The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Chapter 113: The Protagonist! - Ling Fei!

Chapter 113: The Protagonist! – Ling Fei!

Small Back Story of the protagonist – The Reason behind the Beast Raid!

” Ahhh~ ” Ling Fei’s mother was lying on the bed, she seemed heavily sick and weird. It won’t be an issue to say she was on her deathbed.

Seeing her like this, Ling Fei’s heart trembled, he wanted to save her, she was his only mother.

However, there wasn’t any method to save her.

Huuufff* Huuuuuffff*

her breaths came in shallow gasps while her body wracked with pain.

Ling Fei just stood by her side with his heart heavy with despair and helplessness.

She was his only family, his mother who had raised him single-handedly since his father vanished to an unknown place, saying he was going to get some heavenly milk produced by a mystical male cow.

” I’m sorry, Mother,” Ling Fei whispered with his voice full of sad emotions.

” I’ll find a way to save you, I promise.”

Even tho he muttered those fake words of hope, deep down, he knew the truth.

There was no cure for her illness, no magic potion or divine intervention that could heal her.

All he could do was watch helplessly as she slipped away from him, day by day, getting more and more sick.

He couldn’t see her getting worse and worse, day by day.


On one faithful day, he learned that there was a beautiful magical spirit fox in the Toupo forest from one of his sources.

Who also provides him with the information that she has an extremely rare treasure that can save his mother.

So, he decided to steal it.

It was a spiritual pearl, and using it he did manage to make his mother’s condition somewhat stable but, because of his action, these beasts decided to raid humans.

As a Tier-6 beast, she possesses enough intelligence so, it wasn’t long before she figured out humans stop their rare treasure.

The treasure aka the spiritual pearl, is a pearl that needs to be refined,

according to legend, it is the tears of the god of immortal Dao that was descended do this realm,

Since it was too much powerful and his mother was sick, she couldn’t properly refine the spiritual pearl.

And to top it off, the spiritual fox also knows that no human can refine the pearl this easily as such, she had waged a war to search for the pearl.

As someone of beast origin, she really needed to refine the pearl to make the breakthrough, it was that pearl that had led her to become a Tier-6 monster.

Without it, her dream to become an immortal beast is completely shattered.


Ling Fei also realized he had made a grave mistake by stealing the spiritual pearl from the magical spirit fox.

His desire to help his mother had led to a beast raid that could kill many innocent lives, however, he didn’t care about it until he realized these monsters were headed straight to his village.

He could feel her rage and determination to get it back from miles away,

All while, he greatly believed that she would not stop at anything to reclaim what belonged to her.

On the battle day,

Boom! Baaam! Boom!

Clang! Swoosh! Swish!

Ling Fei who was happy seeing the increasing vitality of her mother suddenly frowned hearing some explosive noises coming from a nearby mountain.

Sweats formed on his head while he played it wasn’t what he was thinking it was.

But to his bad luck, it was truly a monster raid and his sect elders were fighting the monster tide.

Just looking from far away, he could tell things weren’t easy, the sect elders were getting pushed back.

“Mother you stay here… ” Saying that, Ling Fei looked at the monster pearl, the cause of this tide. ” I will be taking this, ” he said while he grabbed the green spiritual pearl.

” Ah~ ” The mother was shocked while she blinked twice, she didn’t know what was going on but it seemed something dangerous was happening.

” Y-You!!! You are not planning on going there, are you? ” She asked in a weak voice, with her face full of worry.

” Hmm! ” he just nodded his head and clenched his fist.

Unknown to him, the pearl was glowing brightly in his palm.

The glow was faint but a mysterious energy was being emitted by it to the surroundings, instantly calming his mind.

With a determined face, Ling Fei walked out of his house and gritted his teeth, ” Master, please wait for me, ” he said in a small voice.


As he flew there in a minute, he could see his master getting attacked by a wild animal whose eyes were gleaming with killing intent, and his paws were covered in a strong dangerous aura.

Strangely, he was very calm even seeing his beautiful master in a difficult position, with a flick of his wrist he released a purple Qi ball and threw it at the beast.

The beast was instantly turned into ashes.


He was surprised to see this, he couldn’t believe he just evaporated a beast with a casual attack.

He was confused about what just happened. He usually used to shoot normal dazzling Golden Qi but this time, this was purple with powerful intent of heaven and universe.

His hands and legs were still trembling, unable to fathom that he released just a powerful Qi Strike.


The next instance, his eyes went to the elder and master who were engaged in a fierce battle with a fierce lion whose body was covered in a strong black aura with its paws glowing purple.


Seeing the lion launching itself at them, he rushed there while his black robe fluttered magically forming golden runes which seemed to be defensive runes.

The runes glowed brightly while he couldn’t believe his body was moving on its own, facing the tier 5 lion.

His eyes shuts tightly,

At the same time,

The spirit fox who was far away noticed the familiar aura, it was the spiritual pearl.

Without any warning, she swiftly moved and launched a magical ball at Ling Fei.

” Die Mortal… “

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