You think the existence of these petty magic spells poses any threat to me?” he said, his voice laced with amusement. “Not at all. Even if they vanished without a trace, it wouldn’t matter.”

“Of course, to Your Majesty, it wouldn’t,” Ezekiel conceded, his tone respectful yet firm. “But it’s not true for the continent.” He continued, his gaze unwavering, “If these magic spells are significant enough for the Magic Towers to conceal them, then surely, harnessed properly, they could become a valuable asset.”


In truth, even during the Golden Age of the Imperial Magic Tower, there had always been a lingering suspicion, a sense that the other Magic Towers were holding something back.

The Imperial Magic Tower hadn’t been able to uncover their secrets then, and now, after a decade of waning influence…

It was a ticking time bomb, the magnitude of which could only be imagined.

But… if those dangerous powers could be steered in a different direction, they could benefit the entire continent.

After all, every crisis was an opportunity in disguise.

“As it so happens,” Ezekiel continued, a smile playing on his lips. “I know someone who cares deeply for this continent. Someone who has cast aside all personal attachments and devoted themselves entirely to its well-being.”

“Who is that?”

“You’re looking at him, Your Majesty.”

With those words, silence enveloped the room.

The apple remained still, and the chalice no longer glowed.

“I’m confident I can handle this mission, Your Majesty,” Ezekiel repeated, his voice steady.

The Emperor remained silent.


At some point.


Rustle─! Rustle─! Rustle─!

A set of robes began to descend the steps leading to the throne, moving slowly, deliberately…

Finally, when they were within arm’s reach of each other.

“…I have but two questions for you, Ezekiel.” The Emperor finally spoke, his voice low and steady.

“When did you start figuring it out?”


 Ezekiel calmly placed a sunweed in his mouth.

“When my life became… exceptionally precious?”

After obtaining the Elixirs and the three drops of Sun Elixir, Ezekiel’s desire to live had intensified tenfold. He’d carefully analyzed the Emperor’s every move, every word, every gesture…

Until a few undeniable truths had revealed themselves.

That the Emperor cared for the continent…

And that for the continent’s sake, the Emperor needed Ezekiel.

Yes, knowing this much was enough. Without this knowledge, he would never have dared to gamble so boldly before the Emperor.

“Good,” the Emperor said simply. “Now for my second question…”

He leaned closer, his gaze intense.

“What is it you desire as a reward for this mission?”

Despite the immense pressure emanating from the Emperor, Ezekiel’s demeanor remained unchanged.

“Three drops of Sun Elixir,” he replied calmly. “As always.”

The Emperor couldn’t help but be impressed.

‘That cunning fox has grown quite bold.’

Quietly, the Emperor nodded.

“Very well. I accept.”



“Ah, and one more thing.” Ezekiel wasn’t finished yet.

“…Could you… put the First Princess to sleep for a while?”


The Emperor stared at Ezekiel, utterly speechless.

Something was different.

A viper… yes, I raised him to be a viper… But has he become… a serpent?


A low chuckle escaped the Emperor’s lips, tinged with both amusement and intrigue.

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