Zhao Li Xin eventually stopped teasing his princess perhaps it was because Lory strongly flicked his forehead returning his senses back to him. Lory and Zhao Li Xin stared at each other when they heard Lao Min Na had begun to cure Li Mo Zhen.

Lao Min Na didn't hide her triumphant smile. If she could have the Jiu Yun Sect power and the chienzi flower, her power would increase by leaps and bounds. It wouldn't be too long before she could match the Hei Shen Sect. She was really curious to see Zhao Li Xin's face when that happened.


As petty as she was, she was still hurt when Zhao Li Xin rejected her proposal although the reason she felt like this was unclear even to herself. She didn't know if it was because she loved him or it was only her ego. Whatever the reason, Zhao Li Xin's rejection scarred her heart.

"Where is the black sword that Master Li brought home?" Lao Min Na asked.

Mu Jan Ge nodded to Elder Hong Yi who immediately left the room and returned with a wooden box. Hong Yi put the wooden box down and opened it. A black wooden sword lay inside the box. There's an eerie feeling around the black sword. Lao Min Na smiled mysteriously as her hand caressed the sword's surface.

Lory watched her every move and realized Lao Min Na wore a glove on her right hand. She realized Lao Min Na wore the same glove in her dream. She first thought she wore the glove because she didn't want to get infected by the curse but what if it was not the only reason? Lory sighed. She might be thinking too much but that glove still bothered her.

Zhao Li Xin noticed the change on Lory's face and stroked her head with a concerned look. She didn't want him to worry over something inconclusive so she shook her head with a sweet smile.

Lao Min Na waved her hand slightly then a gold hairpin appeared in her hand. Lory's eyes widened as she clenched Zhao Li Xin's hand. Her heart was overjoyed. Lao Min Na easily showed the hairpin. Without further explanation, Lao Min Na put the hairpin beside the sword and suddenly the black color faded and a white color replaced it. The elders were stunned and so were the other Jiu Yun Sect members. They had seen a lot of weird things in the cultivator world, but this one was the weirdest one.

Li Mo Zhen suddenly became quiet. His hands dropped beside him and he looked exhausted. Yang Xi Ying ran toward Li Mo Zhen in a hurry.

"Master Li would be fine after this but he still needs medication for his body," Lao Min Na took out a yellow pill, "This is a perfection grade level pill. It will not only heal Master Li's body but also increase his cultivation."

Yang Xi Ying looked at the pill suspiciously but she immediately averted her gaze and pretended to help Li Mo Zhen out of the chain and to stand up.

"It's a generous gift Miss Luo but I'm afraid we can't afford it," Mu Jan Ge said politely.

"It's fine Elder Mu. The Jiu Yun Sect will become my people so taking care of you is the right thing for me," Lao Min Na's smile bloomed like a delicate flower. Everyone who saw it couldn't help but be mesmerized by her beauty.

"Is that so…then thank you for your kindness," Mu Jan Ge smiled gratefully.

Lao Min Na's female subordinate courteously took the pill from Lao Min Na's hand and gave it to Yang Xi Ying. Yang Xi Ying didn't give the pill to Li Mo Zhen but instead gave it to someone who suddenly entered the room, a man with flowing white hair. His appearance was refined and gentle. His white and silver robes only exuded immortal vibes around him.

He accepted the pill from Yang Xi Ying's hand and examined it closely. Lao Min Na frowned deeply as she felt something was wrong with the situation. Another man with red robes come in and abruptly close the wooden box and took the wooden box away before Lao Min Na and her subordinates had a chance to stop it.

"Elder Li, what is this all about?" Lao Min Na glared at Mu Jan Ge.

Mu Jan Ge ignored Lao Min Na's question and looked at Jin Hao with worry. "Master Jin…"

Jin Hao smirked as his fingers squeezed the pill until it crumbled. Inside the pill was a little bead smaller than a sunflower seed. He praised Lao Min Na with a mocking tone, "Crafty as always, aren't you, Miss Lao?"

Lao Min Na's face turned grim for the first time. Yang Xi Ying clenched Li Mo Zhen's hand as she knew whatever he held was not good. Hong Yi's face also turned pale as he had suspicions about the weird seed in Jin Hao's hand.

"Mas…master Jin, is that…?" Hong Yi gulped unconsciously. He feared for Li Mo Zhen's safety.

"Well, if you asking if this a Gu seed then…yes, it is," Jin Hao smiled viciously.

The room fell in dead silence. The Jiu Yun Sect people turned pale as if the blood had drained within them. Who didn't know about Gu poison? Gu was a parasite living inside the human body. The parasite could control the human mind and body and if the Gu got bigger, the parasite would eat the human host's internal organs. Killing the host in a painful manner. For Li Mo Zhen, it was like saving him from the fire and putting him in the frying pan.

"How could you!" Yang Xi Ying berated. It was not enough for Lao Min Na to torture Li Mo Zhen only as she still wanted to hurt him. Even the infamous Long Ming never did this to his enemies. This woman was more vicious than the Demon Lord.

Jin Hao stifled, "Miss Luo is right. We underestimated your viciousness. Our Lord is gentle compared to you."

"Why is the White Dragon Palace King in this place? Don't tell me the Hei Shen Sect became benevolent and is helping the Jiu Yun Sect," Lao Min Na said in a mocking tone. She knew how the Hei Shen Sect was in the past and Long Ming's attitude. There was no way they would help the Jiu Yun Sect without a hidden purpose.

"Who said we can't be benevolent," The beautiful man with red robes smiled coquettishly.

"Master Bei…" Lao Min Na smiled at him with inexplicable expression.

Bei Li Yan tilted his head and said coyly "What's wrong? Are you mesmerized by my beauty?"

"Don't worry, I'm not…" Lao Min Na smirked and replied indifferently. She knew Bei Li Yan had complicated feelings towards women. On one hand, he hated women for their cunningness and for using their beauty to trap men, but on the other hand, he admired women for the same ability. It was funny how his palace members were mostly women. Maybe he found comfort in controlling them but who knew what his real reason was.

"Miss Lao, you are trying to hurt our master…again!" Mu Jan Ge gritted his teeth.

Bei Li Yan chuckled, "Don't try to hide it. Our people saw you leave the ruins before Li Mo Zhen arrived. The hairpin and the sword were buried in the same place and yet you only took the hairpin and left the sword. You knew there's something wrong with the sword yet you deliberately used it to bait Li Mo Zhen."

Lao Min Na's face turned cold but she didn't try to deny it. "Master Bei, have you been watching me all this time? How flattering."

Lory gave Zhao Li Xin a questioning look. Did the Hei Shen Sect spy really witness Lao Min Na leave the ruins? Zhao Li Xin smiled cunningly at her and Lory understood they were lying to Lao Min Na.

"So, you are really the one who hurt Xiao Zhen!" Wang Jing shouted furiously.

Lao Min Na did not care about Weng Jing's anger. Her eyes were fixed on Bei Li Yan. She smiled softly at him, "Tell me, did Zhao Li Xin order you to watch me?"

It was weird how Lao Min Na sounded more elated than worried.

Bei Li Yan snorted with contempt, "Don't overestimate yourself. You are not the only one our lord has put under surveillance."

"It doesn't change the fact I gained his interest," Lao Min Na giggled mildly.

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