Isana's fingers holding the teacup tightened she then took a deep breath while sipping his tea to control her anger, she didn't want to be played around by a low-class hunter like her. Isana put down her teacup slowly, her eyebrows knit together to show her disgust towards Lory "As you know, I summon you here because of my Son"

Lory pretended to be surprised, "Oh yeah, how is he?"

Isana slammed her hand on the table startling the poor waiters who came to deliver Lory's orange juice. The waiter almost dropped the tray. Fortunately, Lory swiftly held the tray from falling. Lory then calmly took the orange juice from the tray, "Thank you," she said nonchalantly.

The trembling waitress only nodded before rushing away faster than before. Isana gritted her teeth, she really wished she could wipe the smug look off this woman's face, but she reminded herself that her young Son needed her help because no one else but her would care not even her own husband and her eldest Son.

Isana struggled to contain her anger while Lory cooly sipped orange juice happily. Isana waved his hand and his assistant put the suitcase on the table and then continued opening it after which she showed the contents of the suitcase to Lory.

Lory looked at the pile of money in the suitcase with interest "You brought a lot of money, do you want to buy something?" Lory quipped.

Isana scoffed in a dismissive tone, "Yes, I want to buy you" She said confidently.

Lory tilted her head then a mischievous smile brimmed in her face "Oh? How generous of you"

Inwardly, judging from Isana's attitude, Lory makes an assumption that Jacob might not have explained the situation clearly to his mother or that Isana might not trust Jacob.

Lory rolled her eyes in annoyance then spoke in a boring tone, "Didn't your son explain to you what I want?"

Isana scrunched up her face while holding back his anger. "You want my son to turn himself to the authorities, but how can he do that with his current situation, don't you think you're being unreasonable!"

Lory gives a 'look' as if Isana was an idiot, "Just called the authorities to the hospital and had someone write a confession then he signed it, that's it, easy peasy! Why are rich people so stupid these days?" Lory snorted in disdain after that she slurped loudly on the straw which was very annoying for anyone there, especially Isana.

Isana's face turned black as charcoal, her breathing became erratic. She hated how Lory acted so full of herself, she didn't understand where Lory's self-confidence came from, did she really believe she couldn't do anything to a mere hunter like her? Did he think she was that important? how laughable!

Suddenly the metal of the chair leg writhed like a snake and then coiled around Lory's waist and legs so she couldn't move then someone lunged from behind Lory and pressed both of her hands to the table and another person pressed the knife into her neck.

Lory hissed under her breath, at the same time Isana was gloating at Lory's pathetic state, in fact, she couldn't wait to see Lory suffer but that didn't enough to quell her pent-up anger so Isana raised her hand, and slapped Lory's face so hard that the sound echoed in the room.

Lory's face was swollen before long and the red marks on her cheeks were clearly visible. Although Lory didn't mind the pain, she was worried about how to explain it to Zhao Li Xin if he knew about this.

That man was too sensitive and observant to be fooled, okay!

"Why does everyone always slap me in the face? Can we talk nicely?!" Lory said irritably. they don't know but she has a sexy - nagging husband at home that will punish him if he knew about this!

However, Isana slapped Lory's face again, this time even harder. Later on, Isana got tired after getting two slaps then she slumped into her chair feeling much better after venting her rage.

"Really?!" Lory complained as blood trickled from the corner of her lips soon her anger began to spark. Lory turned her gaze to the two gifted men holding her back, "Are you two the only ones here?" she wondered why only two gifted people handled her.

The men grinned evilly, "It's more than enough to handle a little girl like you!"

Lory's mouth twitched "Are you from the underground guild?"

The man laughed "Why waste money on hired men from the Underground Guild just to deal with a little girl like you" he looked at Lory with a mocking grin.

"That's a shame" Lory muttered dissapointedly.

"Enough!" Isana didn't want to waste more time, "Take her to the hospital, she will undo whatever she's done to my son if she refuses just kill her!" her eyes filled with malice.

 "Didn't your son tell you anything?" Lory looked at the overbearing woman in amazement. Lory wondered why Jacob didn't tell his Mother about her abilities, whether she didn't take her seriously or he didn't take his Mother seriously.

Actually, Jacob did tell Isana that Lory and her husband were not easy opponents so they must be prepared if they wanted to launch another strike, unfortunately, Isana didn't believe Jacob's words.

Isana suspected that Jacob didn't really want to help his brother, especially considering that their relationship had never been good since they were a kid, and what made things worse her husband had always sided with Jacob, who had always been smart and reliable since he was a child.

On the other hand, Ron is lazy, wild, and a little brash with his actions, Ron always causes trouble wherever he goes, therefore Robert treats Ron as a black sheep of the family, but Isana is much closer to his youngest son because he is cheerful and fun unlike his eldest son who is always quiet, cold and distant, she doesn't know what he thinks.

When Isana heard that Jacob would be paralyzed, she was shocked and utterly depressed. She begged her husband and eldest son to help Ron, but they were more concerned with profit and loss than Ron's well-being.

If they really wanted to help Ron, why was it so difficult to bring down the hunter responsible for hurting Ron, why could they demand the Hamilton family to hand over the two hunters, why should they be careful with the Hamilton family? why should the Augburn family be afraid of the Hamilton family? This is all bullshit! Because her Eldest Son and husband refuse to help her therefore Isana decided to take matters into her own hands.

"Take her, don't waste more time!" Isana raised from her chair.

The man clenched Lory's chin "You come with me sweetheart!" suddenly she saw a strange gleam in the woman's eyes and all of a sudden his hand was covered with ice.

The man screamed in surprise as his arms were covered in ice, and then the chairs and table were also covered in freezing ice. With one movement, the frozen metal encasing him shattered and Lory managed to free himself, then in an instant, Lory grabbed the knife from the other man's hand, Lory twisted the knife before thrusting it into the man's shoulder causing blood to splatter in the air but it wasn't enough to stop him so Lory continued slamming his face into the ground.

While the other man was still in shock, his hands covered in ice, he frantically tried to break the ice, Lory saw him and grinned, "Let me help you."

Lory snapped her fingers and the ice on the man's arm shattered including his entire hand, the man screamed in pain as blood spurted from his shattered arm.

Isana and her assistant turned deathly pale, their bodies trembling as their hearts pounded. Unable to withstand the pressure, the assistant fell to his knees and fainted.

The other bodyguards rushed to help but the ice spread in rapid speed covering everyone and everything in ice.

Only now Isana was aware of what kinda monster she had provoked.

The spacious cafe was now completely covered in ice and the temperature had become very cold. Lory rubbed her cheek and sighed, "It hurts, you know," Lory complained to Isana who was paralyzed by fear.

Lory looked around her then snapped her fingers once again and the ice that engulfed the chairs shattered into pieces Lory took the chairs and put them face to face then politely invited Isana to sit down "Please, have a seat" Lory sat down and then casually crossed her legs.

Isana moved like a robot slightly dazed, then she sat without daring to make a sound. Isana had shed her arrogant demeanor and Lory had also shed her playful act as they now sat face to face.

A chill feeling crept over her like cold fingers gripping her heart making it difficult to breathe, Isana tried to suppress the feeling of horror that was growing within her while staring at the woman in front of her without blinking.

The woman sat casually, she no longer had the obnoxious smug face and annoying grin she had before. The woman now exuded a dignified and elegant aura like a noblewoman, but how could it be? She was just a mere hunter from a lowly background, she must be crazy for thinking so yet the oppression aura from her was evident.

"Can we talk nicely now" Lory's voice sounded soft and sympathetic. Isana swallowed hard but she stubbornly lowered her head further, "Who...who are you" Her voice trembled as she spoke.

"Someone who can help your son..." Lory's voice was filled with promise and certainty.

Isana subconsciously clenched his fists, he wasn't sure whether he could trust this woman or not.

Lory didn't rush, "There are only two choices for your son, become disabled or go to prison..."

Isana's face turned pale, Lory smiled "But... maybe we can find a third option"

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