Even the Heavenly Death Star had her weaknesses.

It’s not the kind of weakness where, despite possessing strong martial arts skills, one would perish if their neck were cut or their heart pierced. Rather, it’s a deficiency in martial arts prowess.

Surprisingly, her weakness lay in stealth and concealment techniques.

-My skills are slightly inferior to those of a first-class assassin.

Before leaving Chilgok County, she disclosed her vulnerabilities.

Then why was she captured at the Gapsu Trading Company? Upon receiving a probing look, Sohee quickly averted her gaze and corrected herself.

-…I’m actually on par with a second-class assassin.

‘Is she truly the greatest assassin in this martial arts visual novel?’

Wearing ninja attire and being weak in stealth and concealment techniques? I regarded Sohee with skepticism.

-My martial arts skills remain at the level of a top-class assassin.

Seeing my bewildered expression, Sohee defensively retorted.

Perhaps being an assassin didn’t solely mean escaping smoothly after a kill, but rather, it meant being an assassin because one could eliminate all witnesses as well.

Sohee had never felt a significant deficiency in her stealth and concealment abilities. With those skills, she was more than capable of executing assassinations undetected.

“The issue is that this was the first time she was ever discovered at the Gapsu Trading Company.”

An incident that occurred once might not repeat, but an incident that occurs twice was bound to happen again. If she was cautious, there shouldn’t be another instance of her getting caught.

Even if it did happen, she possessed the skills to survive it. The problem was me. If she was caught, it could endanger my life as her companion.

I recalled the conversation I had with Sohee in Chilgok County.

-If you want to infiltrate the Sung Family Head’s room easily, it’s best to stay in the inner quarters.

-In the inner quarters? They wouldn’t let a mere entertainer stay in the inner quarters, not even a VIP.

-It doesn’t matter if you end up staying in the outer quarters. …I’ll try to sneak out using my stealth techniques.

-There’s no need to take such a risk. I’ll see what I can do to ensure you can stay in the inner quarters.


-I have a plan. Just trust me.

Typically, the inner quarters of a mansion were reserved for family members, elders, martial artists of elder rank, and key personnel such as the chief stewards.

Being invited to stay there as a guest signified receiving VVIP treatment.

Sohee was almost ready to give up.

I came here wanting to deeply impress Seong Sehwi’s uncle on behalf of the client. Aren’t you the client? Help me out. She wanted to say, but it’s said that the identity of a stealthy client was never revealed to the assassin.

Even if she were to ask the man for help, he wouldn’t assist her.

Even if an insider commissioned the assassination, openly helping could lead to being caught and the commission being exposed.

It’s impossible to infiltrate the inner quarters with the help of an insider.

There’s no reason to accommodate a performer, especially a barbarian, in the inner quarters.

Usually, that is.

“I’ll have to cook the young master alive to get myself invited as a VIP.”

If not usual, then being an unusual guest should do the trick.

“Here we are.”

Following a servant into the Sung Family residence.

The servant sent by Seong Sehwi led me through the outer quarters to a room in the inner quarters.

“Really, the Joseon entertainer!”

Seong Sehwi greeted me with a surprised expression, clearly not expecting my visit.

“Just for a few days.”

I greeted Seong Sehwi with a smile.

Seong Sehwi, still in disbelief, led me to a comfortable spot.

“How did you come here? Did you not surely decline the invitation?”

Seong Sehwi asked me immediately, unable to hide his surprise.

“When was it ever an invitation? It was a scam.”

Seong Sehwi invited me to provoke his uncle, an invitation that, had I been unaware of the true situation, could have led to serious trouble.

I never dreamed I would return of my own accord to that invitation.

“To be invited inside and ensure my safety, I need to be treated as a VIP.”

Saying I came back for the money would be the lowest of excuses.

I would simply be told to perform in the outer quarters, take the money, and leave.

I must become a man who came to Seong Sehwi with noble intentions, not just for mere money.

“…… After we parted, I reflected on the past.”

I took a sip of the tea prepared in front of me and began with a serious tone.

Let’s start by building rapport.

“What were you thinking about?”

“About the time I, as a barbarian, lived in the Central Plains and faced numerous persecutions. Even when someone as weak as me was mercilessly beaten by bullies, not a single person offered a helping hand.”

I pulled up my sleeves to reveal several small wounds and made a face as if recalling unjust and sad events.

“People rarely extend a hand to the weak, even if that person was once the heir apparent to a family.”

Seong Sehwi shared his experiences, seeming to relate.

Good, we’ve established a connection.

“I thought I would act differently if the roles were reversed. But once I got a taste of luxury with rosé sauce, I realized how selfish people can become. I refused your help for my own safety.”

“…… Prioritizing one’s safety is not something to be condemned. Rather, the person who offers help in such situations is the one who deserves respect.”

Seong Sehwi looked at me with a deeply moved expression, guessing why I had come here.

But I couldn’t end it here.

If the reason I came to the Seong Family ended with this, it would be touching. ‘I’ll treat you as a guest. You’re going to end it with this, aren’t you?’

A twist was needed.

“Yes. And you didn’t even tell me the truth.”

I gave the man a reproachful look.

After establishing a reasonable rapport and cause, it’s time to exploit the weakness.

You’re not an honorable man. Nor were you a simple victim.

You’re just a con artist.

“I wouldn’t have anything to say even if I had ten mouths.”

The man seemed to know he had done something shameful and subtly avoided my reproachful gaze.

“If I hadn’t known your true intentions, I would have happily accepted your invitation, thinking it an honor to perform at the Sung Family residence, not realizing it was actually a slaughterhouse.”


The man was so out of words that he clenched his mouth shut.

Nothing to say?

“You tried to escape a situation of injustice by putting someone else in trouble. How are you any different from those who dishonorably took over the Sung Family?”

Even if they admit their mistake, pressing them like this might trigger a defensive reaction.

People tend to get angry when their faults are continuously pointed out, even if they initially feel ashamed.

Especially since the other party was a rich young master.

“Did you come not to help but to reproach me?”


Seong Sehwi changed his expression to one of anger and spoke to me.

“No. I came to help.”

I calmly smiled, sipping my tea, and gracefully accepted the man’s anger.

What an audacious stance.

“Then why……”

“I wish you would understand.”

“Understand what?”

“That I didn’t come to help because you’re a rich young master, nor because I think you’re a good person.”

“…… Then why did you come to help?”

“I came because I can help you with the great trouble you’re facing.”

“Just for that reason?”

“I know the loneliness and sorrow of not being helped when in trouble. I know you’re not a good person, but you’re not evil either. I understand how unfair it must have been for you. And now, I also understand the risks I will take on.”

The man in front of you knew everything and had come to you for that reason, to help someone like you.

I sent a determined look toward the man suffering alone in isolation.

“Really, with that purpose…?”

Had I touched the man’s emotions? Seong Sehwi’s eyes began to tremble.

It’s not over yet.

“I want to help. I will make everyone aware of the injustice done by your uncle and stepmother. For that, I will risk my life.”

I looked at Seong Sehwi as if I were a warrior, filled with a sense of justice boiling inside me.

A lowly barbarian entertainer came, risking his life.

Not for money, but for the sense of justice (俠義之心) held in his heart.

It’s a classic story, but it resonates well in the world of martial arts novels.

In an isolated situation, pure kindness feels significantly impactful to a man in desperate need of help.

How’s that for moving?

“Thank you… Really, thank you.”

Thump! Seong Sehwi knelt on the floor, his eyes teary and his expression touched.

Good. The reaction was more intense than expected.

“Please get up. There’s no time to waste in preparing to eliminate the injustice.”

I reached out my hand to the man, helping him to stand.

“How can I ever repay you, a true hero of justice…?”

The man seemed too dazzled by me to even dare make eye contact.

Just letting me stay in the inner quarters was enough.

“Please make all the preparations. And when you reclaim your family, do not forget today’s me and continue to act with justice towards everyone.”

“If I become the head of the Sung Family, I will never forget today’s events.”

The man expressed his overflowing feelings again by holding my hands with both of his.

“I will host you in the inner quarters as a VIP.”

Seong Sehwi decided to welcome me as a VIP of the Sung Family, as it’s only right not to neglect a hero of justice who came with pure intentions.

“My wife is waiting at the inn.”

“Your wife?”

“The woman who was with me on the day we first met is my wife.”

“Ah! I thought it was unusual for a woman to be wearing the badge of office, so she was your wife.”

“As a husband, I was too ashamed to introduce her that day, being under her protection.”

I modestly bowed my head, as if embarrassed by my unhusband-like behavior.

“I understand. I’ll have a servant bring your wife here.”

“Thank you.”

Seong Sehwi ordered a servant to bring Sohee.

‘Sohee has to play the role of the wife well.’

While I had no issues transitioning from a master, producer, commander, to teacher, and now to a husband, the newcomer Sohee could pose a problem.

-Once we arrive at the Sung Family, I will call Sohee my wife.

-…… Wife?

-You don’t like it?

-No, it’s fine. Cool, okay.

-How do you want to call me?

-Should I call you Dear Husband?

-Dear Husband, huh…… That’s too Central Plains-like.

Perhaps reminded of someone by the term Dear Husband, I asked Sohee for a different title.

-I can’t think of any other title than that.

-How about calling me ‘Seobang-nim’ as it befits a Joseon person?

-…… Seobang-nim?

-It’s good because it’s Joseon-like, and if I call you Seobang-nim and make a mistake in addressing you, I can just pretend it was a mistake due to being Joseon.

-Seobang-nim. Seobang-nim. …… Yeah, Seobang-nim. It sounds good.

Sohee looked at me intently, repeating the title Seobang-nim several times, then nodded her head.

“The guest has arrived.”

As I was reminiscing about the events in Chilgok County, Sohee arrived.

“Let me introduce her again. This is my wife.”

“I thought you were just holding an office badge that day and didn’t greet you properly. Madam, you have a fine husband.”


Sohee’s face flushed, and her lips moved, but no words came out.


“S, Se, Seobang-nim is a great person.”

Why was Sohee speaking as if she’s buffering?

Her face was flushed, and her acting was oddly clumsy.

Maybe it was awkward for her to call me her husband when I was not really her husband.

“Ha-ha. My wife is shy, so she doesn’t speak much.”

“Ha-ha-ha. Seems so. Anyway, it seems in Joseon, husbands are called Seobang.”

“Yes. Although I’m used to speaking in the language of the Central Plains, I find myself more comfortable with Joseon titles.”

“I see. Well, now that your wife is here, let me show you to your accommodations in the inner quarters.”

Seong Sehwi led us to our lodging without any suspicion.

“The garden is truly beautiful.”

The garden was neatly maintained, perhaps as one would expect of a wealthy household.

“I regret that I cannot show you the innermost garden, which is even more beautiful. Sungjiru and his gang have taken over, so I cannot offer you accommodations there.”

“This place is beautiful enough.”

I comforted Seong Sehwi, who wore a frustrated expression. Staying in the inner quarters is sufficient. Being too close could easily arouse suspicion of assassination.

“You shouldn’t say that!”

As we headed to the lodging, a loud voice could be heard from somewhere.

Was someone fighting?

“Lady! You shouldn’t go that way!”

“It’s my wish.”

The arguing voices grew closer.

“La! Dy!”

On the opposite side of the garden where we were standing, two people appeared alongside the dissuading voice.

Perhaps a mischievous lady and her servant.

I turned my head to look at the two people who appeared on the opposite side of the garden.

Unaware that I might encounter someone I know.

‘Why are you here?’

The person who appeared before me was someone I knew.

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