Because of this, ye shuisu was of course worried about Fu Linnan.

But soon she calmed herself down.

Even if Fu Linnan is not omnipotent, Fu Linnan is definitely not something Mo yu'er and others can deal with.

And the man behind Mo yu'er is only Fu Yiyu, isn't he?

Fu Yiyu has never been able to fight Fu Linnan. How can he fight now?

What she has to do now is to try to protect her safety.

You know, only she is Fu Linnan's weakness.

She thought that as long as she was all right, Fu Linnan would be all right.

But for a moment, ye shuisu restrained her worry.

She still pretends to be calm. Even now Mo yu'er can even crush her easily, she has not lost to Mo yu'er in momentum.

She weakly hooked her lips and said, "Mo yu'er, should you say you're stupid? Or are you stupid? You believe what Fu Hanxue says?"

"What set does Fu Hanxue give you? You drill inside. You are doing the most dangerous thing in front, and she is sitting behind and enjoying the fruit?"

"I don't know what commitment Fu Hanxue has given you to make you believe so. You dealt with me as a pawn and won't be punished later."

"But is what Fu Hanxue said to you really believable? You take out your heart and lungs for her, and how sincere is she to you?"

"The necklace on your neck was given by Fu Hanxue? Did she tell you that she took you as a good sister and specially auctioned it for you? In fact, the necklace is fake! If you don't believe it, check the auction number and compare it again, you will know the difference."

"Do you think Fu Hanxue is somehow a miss of the Fu family? It's just this necklace. There's no need to cheat you. After all, this necklace may be very precious to you, but that money is a drop in the bucket for her?"

"You are still wrong. Fu Hanxue has no real power in the Fu family. All her pocket money is just the fixed point every month."

"Although there is a lot of money, she wants to maintain her image as a super celebrity. How can she buy you a necklace if she doesn't spend enough money for herself?"

"Do you think it's incredible? But this is the truth. If I'm not wrong, Fu Hanxue should have told you a lot about various investments after you made up with Fu Hanxue?"

"You also think that Fu Hanxue is Miss Fu's family. You must see more things in investment than you, so you encourage Mo's family to invest according to what she said?"

"If I have not guessed wrong, you should have lost all the money invested?"

"There's no mistake in guessing. All the money should go into Fu Hanxue's pocket! If you don't believe it, you can check Fu Hanxue's relationship with those investment companies. Although some relationships are very obscure, you can find out if you check them."

After ye shuisu's words, Mo Yuer didn't identify the truth of what she said for the first time, but he couldn't help being surprised by Ye shuisu.

How did she know that Fu Hanxue gave her a necklace?

How do you know that she has participated in some investments under the guidance of Fu Hanxue?

Similarly, how did she know that all the money she invested was lost?

She had always thought that she was unlucky. After all, Fu Hanxue didn't have to lie to her about this kind of thing.

But now, it seems that what ye shuisu said is also reasonable?

Where is such a coincidence that she will lose all her money?

And Fu Hanxue introduced her, and her investment was lost.

Dare you, all this money went into Fu Hanxue's pocket?

She had expected to get some benefits from Fu Hanxue. Unexpectedly, she was cheated by Fu Hanxue before she got anything?

As for the necklace around her neck, some sisters around her said that the necklace around her neck was false, but she only thought that the sister was jealous of her.

Now, the texture of this necklace doesn't seem so good?

What a Fu Hanxue. Did she trust her too much before?

She just didn't expect Fu Hanxue to be the adopted daughter of the great Fu family. What's the status of the Fu family? She is the head of the four families in the capital. She unexpectedly

Of course, ye shuisu saw the anger in Mo Yuer's eyes at this time, and knew that she must see that Fu Hanxue was wrong.

These things were said when Fu Hanxue laughed at Mo yu'er's stupidity after he killed Mo yu'er in the last life.

Mo yu'er is a dog. If she gives any benefits, she will rush up, even if these benefits are false.

The reason why Fu Hanxue would send Mo yu'er fake things is to cheat Mo yu'er's investment money.

However, when Mo yu'er hasn't become the young grandmother of the Jiang family, she thinks that Mo yu'er is just a person she doesn't look up to and doesn't deserve anything. However, if she wants to get close to her, the Mo family has to pay some interest.

In this life, Fu Hanxue didn't go so smoothly as in the previous life. I'm afraid she really wouldn't be so rich.

At this time, although Mo yu'er knew that she might have been cheated by Fu Hanxue, she would not admit it.

She said to ye shuisu gloomily, "ye shuisu, you know Fu Hanxue has so many things. It seems that you usually pay much attention to Fu Hanxue. Why? Are you jealous that she is more beautiful and temperament than you?"

Ye shuisu is too lazy to listen to Mo Yuer's weird words. She can think what she wants.

Taking advantage of the fire, ye shuisu then said to Mo Yuer, "you're right. I do pay attention to Fu Hanxue, but do you know what I know about Fu Hanxue besides Fu Hanxue?"

"Mo yu'er, you are not the daughter of Mo family, are you?"

If what ye shuisu said before only moved Mo yu'er's mind, this sentence directly shocked Mo yu'er.

Her eyes looked at ye shuisu in horror.

This is her deepest secret. How could ye shuisu know?

Looking at Mo yu'er's look, ye shuisu was not surprised at all.

After all, how can a person like Mo Yuer who wants to climb up admit that he was born as a peasant woman's daughter?

She has lived in the upper class for too long and is absolutely unwilling to admit it.

Ye shuisu continued: "I've been to Fu's house and Fu Hanxue's room. She has a booklet specially for people to collect your information. Among them, there is information about your true identity, which is not the daughter of Mo's family."

"This booklet is well kept by Fu Hanxue. I may not know what Fu Hanxue wants to do, but Fu Hanxue has been calculating you. She has such a big secret in her hand. Does she still want to get more benefits from you in the end?"

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