If it would be anyone else standing before such a tide of burly reptilian warriors, they would frantically try to dodge or maybe even turn around and escape with all their might. They would do anything in order to get out of the way of this surefire billowing cloud of death sentence. They would be afraid they would be crushed to a sludge under their opponents' feet.

However, the mysterious gray robed stranger, the outsider that was like a grand puzzle that just kept on giving, revealing more and more peculiarities as the time progressed has once again shocked the masses and went against common conception: He did not retreat, nor did he try to dodge.

His expression held no traces of any lingering fear, dread, or terror. Instead, he looked excited, elated, and even somewhat joyous as he looked forward. His eyes lit up with a feverish, golden luster, his [Soul Power] surged akin to a furious sound of tsunami mixed with rumbling summery thunderstorm.

His aura suddenly exploded, revealing a strength, a power that was several layers above what he exerted previously!

Aiden, the gray robed stranger's strength has suddenly exploded without an answer in the eyes of the spectating crowd!

"I guess it's time to end this before more of you show up. Also…" He mused to himself, in the common tongue, making the Tirax, the scarlet scaled draconic skink standing beside looked confused as he heard the strange jibberish. Though he was curious, he decided against speaking up and instead took a hesitant step backward. The incoming tide was just as fearsome, if not more terrifying than Korgoth's previous charge.

Noticing his actions, Aiden smiled and shook his head. Shifting his attention he now fully concentrated on the approaching first wave of enemies. Golden strings of ethereal energy emerged like a thin layer, covering his arms in the next moment. Aiden's [Soul Power] revolved around his thin physique frantically, churning and pushing his body's limits beyond its mortal capabilities.

"[Reptilian] STOP!"

Exhaling, Aiden extended his arms. Two pairs of fearsome palms emerged and pushed against the direction of the two frontal carnosaurs that were charging over.

Instantly, his raggedy sleeves exploded with a violent momentum, revealing two ripped arms where his muscles were knotted together inch by inch, golden scale by golden scale. Like the freshly trained molten steel, they exuded the feeling of immense, insurmountable strength.

The momentum of charging, galloping beasts was intense.

Trained Warriors aside, even in the prime of the realm's lifetime, few creatures would dare to stand against the might of these fearsome predators head-on.

However, the two carnosaurs that were pressed on the spot by Aiden's palms and could not advance a single inch!

Aiden's feet sank deep into the arena's floor as he stood like an ancient god with a deep and unwavering gaze!

Caught off guard, the two Temple Guards riding the carnosaurs were sent flying in the next moment.

Realizing that the situation was not as desperate and despairing as he first thought it to be, Tirax made a firm decision and stepped forward once more. His weapons though long been lost, his will did not falter as he removed his gloves and wanted to use his claws as his choice of armament next.

However, before he could do so, suddenly a large spear appeared in between his palms. It was as if it literally materialized out of the thin air!

"[Reptilian] Use that!" He heard the call of the robed stranger from before him before he could ask anything.

Though still confused and bewildered by the matter, the situation did not give him the opportunity the linger on the topic for the time being. As such, together with his firm will and resolve that he would not continue to stand as a bystander in the battle that would most likely decide his fate going forward and instead fight alongside with his patron, Tirax did not hesitrate to seize the opportunity next.

He swung his weapon, instantly ending the life of the two startled and stumped guards that were sent flying into the air in a momentary daze.

The two tamed carnosaurs, now ownerless, quickly made a bowline towards the sides, deciding not to entangle with this rabble anymore and scurried away next.

With the frontline so decisively crushed the riders behind the first two could not stop their advance in time and all of them fell to the ground one after another in the resulting mess.

On his side, a Guard charged towards Aiden's chest.

"[Reptilian] How foolish…"

Sneering, Aiden strode forward to intercept the assailant and raised his right knee, ramming over with massive force as well.


The burly draconic skink Temple Guard were sent flying by a much smaller-looking robed figure crashing into the ground far in the distance. His helpless figure rolled and tumbled on the round several rounds before finally came to stop by the same pile of rubble their brethren were buried under.

In the blink of an eye, the battlefield was in chaos.

The surrounding crowd was shocked as their impressions changed several times over the course of the entire event.

Although they were merely spectators, enjoyers of the show that was put up for them, they felt as sense of dread, a swelling senation of fear the more they witnessed the impossible feats of this unknown stranger. The weaker willed ones could barely hold themselves in the back, and not turn around to escape and flee in panic.

"[Reptilian] This has gone for long enough… It's time to stop."

Aiden muttered once again, the same thought he had before. In the next instant, his body suddenly flickered and vanished from sight.


"[Reptilian] Ah!"

"[Reptilian] Argh!"

Shrieks and bloody, death gurgles exploded from within the band of Temple Guards in the next instant. A blurry, grayish-green trail zapped between their lines, causing endless carnage and damage in its wake. Wherever the strange phenomenon zapped by, throats were crushed, torn and ripped apart… Only death were left in its wake.

Cries of shock and surprise came from the crowd.

On the second floor, the white-robed man and the old man exclaimed softly at the same time.

The old man frowned tightly with an odd expression as he shook his head. "Something doesn't feel right. These are not abilities anybody can possess. To accomplish these feats, one would require a massive pool of resource. He should have cultivated his [Mana] to at least the stage of being a Master. Yet, there's no trace of even the slightest sliver of [Mana] in anything he does…"

"Yet, you can not deny what is painfully obvious, Uncle." Suddenly, the white-robed man said. "He is far from being weak as you had expected. On the contrary… he seems to be stronger than anything we had witnessed before."


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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