Chapter 119: All bark no bite!

” Hehe~ you do realize that, once you hand it to your mother, you are vulnerable… I guess, you haven’t thought of the bigger picture, that artifact can indeed protect you… But, what about your close ones? ” Bai Lung spoke in a bloodthirsty voice.

Hearing this, with a thud sound, Ling Fei fell to his knees with his eyes widened in shock.

He never thought about this, but, the man in front of him was correct, this artifact can indeed protect him but his mother…

A deep hatred rose in Ling Fei’s heart, this bastard was threatening him in the most inhuman way.

Ling Fei looked at Bai Lung with sheer hatred in his enlarged pupil, despite this man’s promise to save his mother, Ling Fei was still troubled with doubts, “I can’t trust you…”

Ling Fei simply can’t trust this man anymore, he even used his mother as a threat for a bargain, as cruel as it sounds, Ling Fei doubts that he and his mother will be slaughtered without mercy once this thing leaves his hand.


Seeing the uneasiness in his eyes,

Bai Lung looked at him with a cold smile, “Trust me little one, I’m not the one you should be afraid of… Just give me the pearl, and I’ll tell you how to save your mother… You might be worried that I will attack you or these beasts will attack you, however, rest assured, once you hand it over, we will leave immediately, ”

Bai Lung’s voice was full of confidence, making even the woman doubt about herself. She couldn’t believe this man just said, her beast army would leave immediately.

She couldn’t believe this estimated senior didn’t bother asking her, then again, he didn’t really need to ask.

‘ Ughhh! ‘ her heart began to beat faster and faster, how could he make all the decisions himself without asking for her?

Yet, she didn’t realize that he doesn’t need to tell her, why even bother asking her, there really wasn’t anything that Bai Lung needed to discuss with her.


Ling Fei was hesitant, he didn’t want to lose his mother… But he also didn’t want to give up his only hope.

[ Ding! The protagonist’s favourability has been decreased to negative seventy. ( -70 ) ]

[ Ding! The affection of the foxy woman is increased by Ten, current affection = negative Ten ( -10 ) ]

Bai Lung could sense Ling Fei’s hesitation and his growing hatred, making Bai Lung smile sinisterly,

” I don’t know what’s taking you so long, I promise… I’ll tell you how to save your mother in exchange for the pearl… Or, perhaps the pearl is more valuable to you than your mother’s life, ” Bai Lung uttered loudly, causing a few nearby Daoists to look in that direction.

Even the beasts looked at Ling Fei as they had heard the conversation.

For a moment, the battle had stopped.

Soon, everyone, regardless of human or beast looked at Bai Lung with sharp eyes.

One of the elders, who recognized Ling Fei, came forward and said,

” Ling Fei, hand over the artifact they are requesting, we can stop the casualty with peace, ” The old man said with a sharp voice, looking at Ling Fei.

” Hmm… Ling Fei, give them what they want, otherwise, that casualty will be severe for both sides, especially ours, ” This time, a beautiful woman came forward and uttered.

She was Ling Fei’s master, she didn’t know what was going on, but, she understood that Ling Fei had an artifact because of which these beasts were attacking them, wreaking havoc.

She stole an uneasy and nervous glance at Bai Lung whose face was hidden, and judging from the situation where even a Tier-6 beast was completely submissive to him, she guessed he must be some big shot.

” Indeed… Listen to your master and hand it over to them, the senior is even willing to tell you how to cure your mother… I think that’s a food deal, ” The elder from before said while stroking his beard.

” This… ” Ling Fei was overwhelmed, he felt as if the sky had fallen into his head, he felt strong social pressure.

Feeling an opportunity, Bai Lung decided to play further, ” You puny brat, stop being stubborn and hand over the artifact you stole… I am merciful that I am talking nicely to a thief like you, however, it seems you want to step on my head… ” Bai Lung uttered while a strong aura was released from him, pushing everyone to their knees.

He has wasted another treasure that he stole from the rising Phoenix sect.

It was a powerful treasure with the aura of an emperor, that could be used for defense when the sect was under attack but… Well, he couldn’t think of any other ways to make everyone fear him aside from this.

He wanted these people to know how powerful he was while using the aura of someone else.

Swooosh~ swoosh~

A powerful purple aura swept across the area,

” Ughhh! Such strong pressure… The aura is simply too powerful, I can’t watch straight, ”

” Huppp! The senior seems to be angry, hurry up LING FEI, HAND OVER THE ARTIFACT YOU STOLE, ”

” hmmm! This brat wants all of us dead, not only did he steal a treasure and cause a war, he even refused to hand it over, ”

” Ling Fei, I didn’t expect you to steal a treasure, did I ever teach you that? Hand it over politely, ”

Seeing the situation, Bai Lung smirked with an evil intention.

He was using the protagonist’s aura against the protagonist.

[ Protagonst’s aura = easily attracts the hatred of common people, gets looked down on by common people, always creates trouble, ]

Bai Lung was quite enjoying the moment, everyone was literally blaming Ling Fei.

” Hmph! A brat who hasn’t seen Mt.Tai, it seems I need to slaughter everyone here, to show that I am not to be ignored, ” Bai Lung said coldly while looking at Ling Fei, who was also pushed to his knees.

However, Bai Lung didn’t attack immediately as he didn’t possess powerful martial arts to show these people.

As pathetic as it sounds, Bai Lung is all bark and no bite.

All he can do is play mind games and keep them thinking they are inferior to him.

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