Chapter 120: All bark, no bite – 2

Dhup! Dup!

Dhup! Dup!

Ling Fei’s heart pounded as he heard the commotion around him.

He could feel the intense gazes burning into him from all directions… his master, the elders, even the beasts themselves were looking at him.

The pressure was suffocating, threatening to crush him.

He didn’t believe why he was seen as wrong when he just stole an item to cure his mother, he couldn’t believe the situation had worsened so much.

He believed he was innocent yet, looking at their eyes that had already considered him guilty, he couldn’t think straight.


He somehow managed to swallow hard despite the overwhelming feeling of a big lump of uneasiness sitting at his throat.

“I…I…” Ling Fei stammered, his mind raced to find the right choice of words to defend himself. He wanted to explain himself, he wanted them to know that he wasn’t as bad as they thought,


How could he possibly explain himself? He had stolen the artifact to save his mother, but now it seemed he had ignited a war and put everyone in danger.

Many lives were already lost, and he can’t protect his reputation, his honor, and his dignity.

The blood of many was engraved in his soul.

He could feel his consciousness eating him alive.

At the same time,

Bai Lung’s menacing aura continued to wash over them, amplifying the chaos, and his dominance.

He had to make sure everything was under his control… Everyone should dance right under his palm.

Sensing the increasing pressure, Ling Fei knew he had to make a decision quickly before this escalated further.

His mother’s life hung in the balance, but could he really trust this ruthless man before him?

Then again, what is the point of trusting… He is already bad in the eyes of many, there is simply no point in returning it when he has come this far.

As long as one has a brain, they would never hand over the treasure. His life is in danger, he might get assassinated by someone whose family member has died in a raid.

Steeling his nerves, Ling Fei looked up at Bai Lung with a mixture of fear and defiance. He had made his decision final.

“I…I can’t give you the artifact even if my mother’s life is at stake, I won’t hand it no matter what!” His voice shook, but his resolve was unwavering.

Heeding this,

The onlookers erupted in murmurs of shock and disapproval.

” Tch! What is this bastard? Who even gave birth to such a lowly creature? ”

” I think he is A golf hitter, he doesn’t care others die or not, ”

” Hmm! This brat is very shamless, he actually values this treasure over his mother’s life… I am disappointed, I am feeling sad for his mother with 99 others, ”

” who is 99 others? Don’t count me in, I don’t care about his family matter, ”

“Hmm! If he chose that treasure over his mother, doesn’t that mean the treasure is powerful? ”

” Makes sense but mother is mother… How can a treasure replace her, ”

” Tsk! As long as treasure is priceless and powerful, it can replace everyone, ”

Just then,

Ling Fei’s master stepped forward with her brow furrowed with concern. ” Ling Fei, don’t be foolish. This man clearly holds great power… you cannot defy him. Hand over the artifact, and he has promised to save your mother. Think of the lives at stake here! ”

Ling Fei’s eyes darted between his master and Bai Lung, with his heart shattered into a million pieces.

Hearing her cold words, he felt like his heart had been stabbed multiple times by a sharp object, he doesn’t know why but, he felt like he was losing something.

He doesn’t know what he was losing but he believed he was losing something precious.

He wondered, could he really trust this man’s promise? What if it was all a cruel lie? The weight of uncertainty haunts him.

Dup! Dup!

Ling Fei’s heart raced as he watched the chaos unfold around him, he could feel them angry at him, he was looked down upon by many.

He could hear a few people calling him scum on how he decided to abandon his mother for treasure.

Knowing the increasing anger of this senior, he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving his beloved master and the others to face Bai Lung’s wrath alone.

But the fear of losing his mother’s life gripped him, twisting his insides with unbearable anguish.

He wished he could run from here… Somewhere far, where he could restart his life, where he wouldn’t have to see these faces. Somewhere alone and peaceful.

Crazy how a single moment could ruin a life, however, coming back to reality, Ling Fei sighed.

“I can’t run…I have to do something!” Ling Fei thought desperately, while, his sweaty palms continued to clutch the precious artifact.

He glanced around at the panicked faces of the elders with their eyes pleading with him to return the treasure while he still could.

Then Ling Fei’s gaze landed on his master.

Her serene expression belied the intense concentration etched upon her face.

The trust and faith shining in her eyes struck Ling Fei’s heart like an arrow, making it bleed even harder.

He couldn’t let her down… he had to find a way to save them all and of course, keep the treasure to himself.

Squaring his shoulders, Ling Fei stepped forward, placing himself between Bai Lung and the others.

“I won’t run! I’ll face you myself… If you want this artifact, you’ll have to take it from me! ”

His voice rang out with strong and unwavering, belying the whirlpool of emotions swirling within him, he knew that he should kill this man before he killed him.

” Oh! Pfft~ ” Bai Lung’s cruel laughter echoed through the area, sending chills down Ling Fei’s spine.

” ah! Foolish boy, do you really think you can stand against me?” He sneered with his eyes glinting with sinister amusement.

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