A bracelet encircled the man’s wrist.

Why was it here?

‘This bracelet originates from the original work.’

This bracelet was acquired early in the story progression of the original game.

Of course, I wasn’t surprised because the bracelet boasted omnipotent abilities such as improving blood circulation, emitting far-infrared rays, and blocking electromagnetic waves.

If such a bracelet with these capabilities accidentally came into my possession, I would simply exclaim, ‘Lucky me,’ and slip it into my pocket.

However, this artifact was not so straightforward.

‘Why does this man possess an artifact from the Sichuan Tang Family?’

Sichuan Tang Family (四川唐家).

A martial arts family that represented the Sichuan province.

Also known as Sichuan Tangmun, this family was recognized as specialists in the fields of hidden weapons and poisons.

Some in the martial world mistakenly believed it had a two-character surname like the Moyong Family, but it was actually a clan composed of the Tang bloodline, not Tangmun.

Although sometimes portrayed as neither righteous nor evil, but somewhere in between, in martial arts novels, the Sichuan Tang Family was, in fact, a proud member of the righteous factions in this world.

Why would a Korean possess an artifact from the Sichuan Tang Family?

And therein lay the biggest issue with this bracelet.

‘The villain character from the Sichuan Tang Family was seen wearing this bracelet.’

An artifact obtained after resolving an incident involving a villain character from the Sichuan Tang Family. That’s the true nature of this bracelet.

It was not something that should be worn by a Korean with black hair.

“The Tang Family’s Unforgettable Ring (不忘環).”

Upon hearing my surprised utterance, Sohee quietly observed the dead man’s wrist from behind and identified the bracelet I was unfamiliar with.

“Unforgettable Ring (不忘環)? A bracelet that isn’t forgotten?”

Was that its name? I had assumed it would be something like Tanggawatchi or Tangband.

“Yes. The Sichuan Tang Family awards a gratitude badge to those they owe a debt of gratitude to. They issue different ones according to rank, and this is the highest level. Yunho, didn’t you know?”

All I knew was that this bracelet symbolized affiliation with the Sichuan Tang Family.

It was essentially like a full-course treatment free pass from the Sichuan Tang Family.

“I recognized it as belonging to the Sichuan Tang Family because of the legendary poison bird depicted on it. I didn’t know it had such significance.”

I pointed to the drawing of the legendary poison bird on the bracelet, a symbol exclusive to a single clan in the Central Plains.

Sohee seemed convinced by the mention of the poison bird and nodded slightly.

“The Unforgettable Ring is supposed to be given only by the direct bloodline of the Tang Family to someone who has received a great favor. Why does this man have it?”

Sohee, like me, expressed her doubts about the bracelet’s origin.

“I’m curious about that too. A Korean wearing a bracelet from the Sichuan Tang Family.”

“Like a gratitude badge, there should be a name inscribed on the back. Take a look.”

The names of those who have received gratitude from the Sichuan Tang Family are inscribed on the gratitude badge. I checked the back of the man’s bracelet to confirm this.

“…… There’s no name inscribed.”

There was no name on the back of the bracelet.

“It can’t be.”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

Such a precious gratitude badge should naturally have a name inscribed on it. But there’s no name.

It makes me anxious thinking about that character.

“Yunho, you keep it.”


“I don’t know what relationship this man had with the Tang Family, but if you inform the Tang Family about today’s incident and present them with the bracelet, they will express their gratitude. Because the Sichuan Tang Family’s motto is……”

“The Sichuan Tang Family does not forget.”

“…… Right.”

A well-known motto of the Sichuan Tang Family in this world.

As a clan primarily utilizing poison and hidden weapons, they often face unjust accusations. To counter this, the past head of the Tang Family adopted a motto emphasizing the importance of remembering both kindness and grievances.

This was likely the reason behind the implementation of the gratitude badge system as well.

The protagonist visited the Tang Family with the bracelet for a similar reason.

Not to return the Unforgettable Ring because it symbolized gratitude, but rather to convey, “Your family member has caused trouble; please address it.”

“Then wouldn’t it be better if Sohee had it?”

“If I take it, I might be suspected, but if Yunho takes it, he could be greatly rewarded.”

Sohee shook her head as she spoke.

Thinking it over, it made sense. An assassin arriving with the bracelet would indeed raise suspicions.

Conversely, if I brought it and explained how it came into my possession, I’d likely be warmly received by the Sichuan Tang Family, enjoying what amounted to a full course of hospitality.

‘There’s no way this bracelet belongs to that character.’

I was taken aback to find an artifact from the game before me, but it couldn’t possibly belong to that character.

That character was seen wearing the Unforgettable Ring until the scenario’s conclusion.

Had the Unforgettable Ring been given to the deceased man out of gratitude, it wouldn’t have surfaced in the scenario.

“Then you keep it, Brother.”

It’s logical to conclude that a member of the Tang Family gave the Unforgettable Ring to the deceased Korean man as a token of gratitude.

If the bracelet was indeed presented as a gratitude badge by the Tang Family to the deceased Korean man, merely avenging him and taking care of his body would merit a reward.

Following Sohee’s suggestion, I took the bracelet.

The sun dipped quickly behind the mountains.

After attending to the man’s body and setting off, darkness had already fallen, prompting us to camp at a suitable spot.

“We can’t find any clues, even with this box.”

I murmured to myself while examining the open box.

The box that the man wanted to be taken to Sichuan. There was nothing special inside the box.

Only a book so soaked in blood it was hard to open and some trinkets of little value were inside.

“I know a technique to restore blood-soaked books. I’ll restore it when I get a chance.”

“Wow, you brought the firewood so quickly!”

I was startled by Sohee’s voice from behind.

She went to gather firewood for the campfire and came back quickly.

“Camping is familiar to me.”

Sohee said as she put the firewood into the campfire one by one.

Did Sohee have concerns? Her face, illuminated by the campfire, looked particularly dark.

“Sohee, do you have any worries?”

“……. No.”

You know. For a moment, I felt hesitation from Sohee.

‘We don’t have a perfect relationship based on trust.’

Like me, Sohee didn’t easily talk about what’s on her mind.

In Sohee’s heart, I was more of a being that needed to be protected rather than a brother she could rely on.

Because it’s not an equal relationship, it’s hard for her to open up, and she couldn’t just let go and trust. She couldn’t show weakness to someone she had to protect.

Even if I had a place in Sohee’s heart, a clear line still existed.

‘I can’t continue to accompany her on assassination missions.’

If I continued to accompany her on assassination missions, I could be put in danger either by the missions themselves or by her awakening as the Heavenly Death Star.

‘She needs to see me as a reliable brother so she can leave me behind.’

Escaping was impossible after being showered with the Thousand Miles Chasing Scent.

If she had no intention of leaving me, at least our relationship must change to one where she could confidently leave for an extended period.

“Being in the mountains like this reminds me of the old days when Sohee and I went to the valley.”

I spoke to Sohee with a nostalgic look.

It’s been a while since I tried to build a trust relationship by reminiscing about the past.

“Did we go to the valley in the old days?”

Sohee showed interest in my words as if her worried expression had never existed.

Initially, when we met, she regarded me with suspicion and distrust whenever I spoke of the past. Now, she listens intently to the fabricated history I recount.

I began talking about the times when I was a reliable brother to Sohee, aspiring to be someone who could say, “Welcome back, Sohee. I’ve just returned from a long mission,” and exchanged such words with her.

Cheon Sohee quietly observed the crackling fire, paying close attention to Yunho’s voice.

“Trying to impress Sohee, I swam in a place I shouldn’t have, got caught in the rapids… It was fortunate there was a warrior nearby, or it could have been a major disaster.”

“That was dangerous.”

“It was. I thought I was really going to die. At that moment, Sohee, you approached me with a worried face, asking if I was okay. Haha. It was a thrilling experience, but now it all feels like a distant memory.”

Yunho recounted his childhood memories with a joyful voice.

He neatly folds those memories and places them into the fog of memory. Yet, no memories resurfaced.

‘I wish I could remember at least one.’

Sohee thought, burying her head in her knees. Except for the day he first tied her up, her childhood memories still hadn’t returned.

“That time, Sohee and I… caught fireflies together…”

After a long while, Yunho spoke of his memories with her, his face filled with longing.

In his memories, there’s a younger version of herself. At the end of his longing, there’s Sohee.

But that’s not her.

Feeling Yunho’s gaze, she quietly watched him.

“Catching minnows and placing them in Sohee’s hand…”

He looked at her with a fond gaze, but that fondness wasn’t directed at her.

What he was looking at was his past self.

What he longed for was not her but the version of her from ten years ago.

Cheon Sohee felt oddly displeased by this realization and secretly bit her lower lip.


Cheon Sohee called him in a low voice.


He finally shifted his gaze from the past to her.

“Let’s talk about future plans.”

“The Sung Family? Didn’t we already finish planning that before we left?”

The man asked Sohee, his voice laced with confusion.

No, this couldn’t continue. Otherwise, he’ll start reminiscing about the past again.

They were memories she’s yearned to recall every day for ten years, but lately, she’s found herself oddly troubled whenever he speaks of his past.

“What happens after the Sung Family matter? Are you going to continue living as a storyteller?”

“After the Sung Family issue, I want to write a book.”

“A book?”

“I plan to earn money through storytelling work, write a novel, and become famous.”

Yunho began to share stories related to books with Cheon Sohee.

About the failure in writing his first book. The struggle between writing what one loves versus what’s popular. The fear of whether his writings as a foreigner would be well-received. Yet, his determination to try again.

All of this was new to her.

She lived merely to survive, while he lived with an eye toward the future.

Cheon Sohee suddenly saw Yunho in a different light.

Different from herself.

It pained her slightly, so she attempted to bury her face in her knees.

“And after succeeding with the book, I want to become a brother Sohee can depend on.”

Sohee was taken aback by his words and shifted her gaze from the campfire to Yunho.

“To me?”

“Yes. I want to be a proud brother that Sohee can trust and depend on. Someone she can confide her worries in…”

Yunho looked at Sohee with a thoughtful gaze.

Despite her claims of having no worries, it seemed she couldn’t conceal everything from him.

How much did he know?

Her secrets. Worries. Future. Concerns she has never confessed to anyone.

“……. I’ll tell you someday.”

Now is not the time.

But someday, she hoped to tell him.

Sohee’s heart warmed under his thoughtful gaze, and she buried her head in her knees again.

Just as she needed him, she was part of the future he dreamed of.

Earlier, she had lowered her head to secretly cover her bitten lip, but this time, she did it to hide a leaking smile.

The cold night in the mountains.

All worries in her heart flew away, leaving only warmth.

Whether it was because of the fire in front of her or the man, Sohee knew.

Sohee and I arrived in Daehung County.

Finding the Sung Family was not difficult. The location of the Sung Family, which wielded immense influence in Daehung County, was known even to the local kids.

“Master Seong Sehwi has requested only the storyteller to come for now.”

A servant approached us while we were waiting at the inn after sending a message to the Sung Family.

“I have companions. I cannot go alone.”

“Stay here, and we will escort you as a guest when the time comes.”


Sohee looked at me with worried eyes.

“Sohee. Trust me this time.”

“…… Yes. I’ll trust you.”

Perhaps my words from yesterday had an effect. Sohee briefly adjusted my clothes and then stepped aside.

“Please follow me.”

I followed the servant to the Sung Family.

This task at the Sung Family.

To successfully carry out the mediation and the assassination mission, there’s something that must be done.

For that, even the client, Seong Sehwi, must be deceived.

‘Time to cook up a scheme with the young master.’

It’s time to act again.

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