- One Day, After Class D had Retreated -

"S-Si Ye!" The male student from Class C yelled.

"Calm down, Lei Pao…" Si Ye sighed in exasperation but continued reading her book. "What is it this time?"

"It's Xu Lian… he… wants to speak with you."

At this, Si Ye set down her novel and glanced at the male student — Lei Pao.

"… And you didn't reject him outright?"

"S-Sorry… he seemed like he had actually important business to talk about," Lei Pao replied timidly. "Apparently… if you don't listen to him now, all hope of winning this exam will be lost, even if we do break into Class B's Base."

"… Fine. I'll see him. Where is he?"

"Right here, miss."

The intruder who had said this pushed past Lei Pao casually with a fake innocent smile so wide his eyes were thin lines. He bowed, smile never once leaving his face.

"Hello, Ice Princess."

"… Don't call me by that name. You're not fit."

"Of course — I apologize. But I come here today with purpose."

"Oh?" Si Ye stood up from her ice chair and folded her arms. "Let's hear it then. What 'purpose'?"

"Come on now, princess. It's been a week since we started fighting pointlessly like this. Haven't you realized yet?"

Si Ye narrowed her eyes. "I thought I told you not to call me that. But… realize what?"

"We're getting played," Xu Lian replied with a soft chuckle. "By none other than Class A… or should I say, Class D?"

"… What?"

"It's about time you notice. Do you think the other two classes have just been sitting idly while we fought like fools for the past seven days? They formed an alliance a long time ago — and are seeking to take advantage of our conflict."

"… Hm." Si Ye folded her arms. "Elaborate."

"The flags that you left behind in your base defenselessly… the various attacks that seem to come out of nowhere when our forces are in combat… they are all the work of Class A and D. In fact, I've been trying to tell you this since the beginning, but the whole reason you started attacking us was because of them too."

Lei Pao's eyes widened. "You mean… that night… they infiltrated our base and stole the flags, somehow?"

"Naturally. You may think it was me since I am most proficient in Shadow Magic, but don't you think it's a bit weird that Class A and D have seemingly done nothing all this time?"

"… What are you trying to say?" Si Ye asked, cutting to the point.

"I'm proposing we form an alliance once more, Ice Princess," Xu Lian replied, spreading his arms wide while continuing to smile in that creepy manner of his. "There is only one day left in the exam, after today. If you don't believe me… you can raid Class A's Base for yourself. If my calculations are not wrong… they should have 135 flags stored."

Lei Pao and another girl beside Si Ye widened their eyes in shock.

"A-A hundred and thirty-five?!"

"Of course, should you choose to deny my offer and insist it was me who stole your flags, then I have no choice but to retreat," Xu Lian continued with a light shrug. "You may even capture me right here and now, if so you wish. But the fact that I am willing to come here defenselessly right now proves my sincerity, no? If you decide to attack Class A, Class B will support you with everything we have. How about it?"

Si Ye glared at Xu Lian like he was a piece of trash. "… Don't take me for a fool. I know full well the you here right now is not your real body. I've done my research, Xu Lian… or should I say, Puppet Master?"

At this, Xu Lian — or rather, Xu Lian's puppet — froze his movements, smile plastered over his face like a creepy tattoo.

"That said…" Si Ye continued, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "It is clear that our two classes have equal strength. Continuing to battle like this will yield no benefit to either of us. I still don't believe you one bit, but since the exam is about to be over anyway, we might as well take this risk."

"S-Si Ye… are you sure…?"

"Yes," she replied firmly. "And besides… Class A is led by him. I think… it's about time I get my vengeance."


- Meanwhile, Class A's Base -

"Man…" I sighed, sitting on top of the roof of the tallest building in the temple and staring out at the bamboo forest's scenery that I had gotten used to by now.

What am I going to do about Xu Lian…? There's only one day left in the exam, excluding today…

Looks like I have no choice but to just infiltrate Class B's Base myself and take him out, huh?

"Xuan Kai, what you thinking about?" Feng Mian asked, climbing up onto the roof as well and plopping down beside me.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. Just someone I need to get rid of."

"Do you want me to help?" She offered, eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Nah, I'm good. I can handle him on my own."

"Heh, I see." Feng Mian smirked suggestively and drew closer to me on the roof, slowly easing my body into a laid-down position and pressing her large and soft breasts against my chest.

"By the way… when was the last time we kissed~?"

"Uh… just last night?" I said hesitantly.

"Eh, too long ago. I want to kiss right now."

"… Feng Mian."


"Your succubus side hasn't taken over, right?"

"Nope, not yet. It happens only once a month, I'm pretty sure," she replied. "What, I can't do naughty things with you unless I'm in my succubus form?"

"Uh… no. I was just wondering, since it would be troublesome if you let that side of you take over while we're still in the exam."

"Don't worry~ as long as you satisfy my needs whenever I ask, that won't happen. Just like right now… I want you to kiss me. Yeah?"

She licked her lips and slowly brought them closer to mine. I met her mouth and threw my arms around her warm body. Our tongues wrapped around one another, coated by our saliva. My fingers slid down to grab her sexy ass, soft and round.

"Mmn~" she moaned gently as I caressed her lower lip with my mouth, tracing my fingertips back and forth on her ample butt. Luckily, she still had clothes on, otherwise I may have lost self-control and did it with her right then and there.

"So, this is where you two were, huh?"

Immediately, Feng Mian and I tore away from one another and looked at the owner of the voice — Yu An Yan. She did not look happy.

"Er… what brings you here?" I asked hesitantly.

"The leader of Class A wanted to talk to you, Xuan Kai. Since I happened to pass by, he sought out my help in looking for you. Since searching from the air would be easier, that's exactly what I did — but to think you would be up here… with Feng Mian, no less."

"Uh… my bad. I'll go see what he wants. Thanks," I quickly replied before promptly fucking off, since staying there definitely wasn't a good idea. 

Sorry, Feng Mian, but I'll let you deal with An Yan's wrath. I have… more important business to attend to.


- Within the Meeting Room -

"Oh, you're finally here," Ming Hao said upon spotting me enter and shutting the door behind me.

"… An Yan said you wanted to talk to me. What for?"

"I just wanted to let you know something," he replied. "Just waiting for Long Lu to come as well."

A few minutes later, Long Lu arrived.

"Sorry, I was in the shower… didn't know you two wanted to discuss something important," he apologized deeply.

"Don't worry about it," Ming Hao replied coolly. "Now that we're all here, I can finally begin."

I set up a sound barrier to prevent any eavesdroppers, then leaned in close. Ming Hao's expression turned serious, which was a rarity for him.

"According to one of my classmates… Xu Lian was seen speaking with Si Ye. The two seemed to have come to an agreement of some sort, and I don't like it."

Long Lu blinked. "I don't get it. What's there to be worried about? They just finally realized fighting like that is pointless when they're both on the same strength level, that's all."

"No… there's a major problem," I muttered, frowning in thought and narrowing my eyes. "Knowing Xu Lian, he must've said something to Si Ye to forcefully make her change her mind — or should I say… change her target."

"Yep," Ming Hao agreed, nodding firmly. "My guess? They're coming for us tomorrow. Two whole classes, 50 people, raiding this temple."

"Then… they realized the truth," Long Lu cursed. "Fuck."

"Don't worry," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "This is within expectations. Things were going to a bit too smoothly, after all. I knew they were going to realize it eventually — but it happening this late is good for us, since they'll only have time for one good invasion."

"I doubt they'll come tonight, since they have to do reconnaissance and such," Ming Hao added. "But tomorrow… we need to be ready."

Long Lu nodded, having taken this news better than expected.

"I'll let my class know. You let yours."

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