The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 172 - Great Performance II

The three elders who heard about what was happening were beyond furious. They wanted to charge at Lao Min Na at that moment but Li Mo Zhen stopped them. Yang Xi Ying also told them they shouldn't be rash because Lao Min Na had a tool that could completely cure Li Mo Zhen. Li Mo Zhen and Yang Xi Ying didn't speak much about the curse but explained how the sword contained a component that could ruin people's minds and Li Mo Zhen was affected by it.

They emphasized how the hairpin that Lao Min Na had could nullify the sword's influence and improve Li Mo Zhen's condition. The truth was the elders didn't really care about the sword's curse as they were angry by the fact that someone chose to hurt their young master to subdue their sect. The woman was treating their Lord's life as a joke. How could they forgive her?


They were thankful the Hei Shen Sect lent them a hand, and they did not fall into the enemy's trap. The three elders had nothing but gratitude towards the Hei Shen Sect's kindness. People said the Hei Shen Sect was willful, arrogant, overbearing and the leader, Lord Long Ming, was an unreasonable man who was cruel savage like a beast. However, the Jiu Yun Sect realized the Hei Shen Sect was not like they were described following their recent interaction.

The best way they could describe the Hei Shen Sect was that they were all indifferent and laid back people, and Long Ming was not that bad. He didn't mind you if you didn't mind him. To be frank, Long Ming didn't really care about other people's matters. Everyone was nothing but a bug in his eyes except for his fiancée.

"Where is she?" Lory hid behind the wooden screen in the main hall with an uninterested Zhao Li Xin behind her.

"Patience my dear…" He whispered in Lory's ears which made her blush heavily.

She looked at him with a pout but didn't complain, "Do you think she will notice me? I heard high cultivators can feel the presence of those of a lower level than them."

"Not with your necklace. Even an Emperor Level cultivator would not notice you," He answered calmly.

Lory's admiration for her boyfriend rose again. He really was her fairy godmother. He had even made her hair perfect!

The elders sat in their respectable chairs in the main hall, while Xi Ying chose to stand near elder Mu and a few of the Jiu Yun Sect seniors also stood close to the elders. They all tried their best to hide their contempt towards the incoming guest.

A woman with mesmerizing beauty wearing a snow-white hanfu soon entered the room. Her beauty was enough to amaze all the men but they quickly came back to their senses when they realized she was the perpetrator, the one who wanted to ruin their sect. Lao Min Na dazzlingly smiled and gracefully gave a slight bow. "Lao Min Na greets the venerable elders."

Lory peeked from the gap between the screen carvings. It had been a year since Lory last met Lao Min Na and she was surprised by how beautiful she had become. Lao Min Na was already beautiful in the past but she was now more mesmerizing. Her skin was glowing, her hair was as soft as silk and her movements were as graceful as the clouds in the sky. She kept her reputation as a beauty that could ruin a country.

Lory's mouth twitched. Why was it no one ever described her like that even when she was a princess? Was she not beautiful enough?

Yet the reason no one ever said such things to her was first because it was degrading for a woman to be judged by her looks and not her talent, and secondly, it sounded like a bad omen because the power of 'Lucient' could really ruin a country.

"She's so beautiful, don't you think?" Lory nudged Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin didn't understand why she wanted him to comment on another woman but he understood his princess was someone from a different world, so he tolerated her by replying with a grunt.

"May I know the reason Miss Lao is here?" Mu Jan Ge struggled to keep a gentle face.

"I heard what happened to young Master Li. It's unfortunate for a young and talented cultivator like Master Li to fall into such a situation, especially when he just got a lovely fiancée," Lao Min Na smiled softly at Yang Xi Ying. Although there's a hint of ridicule hidden in her eyes, Yang Xi Ying smiled back at her as she kept reminding herself to hold back for Li Mo Zhen's sake.

"I came here because I can confidently cure Master Li," Lao Min Na continued with a gentle voice.

"Hump! You haven't seen his condition yet you say you can cure him. Be careful not to overestimate yourself," Elder Wang Ji scoffed.

Lao Min Na expected to hear this. Her mouth curled with a complacent smile, "I won't be here if I'm not confident."

Mu Jan Ge remained quiet as his hands clenched his armchair. Lao Min Na saw this and thought it was because he realized he had no choice but to believe her, yet the truth was the old man was holding in his anger. Mu Jan Ge had a strong urge to bash her pretty face to the ground.

Mu Jan Ge finally calmed himself and leaned back in his chair. He stared at Lao Min Na and said, "I know there's nothing free in this world so tell us what you want to trade for my young master's recovery?"

All eyes in the room stared at Lao Min Na but she remained calm. She even looked like she was enjoying the moment. A sweet smile bloomed on her face, "What I asked is simply for you to submit yourself to me…"

A pin-drop silence engulfed the room. No one said anything. Elder Wang Ji almost lashed out but Elder Hong held his hand with warning eyes. Elder Wang reluctantly leaned back in his chair and let out a long heave to calm his nerves.

"Why do you need us? We are only a small sect compared to the White Moon Tower and Immortal Tower?" said Mu Jan Ge.

"You are too modest Elder Mu," Lao Min Na stifled. "Who can win against your sect when it comes to sword art and array masters? The only reason your sect hasn't become more famous is because you all chose to live this way. Also with the chienzi flower in your possession, how could your sect lose?"

"I believe you want the chienzi flower too?" Mu Jan Ge snorted incredulously as he listened to Lao Min Na's flowery words.

"Well, I'm an alchemist so it shouldn't be a surprise, should it?" She smiled sweetly without guilt.

"We'll see," Mu Jan Ge let out an exasperated sigh. A sneer touched his face, "Brother, bring Mong Zi here. I want to see how good she is."

Wang Ji glared at Lao Min Na and flicked his robes in anger before he left. Lao Min Na didn't look offended but her subordinates looked at the Jiu Yun Sect members with disdain. Lory watched everything with awe as Lao Min Na was cool-headed. In her world, someone like Lao Min Na would do great in politics.

Lory watched the show with excitement but a certain Lord was bored to death. He didn't find the show exciting at all. Watching Lao Min Na flaunt her beauty like a peacock was a waste of his time. He looked at Lory with complaint but she didn't know what to do to coax the grumpy Lord.

She carelessly gave Zhao Li Xin a quick kiss on his lips and placed her finger on his lips to gesture to him to be patient and quiet.

Zhao Li Xin's expressionless face changed as he smiled widely at her. Lory thought she managed to persuade him so she smiled back with relief only for Zhao Li Xin to grab her waist and hold her head still before he pressed his lips toward her. Lory's eyes widened not because she hated his kiss but it was not the right time or place. Someone's life was at stake! Then again, what could she do?

Meanwhile, in the main hall, the air in the room tensed as Wang Ji returned with two men holding a man who was tied with a silver chain. His hair was disheveled and his robes were tattered. Yang Xi Ying looked at him with grief.

Lao Min Na who sat leisurely while waiting didn't look surprised at all. There's no guilt or remorse in her eyes for someone who made the healthy young man deteriorate. Her eyes remained placid and her beautiful face was unmoved. She was as cold as a snow mountain.

Li Mo Zhen screamed and kicked like a crazy wild beast. He glared at them with bloodshot eyes and pure hatred. Lao Min Na subordinates unconsciously clenched their weapons. They were scared the crazy man could break the chain and kill them.

Behind the screen, Lory painstakingly covered Zhao Li Xin's mouth and shot him a warning eye but it only amused him. Can a rabbit warn a wolf? Of course, it couldn't. She only made herself seem more adorable with her puffy cheeks and glistening big doey eyes. Her tender moist red lips only enticed him to do more. Lory's weak resistance was futile even though she heard Li Mo Zhen's great performance behind the wooden screen. Zhao Li Xin didn't give her a chance to take a look.

'I want to WATCH!'

Yang Xi Ying maintained her grieving expression as she covered her mouth with a handkerchief. The two of them gave their best performance. Lao Min Na was a smart woman who could easily discover if something was amiss so everyone needed to maintain their act.

"Can you cure him?" Asked Mu Jan Ge with a hopeful expression.

"Please Miss Lao…" Yang Xi Ying pleaded desperately.

Lao Min Na's mouth curled, "Of course…but what do you think about my condition?"

Mu Jan Ge looked tired and defeated. He let out a long sigh, "If you can cure him, we got a deal."

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