And one more thing, Mo yu'er hates her.

Knowing the danger, ye shuisu wanted to save herself, but found that she couldn't use any strength at all.

Looking up, he saw Jiang Zehan, who was carried by a big man like her.

Jiang Zehan should also be more serious than her, so there is no sign of waking up now.

Looking at this scene, ye shuisu's eyes could not help but float a touch of worry. At the same time, some situations of the previous life appeared in her eyes.

In his last life, Jiang Zehan was found sleeping with Mo Yuer in a small hotel. Under the pressure of public opinion and the control of Mo Yuer, he was forced to marry Mo Yuer.

After that, Mo Yuer and Fu Hanxue calculated Jiang Zehan and the Jiang family. Finally, the Jiang family fell and Jiang Zehan went to prison.

Although the Jiang family will be completely destroyed, there must be complicated reasons.

But Mo yu'er must be one of the most important catalysts.

And without her, Jiang Zehan, who had always been cautious, would not have been killed step by step.

Now, obviously, it is the time for Mo yu'er to imagine the previous life and calculate Jiang Zehan.

Ye shuisu has the memory of the last life, of course, he will not let Mo Yuer succeed again.

However, if Mo yu'er wants to sleep with Jiang Zehan now, I'm afraid he will be sad for a long time because of Jiang Zehan's cleanliness in emotion and spirit?

In the last life, Jiang Zehan married Mo Yuer later because he was responsible for Mo Yuer under his own mental pressure.

Of course, ye shuisu doesn't want Mo Yuer, a cheap woman, to touch Jiang Zehan, but now she can't protect herself. How can she save Jiang Zehan?

Ye shuisu was thinking. At this time, Mo yu'er seemed to find the movement of Ye shuisu.

After seeing ye shuisu open her eyes, she looked at the malice and pride in ye shuisu's eyes, which was undisguised.

She looked at ye shuisu gloomily. The whole person seemed to add a layer of malice in the dark light of the hotel corridor.

She said to ye shuisu, "ye shuisu, isn't it good? You can wake up after taking medicine? But what if you can wake up? Can't you move? Later, when you are happy with those old men, you can be more sober!"

Mo yu'er said that, the whole person gave a strange smile, as if she had finally got revenge for the hatred she had accumulated in her heart for many years.

Although, in ye shuisu's opinion, her old holiday with Mo Yuer many years ago is not revenge at all.

Looking at Mo yu'er's sinister appearance, ye shuisu didn't move.

She scratched her lips coldly and said: "Mo yu'er, you have been used as a gun envoy by Fu Hanxue. You think you have hurt me now. When things are over, Lin Nan finds out that the whole Mo family will be finished, and you will not come to a good end. But Fu Hanxue, who ordered you to do this, will not lose anything. Mo yu'er, you are a smart man, and you are no worse than Fu Hanxue in all aspects. Are you really willing to be Fu Hanxue yourself "For the dead?"

Ye shuisu's head is very heavy. It's difficult to speak. Her voice is also very weak.

But she said this paragraph with great momentum.

Mo yu'er's eyes sank after hearing ye shuisu's words.

But it was only a moment.

At the same time, there was a flash of surprise in the middle of her eyes. How could ye shuisu know that she and Fu Hanxue were complicit in this matter so soon?

But on second thought, I didn't find it strange.

Now Fu Hanxue and ye shuisu are at war. She can guess that Fu Hanxue is also retaliating against her. It's normal.

But guess what?

Is ye shuisu trying to stir up the relationship between her and Fu Hanxue? Will she listen to her?

Moreover, she is not listening to Fu Hanxue about this matter.

Soon, Mo yu'er looked at ye shuisu with fierce eyes and said: "Ye shuisu, you're right. I'm no worse than Fu Hanxue, and Fu Hanxue is not qualified to order me. You also read a wrong thing. It's not Fu Hanxue's instigation to deal with you, but I want to do it myself. Don't think of any way to escape. I won't stop until you lose your reputation and die today!"

Mo yu'er said that the whole person had obvious resentment.

When ye shuisu saw this, she was a little surprised. Mo yu'er hated her. She knew, but because of something like that when she was a child, could she hate her enough to want her to die?

However, Mo yu'er later could harm the Jiang family to that extent, so he wanted to get Jiang Zehan, but later he personally sent Jiang Zehan to prison.

In fact, we can see how vicious she is.

Hearing what Mo yu'er said, ye shuisu was not flustered. Although her current situation was very dangerous, she knew that flustered was useless.

At the same time, she was not surprised that Mo yu'er was not moved by her words.

If Mo yu'er is so easily rebelled, she is not Mo yu'er's.

Moreover, Mo yu'er's temperament is so extreme that she is really a little unpredictable

However, we still have to find a way to save her and Jiang Zehan

Ye shuisu's heart has flashed a lot of thoughts, but her face is still not flustered at all.

Her face was pale, she hooked her lips and said to Mo yu'er, "if Fu Hanxue deliberately led you to take the initiative to deal with me? Although Fu Hanxue didn't directly order you to deal with me, she knew you hated me and it was easy to take advantage of this hatred."

"In fact, Fu Hanxue should hate me more than you, but she didn't touch me personally today, but borrowed your hand to hurt me. Isn't the reason why she is afraid of Linnan's revenge? She is afraid of Linnan's revenge and doesn't dare to do it herself, but she leads you to do it. What if she doesn't use you as a gun envoy?"

When ye shuisu said this, Mo yu'er's look really changed.

However, it was only a short change.

A touch of jealousy flashed in her eyes, not to ye shuisu, but to Fu Hanxue.

Soon, Mo yu'er raised his lips to ye shuisu and said: "Ye shuisu, when you say this, you think how omnipotent Fu Linnan is. There is no one in the world who can deal with Fu Linnan? Now, are you still thinking of Fu Shaoneng to save you? Unfortunately, since I can bring you out of the charity party, I certainly have a way to avoid all those who may come to save you!"

After Mo yu'er said this, it made ye shuisu's heart pimple for a moment.

What does Mo Yuer mean?

Today, they not only calculated her, but also planned to calculate Fu Linnan?

Indeed, as Mo yu'er said, Fu Linnan is powerful, but he is not omnipotent. In this world, there are also people who can trip Fu Linnan.

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