The Perfect Luna

Chapter 66. Golden Crescents

“Riannon!” Gideon brought her closer to him as she was kicking and screaming.
He was confused at first but soon realised that something was happening to her
and when she started crying, calling his name, he simply pressed her against
him, holding her hands in place so that she wouldn’t hurt herself.
“Mars,” he called his wolf, “Try reaching Onyx.”
His wolf growled in agreement and he lost him for a few moments. But then
opened her eyes full of tears and looked at him in disbelief. It was as if she tried
to recognise him and for a second there he was worried that she couldn’t.
“Gideon,” her lips trembled as she tried to catch her ragged breathing and focus
her gaze on him. She was shivering and when he let go of her hands, she
reached his face with shaky fingers. She traced carefully almost every strong line
of his.
“It‘s me, Riannon,” his voice was practically a whisper because he was afraid to
scare her again, “It’s me. It was just a dream.”
“Gideon!” she threw herself in his arms, lacing her own around him so that there
wasn’t any air left between the two of them. She felt his warmth and breathed in
his scent, tears burning her eyes. It was him. He was alive. What she saw... it
didn’t happen yet.
Daily new chapters in “Ria,” he murmured somewhere in her
hair, “It‘s all right. You are here and so am I. We are fine. It was just a dream.”
“It wasn’t a dream,” she finally managed to distance herself from him, “Gideon,
Onyx showed me the past. And it was so horrible.”
“We already knew that it was horrible,” his voice was calm as he took away a
strand of hair that stuck to her face. His tranquillity helped her find some inner
peace too.

“It’s different to know and to see,” she looked him in the eyes with a newfound
determination, “We can’t let any of this happen. It was so bad... Gideon, me and
Maya weren’t the only ones to die... I saw you holding Reid...dead... And then
She stopped talking as tears were suffocating her.
“I don’t want anything like this to ever happen to you,” she sniffed. He pulled her
into a hug and let her cry as much as she needed, “This... future... It cannot...
happen.” Her words were punctuated with sobs as she indulged herself in his
“Ria,” he sounded tense and his whole body was rigid, “Did you... by any chance
see Savvy there?”
“No,” she took a deep breath and sat up, “I didn’t see her. But... what I saw
couldn’t fighting wolves.”
“Tell me everything you saw,” he placed his palms on her shoulders, “Every
single detail.” And she did, starting with her own murder and finishing with the
last moment she saw
him alive.
“I am so sorry you had to go through this,” he kissed her temple as he held her in
his arms. She was leaning over his chest, and he was brushing circles with his
fingers on her bare
“I am fine now,” she said. And it was the truth. The past faded and being close to
her mate was definitely helping, their bond giving her the confidence and strength
that she needed. Besides, her brain started ticking. Yes, it was terrible to see her
own death again, it was disgusting to see her enemies win and it was heart-
breaking to see her mate die. But between all those events she found crucial
pieces of information.

“The Northern king,” she looked at Gideon, “They were so afraid that you would
form an alliance with him. This is exactly what we need to do.”
“Yeah, about that,” the lycan rubbed his forehead, “They were worried for
nothing. There is no way that ask hole and I would ever form an alliance.”
“I am sensing that there is a story there,” Riannon quirked her brow up. Whatever
that story was, she was sure she could persuade them both. This was what she
was born for.
“There is,” he admitted, “But it’s not for today. You’ve been through too much and
need rest. Let’s go to sleep.” Daily new chapters in
“No,” she shook her head and brushed her palm over his cheek with short
stubble, “I don’t want to sleep. I want to be with you. I want you...”
“Riannon, you have no idea what those words do to me,” he let out a soft snarl,
“what you do to me...”
“I don’t want to waste any time,” she whispered, straddling him and leaning
forward to touch his hot lips with hers. “If today proved anything, it is that every
moment is precious. We never met each other in our past lives. They were
wasted because of that. I don’t want to ever be separated from you. I don’t want
to live even a minute of my life without you want to have your mark on my neck
and I want it now.”
“Ria,” now an internal growl escaped his chest that was going up and down, “You
know that I want this more than anything. But... You deserve a beautiful
ceremony. I want to give only the best to my queen...” ceremony that I want.
Trust me, they are overrated. I had a beautiful marking ceremony once and look
how that ended. It means nothing to me. But you, Gideon, you mean everything.
Give me your mark. Please.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” he growled and in one sharp move placed her
back on the bed, towering over her, “When my Queen wants something, she
doesn’t have to repeat herself.”
She was wearing only a thin white silk slip and he caressed her body through it,
teasing her and making her arch her back. Their breathing was getting faster
together and when he pulled the fabric down to expose her breasts, a sound of
approval emerged from the depth of his body at the sight of her firm ni*ples. He
lowered himself and inhaled one while tugging the other in between his fingers as
he took a handful of her.
Amoan escaped her, and then another. Riannon’s delicate fingers intwined in his
dark hair as she encouraged him to go on. He tore off her and went all the way
up to her face only to crash his lips into hers, to taste her. Their tongues tangled
as they shared one breath, the kiss overwhelming all their senses. But at the
same time, his hand was rolling the silk up to expose more of her to him. She
laced her thighs around his torso and that made him pant in an
instant. His hardness was already evident against her stomach. Daily new
chapters in
“Mark me,” she said when he finally was able to break from her and now was
taking in her beautiful body.
“Not yet,” a menacing chuckle escaped him as his fingers found the fabric of her
lacy underwear. He pulled it all the way down, relieving her of it. And then he
yanked her to the edge of the bed, kneeling in front and spreading her wider for
him. She felt his hot breathing on her sensitive core and moaned when his
tongue finally reached it. He made just one sensual stroke and watched her
reaction as her body shuddered in his hands. Gideon liked what he saw, he liked
that control over her. Especially since he knew that he would lose his own in a
matter of mere minutes thanks to that woman. He loved her too much, he wanted
her too much.

“Gideon, please!” she almost whined, desperate for him to do more. And he was
happy to oblige, tasting her essence on his lips as his tongue probed her. Mars
wanted to take over him but it wasn’t the time yet. Grasping the bare flesh of her
bottom, the lycan king placed her things onto his shoulders, going deeper and
“Look at me,” he growled and she obeyed him, their eyes locking as her breasts
bounced sensitive bundle of nerves, while at the same time inserting two fingers
into her.
A loud moan left her this time as he pumped the fingers in and out, curling them
inside in
search of her most responsive spot. He already knew where it was, so he found it
with ease, taking up the speed. Riannon shuddered from all the pleasure that
was overtaking her way too fast, but he held her in place with his free hand as he
went on, and on, and on...
The rel*ase exploded through her, making her forget even her own name. But not
his. His was on her lips all the time as he kept caressing her and bringing her to
her next climax.
“Gideon!” the sounds were becoming desperate in her need for him. But right
when she
was coming to her peak once again, he stopped doing everything and got his
fingers out of her.
She tried to catch her breath as she watched him questioningly. There was no
way she was
ready to stop now.
But when he unbuckled his pants and discarded them, her lips curved into a little
smile. She found strength to stand right next to him and traced her palm all the
way from his chest to

his hardness. At the same time, the lycan hooked the straps of her slip and made
it fall to their
She lowered herself slowly, still looking into his eyes, and then stroked him gently
a few times before bringing his hard flesh to her lips. Slowly, she wrapped them
around him and took him in. As much as she could because there was no way to
take all of his length.
A growl left him as he entwined his fingers into her hair as if she was his anchor.
was driving him crazy in the best sense of the word and he threw his head back,
closing his
“What do you do with me?” he muttered, “I... Ria...”
He stopped her before she knew it and scooped her into his arms, placing her
back onto the bed and getting on top of her.
“I love you so much, do you know it?” he grunted as he rubbed his tip at her
“I know,” she smiled, because she loved seeing him like that – bedazzled with
passion, consumed by his emotions... He was like that only with her and she
loved that power.
“Good,” he nodded and pinned both her hands above her head, lifting one of her
and entering her roughly.

She let out a loud moan as she curved her back for him, “I love you too. So
“Very good,” he snarled and started pounding into her as if there was no
She screamed every time he brought her to a release, digging her nails into his
flesh. It was the first time they were together since she got her wolf back and
everything was heightened. For her and for him as well. With each thrust, with
each mad kiss their bond was getting stronger, and he didn‘t think he could stop
anymore. Daily new chapters in
Chanting her name, he took her again and again.
Then, when he felt that they both were ready, he lifted her up and placed her on
his lap, letting her straddle him. Her silky skin was covered with beads of sweat
and her wonderful
scent was filling his nostrils, making Mars go feral inside of him.
“From this day forward,” he took her hair from her neck to make sure that nothing
would get into their way, “You will only belong to me, Riannon.”
He looked into her eyes, searching for approval. “have already been yours for a
while,” she smiled through tears that were forming in her
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he thrust into her again, her body
bouncing on his as he held her while plunging into her again and again. She was
now leaning over his firm chest and felt his canines grazing over her skin, right
where her ex-husband’s mark once was. Now the place was clean and ready for
him. It was always his. Gideon‘s.

“Forever,” a growl that shook the walls around them emerged from his chest as
his sharp
teeth sunk into her. She expected pain just like the first time, but instead,
Riannon experienced
the most intense outburst of pleasure in her entire life. She didn’t even know if
she was
moaning or screaming, she was completely lost in the sensation.
She knew only one thing. He needed to feel that too. So, she gathered the
remnants of her strength and found his neck, kissing it first to make sure that this
was the right spot. And when she felt him pulsating under her and groaning
louder, she pierced him with her canines.
“Ria” his voice did not sound human anymore as he let his wolf take the control
together with him. Pressing her tighter, the rel*ase reached them at the same
time as his seed spilt inside of her. Riannon screamed and then she hung limply
in his arms, exhausted and panting. His back fell to the bed, but he refused to let
her go, still holding her in his arms.
They both could feel their marks healing already, the tingling sensation was
pleasant and soft.
“Finally,” he looked into her eyes, caressing her cheek. She couldn‘t hold her lips
from tugging into a smile. She was so happy with him already, but this was so
much bigger... It was
“Finally,” she repeated, fighting with her own eyes that wanted to close now.
“Sleep my love,” he whispered and kissed her nose gently, “You need this. And I
will guard you. Nothing bad will ever happen to you again. That’s a promise.”
And the one she knew he would do his best to keep.
Slowly, the world around her went dark as she allowed herself to drift off to sleep.

It was probably the middle of the next day when she woke up and found him still
there, next to her. He was sleeping but his hands were still holding her and this
made her grin from
ear to ear.
She did not want to wake him up, so she placed a little kiss where she could
reach and
wriggled out of his grasp in the hope to take a shower and brush her teeth before
he woke up. A lot had to be done but all that she was thinking about was making
him take her again. The night they shared was too good to just get back to
But Ria also knew that they both had responsibilities and already wasted more
time than they were allowed to. She had to think about what could be done when
she was passing a
In her reflection she saw something incredibly beautiful, something that she did
not expect to see at all. Her mark was different from what she saw others have. It
usually formed into an intricate tattoo-like pattern. But she was staring now at two
golden crescents looking
at each other. Golden! No one had golden marks before!
“I told you the Moon Goddess blessed you,” Onyx chuckled in her mind.
Riannon turned to look at how Gideon’s mark would look like, something she
forgot to check and found him sitting on the edge of the bed and watching her.
He had two golden
crescents too.
“Beautiful, isn‘t it?” she bit her lip, trying to contain the excitement.

“Very,” he smirked, but his eyes were all over her naked body.
He was about to say something but her phone rang, disrupting their moment. Ria
went to check, knowing that an Alpha couldn’t ignore any phone calls and was
surprised to see her
ex-husband’s name on the caller ID...
NOTE: I noticed that there are a lot of new people here now. Don’t forget to join
Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle group on FB. We are having a lot of fun there as
well and in the next few days, I am going to be doing a poll about a sequel to this
book. Also, don’t forget to say hi
“Riannon!” Gideon brought her closer to him as she was kicking and screaming.
He was confused at first but soon realised that something was happening to her
and when she started crying, calling his name, he simply pressed her against
him, holding her hands in place so that she wouldn’t hurt herself.
“Mars,” he called his wolf, “Try reaching Onyx.” Daily new chapters in
His wolf growled in agreement and he lost him for a few moments. But then
Riannon opened her eyes full of tears and looked at him in disbelief. It was as if
she tried to recognise him and for a second there he was worried that she
“Gideon,” her lips trembled as she tried to catch her ragged breathing and focus
her gaze on him. She was shivering and when he let go of her hands, she
reached his face with shaky fingers. She traced carefully almost every strong line
of his.
“It’s me, Riannon,” his voice was practically a whisper because he was afraid to
scare her again, “It’s me. It was just a dream.”

“Gideon!” she threw herself in his arms, lacing her own around him so that there
wasn’t any air left between the two of them. She felt his warmth and breathed in
his scent, tears burning her eyes. It was him. He was alive. What she saw... it
didn‘t happen yet.
“Ria,” he murmured somewhere in her hair, “It‘s all right. You are here and so am
I. We
are fine. It was just a dream.”
“It wasn’t a dream,” she finally managed to distance herself from him, “Gideon,
Onyx showed me the past. And it was so horrible.”
“We already knew that it was horrible,” his voice was calm as he took away a
strand of hair that stuck to her face. His tranquillity helped her find some inner
peace too.
“It’s different to know and to see,” she looked him in the eyes with a newfound
determination, “We can’t let any of this happen. It was so bad... Gideon, me and
Maya weren’t the only ones to die... I saw you holding Reid...dead... And then
She stopped talking as tears were suffocating her.
“I don’t want anything like this to ever happen to you,” she sniffed. He pulled her
into a hug and let her cry as much as she needed, “This... future... It cannot...
happen.” Her words were punctuated with sobs as she indulged herself in his
“Ria,” he sounded tense and his whole body was rigid, “Did you... by any chance
see Savvy there?”
“No,” she took a deep breath and sat up, “I didn’t see her. But... what I saw
couldn’t fighting wolves.”

“Tell me everything you saw,” he placed his palms on her shoulders, “Every
single detail.”
And she did, starting with her own murder and finishing with the last moment she
him alive.
“I am so sorry you had to go through this,” he kissed her temple as he held her in
his arms. She was leaning over his chest, and he was brushing circles with his
fingers on her bare
“I am fine now,” she said. And it was the truth. The past faded and being close to
mate was definitely helping, their bond giving her the confidence and strength
that she needed.
Besides, her brain started ticking. Yes, it was terrible to see her own death again,
it was disgusting to see her enemies win and it was heart-breaking to see her
mate die. But between all those events she found crucial pieces of information.
“The Northern king,” she looked at Gideon, “They were so afraid that you would
form an alliance with him. This is exactly what we need to do.”
“Yeah, about that,” the lycan rubbed his forehead, “They were worried for
nothing. There is no way that as*hole and I would ever form an alliance.”
“I am sensing that there is a story there,” Riannon quirked her brow up. Whatever
that story was, she was sure she could persuade them both. This was what she
was born for.
“There is,” he admitted, “But it‘s not for today. You‘ve been through too much and

need rest. Let’s go to sleep.”
“No,” she shook her head and brushed her palm over his cheek with short
stubble, “I don’t want to sleep. I want to be with you. I want you...”
“Riannon, you have no idea what those words do to me,” he let out a soft snarl,
“what you do to me...”
“I don’t want to waste any time,” she whispered, straddling him and leaning
forward to touch his hot lips with hers. “If today proved anything, it is that every
moment is precious. We never met each other in our past lives. They were
wasted because of that. I don’t want to ever be separated from you. I don’t want
to live even a minute of my life without you want to have your mark on my neck
and I want it now.”
“Ria,” now an internal growl escaped his chest that was going up and down, “You
know that I want this more than anything. But... You deserve a beautiful
ceremony. I want to give only the best to my queen...”
ceremony that I want. Trust me, they are overrated. I had a beautiful marking
ceremony once and look how that ended. It means nothing to me. But you,
Gideon, you mean everything. Give
me your mark. Please.”
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” he growled and in one sharp move placed her
back on the bed, towering over her, “When my Queen wants something, she
doesn’t have to repeat
She was wearing only a thin white silk slip and he caressed her body through it,
teasing her and making her arch her back. Their breathing was getting faster
together and when he pulled the fabric down to expose her breasts, a sound of
approval emerged from the depth of his body at the sight of her firm ni*ples. He
lowered himself and inhaled one while tugging the

other in between his fingers as he took a handful of her.
Amoan escaped her, and then another. Riannon’s delicate fingers intwined in his
dark hair as she encouraged him to go on. He tore off her and went all the way
up to her face only to crash his lips into hers, to taste her. Their tongues tangled
as they shared one breath, the kiss overwhelming all their senses. But at the
same time, his hand was rolling the silk up to expose more of her to him. She
laced her thighs around his torso and that made him pant in an
instant. His hardness was already evident against her stomach.
“Mark me,” she said when he finally was able to break from her and now was
taking in her beautiful body.
Daily new chapters in “Not yet,” a menacing chuckle escaped
him as his fingers found the fabric of her lacy underwear. He pulled it all the way
down, relieving her of it. And then he yanked her to the edge of the bed, kneeling
in front and spreading her wider for him. She felt his hot breathing on her
sensitive core and moaned when his tongue finally reached it. He made just one
sensual stroke and watched her reaction as her body shuddered in his hands.
Gideon liked what he saw, he liked that control over her. Especially since he
knew that he would lose his own in a matter of mere minutes thanks to that
woman. He loved her too much, he wanted her too
“Gideon, please!” she almost whined, desperate for him to do more. And he was
happy to oblige, tasting her essence on his lips as his tongue probed her. Mars
wanted to take over him but it wasn’t the time yet. Grasping the bare flesh of her
bottom, the lycan king placed her things onto his shoulders, going deeper and
“Look at me,” he growled and she obeyed him, their eyes locking as her breasts
bounced sensitive bundle of nerves, while at the same time inserting two fingers

into her.
Aloud moan left her this time as he pumped the fingers in and out, curling them
inside in search of her most responsive spot. He already knew where it was, so
he found it with ease, taking up the speed. Riannon shuddered from all the
pleasure that was overtaking her way too fast, but he held her in place with his
free hand as he went on, and on, and on...
The rel*ase exploded through her, making her forget even her own name. But not
his. His was on her lips all the time as he kept caressing her and bringing her to
her next climax.
“Gideon!” the sounds were becoming desperate in her need for him. But right
when she was coming to her peak once again, he stopped doing everything and
got his fingers out of her.
She tried to catch her breath as she watched him questioningly. There was no
way she was ready to stop now.
But when he unbuckled his pants and discarded them, her lips curved into a little
smile. She found strength to stand right next to him and traced her palm all the
way from his chest to his hardness. At the same time, the lycan hooked the
straps of her slip and made it fall to their
She lowered herself slowly, still looking into his eyes, and then stroked him gently
a few times before bringing his hard flesh to her lips. Slowly, she wrapped them
around him and took him in. As much as she could because there was no way to
take all of his length.
Agrowl left him as he entwined his fingers into her hair as if she was his anchor.
She was driving him crazy in the best sense of the word and he threw his head
back, closing his

“What do you do with me?” he muttered, “I... Ria...”
He stopped her before she knew it and scooped her into his arms, placing her
back onto the bed and getting on top of her.
“I love you so much, do you know it?” he grunted as he rubbed his tip at her
“I know,” she smiled, because she loved seeing him like that – bedazzled with
passion, consumed by his emotions... He was like that only with her and she
loved that power.
“Good,” he nodded and pinned both her hands above her head, lifting one of her
thighs and entering her roughly.
She let out a loud moan as she curved her back for him, “I love you too. So
much...” “Very good,” he snarled and started pounding into her as if there was no
tomorrow. She
She screamed every time he brought her to a release, digging her nails into his
flesh. It was the first time they were together since she got her wolf back and
everything was heightened. For her and for him as well. With each thrust, with
each mad kiss their bond was getting stronger, and he didn‘t think he could stop
Chanting her name, he took her again and again. Daily new chapters in
Then, when he felt that they both were ready, he lifted her up and placed her on
his lap, letting her straddle him. Her silky skin was covered with beads of sweat
and her wonderful
scent was filling his nostrils, making Mars go feral inside of him.
“From this day forward,” he took her hair from her neck to make sure that nothing

get into their way, “You will only belong to me, Riannon.”
He looked into her eyes, searching for approval. “I have already been yours for a
while,” she smiled through tears that were forming in her
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he thrust into her again, her body
bouncing on his as he held her while plunging into her again and again. She was
now leaning over his firm chest and felt his canines grazing over her skin, right
where her ex-husband’s mark once was. Now the place was clean and ready for
him. It was always his. Gideon’s.
“Forever,” a growl that shook the walls around them emerged from his chest as
his sharp teeth sunk into her. She expected pain just like the first time, but
instead, Riannon experienced
the most intense outburst of pleasure in her entire life. She didn’t even know if
she was
moaning or screaming, she was completely lost in the sensation.
She knew only one thing. He needed to feel that too. So, she gathered the
remnants of her strength and found his neck, kissing it first to make sure that this
was the right spot. And when she felt him pulsating under her and groaning
louder, she pierced him with her canines.
“Ria,” his voice did not sound human anymore as he let his wolf take the control
together with him. Pressing her tighter, the rel*ase reached them at the same
time as his seed spilt inside of her. Riannon screamed and then she hung limply
in his arms, exhausted and panting. His back fell to the bed, but he refused to let
her go, still holding her in his arms.
Daily new chapters in They both could feel their marks healing
already, the tingling sensation was pleasant and soft.

“Finally,” he looked into her eyes, caressing her cheek. She couldn‘t hold her lips
from tugging into a smile. She was so happy with him already, but this was so
much bigger... It was
“Finally,” she repeated, fighting with her own eyes that wanted to close now.
“Sleep my love,” he whispered and kissed her nose gently, “You need this. And I
guard you. Nothing bad will ever happen to you again. That’s a promise.”
And the one she knew he would do his best to keep.
Slowly, the world around her went dark as she allowed herself to drift off to sleep.
It was probably the middle of the next day when she woke up and found him still
there, next to her. He was sleeping but his hands were still holding her and this
made her grin from
ear to ear.
She did not want to wake him up, so she placed a little kiss where she could
reach and wriggled out of his grasp in the hope to take a shower and brush her
teeth before he woke up. A lot had to be done but all that she was thinking about
was making him take her again. The night they shared was too good to just get
back to business.
But Ria also knew that they both had responsibilities and already wasted more
time than they were allowed to. She had to think about what could be done when
she was passing a
In her reflection she saw something incredibly beautiful, something that she did
not expect to see at all. Her mark was different from what she saw others have. It
usually formed into an intricate tattoo-like pattern. But she was staring now at two
golden crescents looking

at each other. Golden! No one had golden marks before!
“I told you the Moon Goddess blessed you,” Onyx chuckled in her mind.
Riannon turned to look at how Gideon’s mark would look like, something she
forgot to check and found him sitting on the edge of the bed and watching her.
He had two golden
crescents too.
“Beautiful, isn‘t it?” she bit her lip, trying to contain the excitement.
“Very,” he smirked, but his eyes were all over her naked body.
He was about to say something but her phone rang, disrupting their moment. Ria
went to check, knowing that an Alpha couldn‘t ignore any phone calls and was
surprised to see her ex-husband’s name on the caller ID...
NOTE: I noticed that there are a lot of new people here now. Don’t forget to join
Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle group on FB. We are having a lot of fun there as
well and in the next few days, I am going to be doing a poll about a sequel to this
book. Also, don’t forget to say hi

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