The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Chapter 114: The Chad thanks constellations for fucked up lottery!

Chapter 114: The Chad thanks constellations for fucked up lottery!

As Ling Fei faced the ferocious lion, he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins.

Baam! Bang!

Swoosh! Swish!

His instincts kicked in, guiding him to unleash a torrent of purple energy that crackled with raw force.


The lion recoiled from the impact while, its eyes widened in surprise as it recognized the strength behind this unexpected assault.


The lion roared loudly,

All while,

Bai Lung watched from afar sitting at the branch, assessing the situation with keen interest.

He could sense the possibility of danger posed by Ling Fei’s sudden burst of power and knew he needed to act quickly if he hoped to maintain control over events.

That purple auta seems highly dangerous.

However the next moment, his body quivered in fear.

Dhup! Dup!

His heart starts to pound like a train engine.

” Die Mortal… ”

Hearing such a cold ruthless voice, his eyes widen in horror.

Bang! Swoosh! Swish!

Suddenly out of nowhere, a beautiful woman rushed in at attacked Ling Fei with her fist covered in a dim yellow aura.

She was wearing beautiful clothes free from dust, while she possessed a good curvy, hourglass figure with good front mountains and back hills.

She had smooth buttery white skin, while she possessed brown eyes.

Her natural brown eyes flicked with a bright life while her long tails fluttered behind her back.

As beautiful as she looked, she was equally cruel and powerful.

Her first repeatedly hit the man in the black robe protagonist while the runes in his robe protected him.


Bai Lung breathed a long breath of relief knowing very well that, he wasn’t discovered yet, which was a good thing for him.

Meanwhile, he glanced at the spirit fox from up to down, she was just like his cum dustbin of a stepmother.

Looking at her, he smiled however, just then, his eyes went towards the green object that was glowing Ling Fei’s hands.

‘ Hmmm… I see, so, that’s his cheat code, ‘ Bai Ling thought however, the next moment his smile widened.

He quickly figured it out that, this wasn’t merely a power cheat for the protagonist but also the reason for Beast Tide.

No matter who very says what, Bai Lung’s nuts tell him that, a green object emitting a small aura is a peerless treasure.

Well, it may not exactly be a peerless treasure but, it is powerful.

Bai Lung nodded his head as he connected the dots, he guessed this guy stole this treasure unknowingly, probably, to help his mother or harem member who was sick.

But, it turns out to be an ancient treasure with a powerful lore.

Based on his knowledge as a reader, they will probably come to an agreement very soon, where this guy will somehow make a connection with this woman.

As stupid as it sounds, This protagonist will either hand this item to her or talk random nonsense and keep the treasure to himself while making peace.

If only he could someone mess things up, it would be fun.

Matter of fact it would be really fun.

He was destroying the connection of his fated enemy, which means, it’s a win on his side. A complete victory and the first step of making this protagonist his pawn.

He just needs to use the anger of this bitch with multiple tails, he can easily stop their friendship.

[ Ding! You have 1 lottery token! Would you like to use it? ]

‘ Oh? ‘ Bai Lung smirked while thanking the constellations that donated to him, he couldn’t believe his luck.

The lottery token came at the right time, which is a clear indication that he will obtain some heaven defying rewards.

” use it… I better obtain some good reward, ” he said with a deep excitement in his heart.

[ Ding! You have obtained a void hooded robe, it can conceal your presence permanently, and block others’ Qi. ]

[ It can conceal your identity and hide your body from face to toe, ]

[ Good thing! Others can’t figure out your cultivation base even if they use all kinds of techniques or treasure ]

Bai Lung: “…”

His disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined.

He had a great feeling about this lottery but he obtained another trash reward.

Indeed it is not that trash but still A robe? What is the point of it? Bai Lung couldn’t figure it out.

However, simply nodding on it is what it is, he began to think of ideas.

When it comes to creating trouble for others, his mind runs extremely wild, faster than the speed of anything, even imagination or thoughts.

” Hehe! ” he let out a creepy laugh as he finally understood what to do.

” protagonist… Oh, protagonist! Don’t blame me for being cruel and ruining your life, ” he uttered in a small voice while he wore the black robe completely hiding his head to toe in darkness.


As the spiritual fox prepared another attack on Ling Fei, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He couldn’t believe how strong this woman was, however, he was more shocked to see his robe protecting him.

He couldn’t believe what it was but he sure loved the feeling of it.

His robe shone brightly while a strong aura released from the spiritual pearl, making him realize what was going on.

He finally understood the source is his newfound powers.

” Y-You… Return me the Pearl, and I won’t hurt anybody, ” The spirit fox said with a cold snort.

However, Ling Fei didn’t believe her words, and most importantly, why would he give up such a fine treasure?

He has clearly seen the power of this pearl, as long as he holds it, he can’t die.

Her attacks won’t reach him at all, in that case, why should he even listen to her words?

With a creepy smile tugged on his lips, he shook his head, ” I refuse… ”


Bai Lung: “…”

He didn’t expect the protagonist to act like this, like at all, however, he still stood on the branch monitoring everything to know; how will this progress from here.

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