She paused when they walked out of the house and searched for her. She
remembered that part well. It was as if she wanted to help them herself because,
since she had no desire to see anyone, she went alone into the woods.
Everything was too much for her – the people who sneered at her, the people
who were giving her their sympathy and pity. It was a horrible night on so many
levels. She went deep into the forest and was considering going to her favourite
place – The Silver Lake, when she was attacked.
Riannon saw Harper shifting into her wolf form after being encouraged by Roxy
once again. She didn’t even bother trying to listen to what the fox was saying. Did
it really matter? What mattered was that in the light provided by the full moon
Harper’s wolf indeed looked brown. And it was breaking her heart bit by bit.
So, it was her sister-in-law after all... Daily new chapters in
Ria always knew that Harper did not like her. In the light of recent discoveries, it
was understandable. But was the possibility of her being with Ash – and this one
wasn’t a huge
possibility – worth her becoming a murderer?
They found Riannon from the past in just a few minutes and Roxanne motioned
for the wolf to attack, staying behind in the shadows. Harper hesitated just for a
second, but then charged at the Luna who was already leaning over a tree. The
poison in her blood system reached the concentration that started to affect her
and she was getting weaker by the second. Right now her legs could barely
move, so she was defenceless when the huge wolf
knocked her off her feet.
But Riannon was no weakling. Even in the past. She had a will to live, so she
grabbed the nearest fallen brunch and fought the werewolf off as long as she
could. It was the best she could do, since she couldn‘t shift. Unfortunately, that

did not last long as Harper grabbed the stick with her canines and snapped it in
two, discarding it.
Daily new chapters in This was when she started crawling
away, desperately trying to win some time in the silly hope that someone would
come to save her. But just like when she actually lived in that
moment, no one came...
She already had many scratches and cuts from the fight but when the wolf dug
its teeth into her thigh and tore off a piece of it, Ria screamed.
The feral primal sound was not heard by anyone as the party was still in full
swing, having the best night.
The present Riannon felt a tear roll down her cheek. This was horrible. And
watching this hurt.
“They will find everything outl” she heard herself saying in a desperate effort to
talk herself out of this situation, “You will not get away with it.”
That ugly laughter that she couldn’t forget sounded in her ears as Roxanne
kneeled and grabbed a fistful of her hair, “Dear, Riannon, don’t you get it? I
already did!”
She then forcefully threw Ria towards the ground with force and ordered the wolf,
“Finish her off. Make sure nothing is left.”
Harper hesitated again but then went straight for her belly, piercing it with her
teeth. Daily new chapters in
This was when her memories were ending, probably meaning that this was the

she died...
The wolf’s muzzle was all covered in her blood and her own body was
convulsing. She wasn’t gone just yet.
Roxy was already walking away when she felt that something was wrong and
turned. “Finish her off,” she repeated her order, but Harper didn‘t move, “I said
finish her off!” The girl shifted back into her human form and fell to her knees,
trembling. “I can’t!” Harper panted, trying to stand up. On wobbly knees, she got
behind the nearest
tree and emptied her stomach there until there was nothing left in her.
Roxy swore loudly and picked up her evening dress, walking back to her almost
dead rival. Riannon from the past was lying there, bleeding out and barely
breathing. She was unconscious and that was probably why she didn‘t remember
that part.
“You need to finish what you started!” the fox sounded as if she was annoyed.
Daily new chapters in
“... can’t,” Harper barely had the strength to talk, “Rox, I don‘t... I don‘t think I
“Too late to back down now,” Roxanne smirked, “Look at what you already did.
There is no going back after something like this.”
“We can still take her to the pack doctor,” the girl pleaded, but her accomplice
only laughed at that.
“And say what? That you accidentally almost ate her?” the fox smirked, “Don‘t be
It was then that Riannon noticed some movement at the back and in less than a
second Marcus appeared and pinned Harper to the tree on which she was
leaning, lifting her up in the

“What are... you... doing?” the pack’s princess was desperately fighting for air as
he squeezed her neck in his large palm.
“Cleaning up,” the man replied without any kind of sentiment in his eyes.
“You are early!” Roxanne complained, “I am not done here!”
“I can see that,” the warrior rolled his eyes, “It seems that you have forgotten that
we are on the clock here. They are both already supposed to be dead!”
“What?” Harper started scratching him and fighting for her life just like Riannon
from the past did a few minutes prior. It wasn’t working, though. He was much
bigger and stronger. He was trained and Harper... skipped most of her battle
classes. As a wolf with Alpha blood, she
could protect herself from a rogue if there was a need. But she couldn’t do much
about one of her brother’s men, who were exercising and training hard every
The irony...
“What can I say, she is even weaker than I thought,” Roxy groaned, but then
looked at the naked girl trying to survive with some kind of pity, “For what it‘s
worth, Harp, I am sorry that it came to this...”
“Screw. You.” Harper spat, giving her a glare full of hatred.
“Yeah, yeah,” Marcus chuckled, snapping her neck, “Very sad.” He then dropped
her to his feet and sneered to himself, “Just where a woman’s place is.”
Even Roxy cringed at that and immediately folded her hands on her chest.
“Okay,” she sighed, “Now we need to make it look as if Riannon tried to kill
Harper and the latter killed her but was mortally wounded in the process and
didn‘t make it. It’s a shame you killed her by breaking her neck. I don‘t see how a
practically dead woman could do that.”

“Haven’t you heard?” Marcus snorted, “A woman with the right motivation can do
anything. And this Luna is known for being the best at everything. If you didn’t
poison her, we would have a much more interesting fight between the two.”
Just at that moment, Riannon from the past made a loud hoarse noise which
alerted her
Marcus pushed off the tree under which dead Harper lay and got closer to his
“Allow me,” he offered, but Roxy stopped him at the very last moment.
“Wait!” she got closer and kneeled next to Ria, “I wanted to do this from day one.
And I
want to make sure that it’s done myself.” gushing out, soaking the grass
underneath her and painting it in crimson colour. But this only brought relief to the
Luna, whose suffering finally ended.
The present Riannon watched the whole scene with her fists clenched, but at the
last moment marched to the two spies. Marcus was helping Roxanne up when
she reached them and tried to slap the fox, only for her hand to go through her as
if there was nothing there. She
tried to hit her again and again, knowing that it wasn’t possible. But she couldn’t
“This was satisfying,” the pregnant woman let out a little laugh, “Can you imagine
that she looked down at me the whole time? Even when she was clearly losing.
The audacity!”
“Just forget about it,” the warrior said, getting back to Harper’s body and picking
her up in his arms, “Look at her now. The last person to laugh laughs best. And
that’s you.”

Ria smirked at his words. Oh, no. It wouldn‘t be Roxy. The last person to laugh or
to stand would be her. Right when both of them would be dead.
“It’s bad that your sister–in–law isn‘t in her wolf form,” Marcus stated plainly when
he threw Harper on top of Riannon, “How are we going to explain her being
naked and not turning?
“Don‘t bother yourself with this,” the fox prepared to leave, “I can talk my future
husband into anything. Just make it look as if Riannon attacked Harper and that‘s
it. I‘ll take care of the
“Onyx,” Ria called for her wolf, “That‘s enough. I know everything now. Take me

“There are other things you need to see,” Onyx replied and everything went dark.
She blinked and found herself in her ex-husband’s office. He was sitting at his
desk and
looking gloomy in the darkness of the room. He had stubble on his face, which
was unusual for
him, and this was how she realized that it wasn’t the same day.
“It wasn’t your fault, my love,” Roxy appeared with a glass of whiskey in her
hand, “You know it wasn’t your fault, right?”
She placed the drink in front of him and he took it without hesitation, making a big
gulp. And then one more. At the same time, Roxanne smirked and Ria made a
mental note to never eat or drink anything she touched.

“I pushed her too hard and she went mad because of me,” he said with some
bitterness in his voice, “And even killed my sister because of that... And that
other girl...”
“You useless narcissist!” Riannon growled at him, realizing that he meant her.
massaging his shoulders and he moaned, closing his eyes and trying to relax,
“Your ex-wife was killed by your hero sister, and the ones who helped Riannon
set the trap were punished too. Those girls, Tatiana and Aria, knew what they
were doing. You handled it then.”
“I just... can’t forget their faces when I ripped their hearts out,” Brayden said and
Riannon stopped breathing.
What was he talking about? Did he kill her friends too? Did he even investigate at
“You are an Alpha. You have to move on from this.” Roxanne insisted, “For your
people, for your mate and for your heir.”
“You are right,” he sighed heavily, “Let’s change the topic. It‘s a big day for you
and I don’t want to ruin it. We are going to meet your brother.”
“Yes,’ the fox‘s lips curled into a sly smile, but Brayden didn‘t see this as she
behind him.
“And on top of everything, he is an Alpha!” the werewolf continued, “That’s very
good news considering what we have been dealing with here lately. This
probably means that you aren’t an Omega after all. I knew that the Moon
Goddess wouldn’t give me an omega mate.”
Ria wanted to slap him or at least throw something at him. But it didn‘t seem

“Yes,” the girl was barely holding back laughter behind his back, “He also says
that I am a special wolf, remember? I still can’t believe that my family gave me up
for my protection.”
Riannon ran her palm over her face. How could he believe in something so
stupid?! There literally couldn‘t be any proof! This stuff could only happen in
But when he took another sip, she knew that nothing was simple. He was broken
and devasted. And drunk. And probably poisoned too. None of that made her
less angry at him
“How could I forget?” Brayden curled his lips weakly, “This is the main reason we
going to your brother‘s pack.”
Darkness surrounded Riannon even before she could think about what it meant.
The next scene that unfolded before her eyes shocked her when she thought she
ready for everything now.
Brayden was standing on his knees, beaten to a pulp... Both his eyes were
swollen and his clothes were torn. Four men were holding him so that he couldn’t
move or get out, and Castiel was standing in front of him with a bored face. Roxy
was right next to him and looked
“Why?” Brayden spit blood on the ground and looked at his tormentors. Riannon
wondered if at least now he realised what had happened, how he had been
tricked by the foxes.

“Nothing personal,” Castiel smirked, grasping his hair with one hand and growing
claws on the other, “You are just in my way!”
Brayden watched as his so-called mate laced her arms around the torso of the
man who was about to kill him. His face contorted painfully and Riannon couldn‘t
help but feel sorry for
“All this time,” he gritted through his teeth, looking at Roxy, “You...” “You guessed
correctly,” the girl praised him with a sneer, “All this time. Me.” “And the baby?” he
looked at her belly with teary eyes.
“Not yours, thank Goddess,” she smirked, “But do not worry. Soon it wouldn’t
even matter. When I take the pack into my hands, no one is going to remember
their naive previous Alpha. And it‘s not like they have much time left to live
“Enough,” Castiel got tired of this exchange. One of his eyes gleamed red and
then, in one swift move, he tore Brayden’s head off.
Ria felt sick, watching him.
He looked at the bleeding head in his hands and then threw it away, wiping his
Darkness surrounded her again and in all honesty, Riannon was ready to wake
up from
this nightmare. She was exhausted.
But when she blinked again and found herself in the middle of a battlefield, shehe
forgot about everything at once as her eyes focused on a figure of a man in a
distance. He was on top of a small hill, clenching a dead grey wolf to his chest.

A scream was desperately trying to escape her throat as she recognised Gideon,
covered in blood. She ran towards him, her body going through all the foxes and
bears who were
surrounding him and snarling aggressively.
“Gideon,” she wanted to scream, but barely any sound was leaving her mouth.
She was next to him in no time, recognising Reid’s wolf Nox, who was already
dead too.
Everyone was dying...
“Sleep, my loyal Beta and friend,” Gideon placed him carefully on the ground,
standing up. Around him, werewolves and lycans were losing the battle. Which
was unbelievable. “I will
Riannon looked around them, realising that he had no chance. There were too
many of them and no one to help him at a close distance. Every lycaon and
werewolf was fighting. And only then she noticed that some wolves... were
fighting other wolves.
Her heart was beating so fast that she felt it somewhere in her throat. Tears were
suffocating her as she saw her mate fight a battle that he couldn’t win. Foxes and
bears were throwing themselves at him and he was killing them one by one. Until
a moment came when there were too many of them attacking him together in a
large group and he couldn’t defend himself anymore, buried under their bodies...
Yet he did not give up and kept on snapping his sharp teeth and digging his
claws into his enemies until his very last breath.
A true king... A true Alpha...
Ria couldn’t believe her eyes. The pain from the scene she witnessed was
unbearable and she fell to her knees, unable to stand anymore. Even if she was
an incorporeal spirit...

She clenched her fists, trying to steady her breathing.
Finally, the foxes and the bears left the place where Gideon was fighting just a
few seconds prior and she saw him lying on the ground in his wolf form. Still
majestic and beautiful. But not a drop of life left in him...
“Gideon!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, closing her eyes, as tears were
streaming down her face.
And when she opened them, she heard a loud growl and two strong hands were
pinning her down...
NOTE: This was such a hard chapter to write and I still don‘t think I did it justice.
Can I ask help with the name again? I feel like I am drained after writing this.

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