The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1213 Unexpected Call

Lory awoke to a blinding light cascading from the window onto her face. Lory raised her hand to block the sparkling sunlight but it didn't help much so she groaned then turned around and covered her head with the blanket, she had no intention to get up so soon today.

[It's nine o'clock Lory] Zhao Li Xin's gentle voice sounded.

[I'm still sleepy...] Lory whined.

[Who told you to stay up so late, your insomnia hasn't gotten better even after so many years] Zhao Li Xin's deep sexy voice reprimanded her, so how could he not wake up now?!

Lory reluctantly let go of the blanket, she rubbed her eyes tiredly then she found Zhao Li Xin sitting on the chair in front of the small table, he got a cup of tea in one hand and a cellphone in the other, someone seemed to have adjusted to this world quite well.

[Do you like the tea?] Lory thought the teabags didn't suit Zhao Li Xin's impeccable taste.

Zhao Li Xin gives quick glance at Lory [Not bad, Hugo gave me some good tea leaves and I brewed it myself]

Lory pursed her lips, 'Something doesn't change' she thought.

Lory got up from the bed then she headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a quick shower half an hour later she came out then changed into jeans and a long-sleeved white t-shirt, her hair was still half dry as she checked her phone to see any messages, missed calls and then he checked the news.

[Drink hot tea first, I've added sugar for you, four sugar cubes right?!] Zhao Li Xin teased her.

[You know me so well~] Lory raised her head then walked towards the small table and sat across from Zhao Li Xin.

[I only realized how busy you were after you came to your world] Zhao Li Xin felt that the pace in this world was much faster than his old world which he suspected was due to the advancement of technology in this world, which he wasn't sure whether this was good or bad thing.

[You on the other hand look very relaxed, you might not notice it but you didn't look as gloomy as before] Lory props her chin as she stares tenderly at the handsome before her.

Zhao smiled faintly then he took a towel from the bed and started to dry Lory's hair [Without fame, ambition, or grandiose goal I found myself quite carefree....I guess this is how you felt when you moved to my world]

[Funny isn't it, when everything is taken away from you only then does everything become clearer] Lory felt a little melancholy as she spoke with a quiet tone.

Zhao Li Xin understood what Lory meant even though he felt something a little different [To me everything was always clear from the beginning because I live in the imperial palace therefore, deep down I knew all that wealth, fame and power would never fill the hole inside me sadly you weren't given any choice. When you live in a world that doesn't spare the weak you do everything you can to be strong when you're surrounded by wolves, snakes, and tigers you learn quickly that the only can help you is real power, whether it's coming from your fist or wit, so I work hard, constantly racing against time because the cold poison I had I thought I won't live long...but now I'm here without no one chasing me, no one scheming at me, no one trying to kill me, yet] Zhao Li Xin playfully said and Lory giggle.

[In this world I feel I finally Have a choice to be what I want to be, perhaps this time I can choose a different path, maybe... I don't have to be Long Ming anymore] Zhao Li Xin's voice was uncertain but hopeful.

Lory is also Zhao's hand [You can be whatever you want, you don't need to kill anyone anymore, you don't need to be burdened by your reputation anymore, in this world I will protect you. With my power and status, I can protect you from anything just like you did for me in the past I also can hold the sky for you so live your life the way you want it to be, whatever it is, I will always support you, do you believe me?!"

Zhao Li Xin stifled laughter not because he thought it was funny on the contrary he believed wholeheartedly everything Lory said, it was just he didn't know how Lory found the words that could touch his heart so deeply. 

It happened the first time they met and continued until now, Zhao Li Xin had lost count of how many times he had been saved by Lory's words.

[I trust you but the duty to protect still falls on my responsibility as a man and your husband, that's the only thing I can't compromise on]

Lory snorted [Is this a male chauvinist 'thing'?]

Zhao Li Xin nodded [I guess it is...]

Lory pouted in disagreement, Zhao Li Xin laughed out loud and then kissed her pouty lips to coax her. Zhao Li Xin wiped her glistening lips with his thumb and then said: [Your safety is my top priority, no matter what I cannot lose you understand that]

Lory weak again Zhao Li Xin's pleading eyes so she can only sigh [Yeah...]

Zhao Li Xin satisfied then continued to dry her Long hair then Lory changed the conversation [Oh yeas, I've met Girsha....] Lory abruptly said.

Zhao Li Xin's eyes widened then Lory realized her mistake, she immediately corrected it [I mean in a dream, he called me through my dream]

Zhao Li Xin's movement halted for a second before continuing to dry her hair [He managed to call you? what did he say?]

Lory then told Zhao Li Xin what Girsha said to him after that Zhao was lost in thought after a

while Lory's hair was completely dry.

"Thank you" Lory thanked him in a formal tone, jokingly.

"You're welcome" he returned the joke by answering in a formal tone while placing the towel neatly on the armchair.

Then her phone suddenly rang, when Lory checked the screen it was an unknown number still she answered it.


"This is Isana Augburn, I'm Robert Augburn wife, Miss. Jane I think we need to talk" The woman's voice didn't invite conversation she sounded very arrogant.

Lory raised her eyebrows then a smirk spread across her face "Oh my, What do I owe the pleasure, Mrs. Augburn?"

Lory's playful tone irked Isana even more "Nine thirty at the White Moon Cafe, I'll be waiting!" Her voice filled with authority.

Lory chuckles "How about ten o'clock, I have to have breakfast with my husband" Lory retorts nonchalantly.

Anger shot through her "You dare to.."

"See you there~" Lory then hung up the phone.

"Hello...Hello!..." Not long after a disconnecting sound was heard indicating that the phone had been hung up, Isana was very angry because no one dared to hang up the phone, not even her own husband! Isana was utterly enraged, and then she threw her cell phone and it accidentally hit her female assistant but Isana didn't care the female Assistant didn't dare to complain either she just held her aching head without making a voice.

On the other hand, Lory was not affected at all, he knew Isana contacted him because of Ron Augburn and this could be an opportunity for her to squeeze some information, therefore Lory deliberately made Isana angry and at the same time showed her who was actually in control.

[Whose that rude woman?] Zhao Li Xin could hear Isana's voice clearly due to his keen senses.

Lory grins mischievously [Ron Augburn's mother, I think she is mad at me]

From Lory's sly expression, Zhao Li xin knew she would have a lot of fun therefore he was not worried but even so he still felt obligated to remind her [Call me when you get there, and don't go crazy]

Lory clenched her chest as she pretended to be hurt [You said you trust me?]

Zhao Li Xin squints his eyes as he answers ready [Not for this,]

Lory's mouth twitch.

At breakfast, they only kept Lilly at the Manor because the others had already left for activities and because Ethan had been moved to an unknown location on the grounds that the location was more conducive to his recovery, Edmund Hamilton's wife, Lilly's mother, had already left. to look after her son and Edmund Hamilton. It wasn't often that the return trip to Hamilton Manor ended in such a large place with only four people remaining plus the butler, maid, gardener, driver, and actual security.

After they finished breakfast, Lilly continued her activities while Zhao Lixin continued her studies and Lory went to see Isana.

Lory's phone rang for the fourth time, Lory answered the phone "I'm on my way" then hung up again then threw the phone on the chair next to her.

On the other hand, anger welled up in Isana's chest. She stared at her cell phone as if the cellphone was her mortal enemy meanwhile, her poor assistant stood nervously without daring to breathe too loudly for fear of provoking her boss's anger while while wondering who dared to provoke Isana because she had never seen Isana being played so pathetically like this.

Elsewhere, Lory calmly parks her car in front of an upscale cafe, first, she texts Zhao Li Xin then Lory takes off her sunglasses then examines the two-story cafe painted with off-white color and a marble tail with a hint of gold to add a luxurious feel, obviously, this place is not cheap.

However, from the outside Lory noticed the cafe was practically empty and two people in black were guarding the entrance while the other two men waiting next to a black tinted glass car and they all watching her like a Hawk.

Lory shakes her head and sneers "How presumptuous"

Lory got out of the car and entered the White Moon cafe with light steps.

The man in the black suit opened the door for Lory to enter the cafe and the nervous waiter led him to Isana's table.

Lory pulled a chair across from Isana then invited herself to sit down, Lory then turned to the waiter, "Do you have orange juice?"

The maid glanced at Isana but she didn't say anything, the maid took it as permission then she nodded, "Yes"

"I ordered one orange juice without sugar, okay" Lory doesn't look hurry at all.

"Yes - yes!" The waitress nodded profusely and then left in a hurry as if a ghost chased her.

Lory turned her gaze towards Isana who was calmly sipping her tea with perfect etiquette

"I hope I didn't make you wait too long, Mrs. Augburn" Lory gave an apologetic smile but Isana knew Lory was just being sarcastic.

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