The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 377 - The Final Stretch

After returning from the battle, I had the rest of the girls spar one another for training. Nothing really eventful happened — at about 1 in the morning, Class C decided it was a good idea to raid Class B again, but it ended up in a tie once more. Class A's students were sent in to steal the flags just like earlier, bringing Class A's total flag count up to 30.

Add that to the 5 from Class D that had respawned, and we get 35 total.

That same night, however, just when I was trying to go to sleep, I was summoned into a place I never thought I would be forcefully summoned into — the Infinite Realm.

"… Sylvie." I sighed. "Did you need something from me?"

"Yes," she replied, shooting me a sideways glance. "What, do you not want to see me?"

"No no. You're very cute, how can I not want to see you?" I teased, knowing she hates it when I did that. To my surprise, however, rather than shooting me down like usual, she blushed and looked away.

"A-Ahem… anyway. I want to speak to you about something."

Sensing the change in atmosphere, I got serious. 

"… What's the matter?"

"Because I was a bit curious, I ran a little scan of your body. Can you believe what I found?"

I gulped. Did she find out something more about Chaos…?

"What did you find?"

"The angel-blood you received from that girl, Lin Luo. But that's not all."

She turned to me and walked closer, staring into my eyes threateningly. "I also found traces of… vampire blood. It was nearly completely covered up by the scent of the angel blood, but I could still sense it. Tell me, where did that come from?"


I recalled the deal I made with Count Draculus a while back. I would have to pay the land of the Vampires a visit sooner or later, but that was a secret mission the other Founders weren't supposed to know about.

"I recommend you to be honest with me," Sylvoir said dangerously. "I may not be able to kill you, but I have plenty of ways to make you suffer."

After some careful consideration, I sighed.

"The vampire blood… it came from Count Draculus."

Hearing this, Sylvoir snorted. "Looks like you still have some respect for me."

"… You knew?"

"Of course. He's the first person I would go to when matters about vampires came up. I was just testing you to see whether you would be honest with me or not."

Actually, I was planning on making up a lie, but this works too.

"He gave me a mission," I replied. "But as of right now, I still don't know what that mission is. Do you have any idea, Sylvie?"

"Hm… a mission, huh? If he hasn't told you the details already, it must mean you aren't strong enough yet. The only issue within Vampire territory I can think of on that caliber would be the battle for the throne…"

"Battle for the throne…?"

Sylvoir glanced at me briefly, before looking away and folding her arms. "I've told you everything I can. I don't want to mislead you, so that's all I'm going to say. Take my words with a grain of salt — I'm no expert on the Vampire race. The details, you'll still have to find out from Count Draculus himself."

"I see…"

"However," Sylvoir continued, catching me off-guard. "I will say this: the battle for the throne in the Vampire race is coming up in a year or so. If you want to fulfill the mission Count Draculus gave you… get strong enough before then."

"… Got it. Thanks."

"Don't thank me. I'm merely performing my duty as the leader of the Founders."

"Then… I'm going to leave now, if that's alright with you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"… Sure. Sleep well."

"Yeah… you too."

I turned around as she opened the portal to let me leave, but right before I stepped through…

"Hey, Xuan Kai-"

She smiled faintly.

"-Stay safe."

I blinked. "You're… worrying about me?"

"N-No!" Sylvoir immediately denied, blushing red and turning away. "It's just… if you die, the Library will be inevitably damaged as well. That's all — don't overestimate yourself!"

I chuckled. "Right…"

I walked over and pulled her into an embrace, catching her by surprise. Her short body felt soft and warm in my arms, and I couldn't  resist patting her head.

"…!" She flinched cutely in my embrace, but didn't pull away.

"For some reason, whenever I come in here and talk with you, I can always feel comforted and at home. For that…"

I pulled away and smiled at her stunned face.

"… Thank you, Sylvie."

But to my surprise, she suddenly slapped me across the face.


"Ouch- what was that for?!" I yelled, clutching my cheek in pain.

"A-Ah! I'm sorry…" Sylvoir hurriedly rushed over to see if I was okay, and I smirked.

"Got you."

"Wha…!" She realized she'd been played, and sank a deep punch into my stomach.

"Ngh… okay, that one actually hurt…"

"Hmph! I'm never believing you again!" She snorted and turned away, closing her eyes defiantly. 

I smiled gently and looked at her. She opened one eye to look at me, and the corners of her lip slowly curved up into a grin as well.

"… Until next time, Sylvie."

"Mm… until next time, Xuan Kai."


The remainder of that week was practically just a repeat of yesterday.

Class C would launch attacks on Class B as soon as they got the chance, and the result would always end in a tie. Meanwhile, Class D continued to score takedown points for free, and Class A continued receiving 10 flags for every day that passed. To kill time, the girls and I fought against one another to gain experience, then meditated in the Void Realm at night to advance our cultivation.

I was currently an Ancestral Mage, able to use Legendary-Tier spells, but even with all this battle experience, I have yet to feel the formation of a Battle Soul in my body. Unfortunately, the only person still alive I could ask regarding that was Xiang Peng, but she and I were separated at the moment.

"Man… I can't believe how stupid they are," Ming Hao chuckled lightly. I currently sat in his office with Long Lu, who was laughing boldly.

"Hey, you said that Si Ye girl was strong, right? Seems like she isn't the brightest," he laughed out loud.

"Hm… she's usually better than this. I'm assuming this has something to do with that guy by her side."

I smirked, sipping on a cup of warm tea. "Jealous?"

"Huh? You're kidding," Ming Hao scoffed. "Why would I be jealous of some rando hanging around Si Ye? I don't even like her."

"Yeah, that was what I told myself regarding all the girls around me as well in the past." I shrugged, setting the cup of tea down. "Don't forget about that bet you and I made."

"Yeah, well, you're the same one who told me to find a girl I actually liked, or else it wouldn't count," he shot back. "I'm telling you, Si Ye and I may have grown up together, but we're like siblings, not lovers."

"If they aren't blood related, they're free to be dated." I smirked.

"Ha! Good one!" Long Lu chuckled. "Wise indeed."

"I mean, I guess that's true… you and that short girl… ah, I forgot her name."

"Qing Yue?"

"Yeah, that's it!"

I scoffed. "She would kill you if she knew you referred to her as 'short girl', you know."

"Heh, even you won't be able to beat me as I am right now — you think she can?"

"Better not to be so confident," I replied calmly. "By the way, do you know anyone who's a Golden Monarch or above?"

"Uh… yeah, I do, but why?" Ming Hao tilted his head curiously.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if I could get some… pointers from them."

"Pointers…?" He frowned, then widened his eyes as he realized. "Wait, don't tell me, are you already at that stage?!"

"What are you talking about?" I snorted. "Of course not. But better to get advice now than when the time actually comes, no?"

I didn't want to reveal my true strength, but at the same time wanted to use these two's connections to see if there was anyone willing to help me awaken my Battle Soul, so this was the only method I could use.

"Well… if it's a Golden Monarch teacher you need, I do have someone," Long Lu chimed in. "But we'll have to wait until summer break, which is in about a month, starting in June. He's an elder in my family — watched me grow up and everything, real nice person. I'm sure he would love to help."

I nodded firmly. "I see. Then, I'll thank you in advance."

He smiled friendlily. "No problem, Brother Xuan. You're practically carrying the class to victory right now and letting me get all the credit to top it off — this is the least I can do to repay you."

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